August 2, 2015

#ShowUsTheHorse - #Anonymous Statement

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#ShowUsTheHorse - #AnonsForHorses - #OpFunkill - #Anonymous - #ShowUsTheHorse
Greeting from Anonymous ----
Dear citizens of the world and animal lovers everywhere,
“A picture is worth a thousand words…unless it gets posted on the internet, when it’s good for millions of words from commenters.”
... And a visit from #Anonymous
We have come to ask for your assistance regarding a very horrific case of animal cruelty inflicted upon a young horse and what may be a good ol' boy network of government cover up
Here is some background to help you understand what has transpired and why #Anonymous has decided to take action. (source links below)
On June 7th, horse owner and trainer, Jeromy Reece Mixon from Millerton, Oklahoma posted photos displaying his' "training method" of a young horse on his personal Facebook. Apparently he felt rather proud of himself and choose to publicly display these photos but his 'training" appeared to many to be an obvious case of horse abuse and cruelty.
Disgusted and outraged social media users reported the incident to the local sheriffs office who responded and a vet was called out.
What happened (or didn't happen) next is utterly incredible. The McCurtain County District Attorney Mark Matloff elected NOT to press charges.  Why?  No answer has been given that we are aware of.
Could it be that this is because he is good buddies and Facebook friends with  Mixon who also happens to be a Millerton fireman?  In a small town of a population ~350 it seems rather likely their paths have crossed a few times
Fortunate for this case various news articles and social media accounts (namely @HorseinOKabused) had done a lot of investigation and preservation of evidence as Mr. Mixon has now not only deleted his posts but changed his name spelling from Jeromy to Jeremy and locked his Facebook (gee wonder why?)
Turns out when questioned about this "training" technique he replied "when did sitting on a colt become a crime?" and further defended his actions by stating the horse was "combative".
However evidence shows that more than just sitting on this young horse occurred. The horse was down and hog-tied (how he got the horse down and hog-tied while it was so "combative" conjures up horrific images of leg roping and/or flipping the poor horse). He is then shown standing on the horse in the act of forcefully bull-whipping the defenseless young Bull whips cut flesh and standing on a horse's flanks and ribs makes breathing difficult for them   Be sure to scroll through our photo album and see his own Facebook posting defending his inhumane actions and public condemnation of it by the American Veterinary Medical Assoc and American Association of Equine Practitioners
To this day nobody knows what has become of the young horse - dead? But what is certain is that Mixon has gotten away with felony far.
Is this abuse? Yes it is!.  According to every veterinarian we have consulted, including a State expert in horse abuse, as well as the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Assoc) and the AAEP (American Assoc of Equine Practioners) who have publicly commented on this case. (Screen shot available in album above or see respective timelines)
So due to the abuse clearly demonstrated by Mixon's own photos and the lack of inaction by Oklahoma officials Anonymous has now decided to take this case to heart - yes not all of Anons are heartless bastards.
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." --Margaret Mead
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KEY ACCOUNTS & INFO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Facebook page dedicated to #ShowUsTheHorse
Op Accounts: @Anons4Horses @HorseinOKabused
#FF accounts: @OpFunkill @Anonorpheus @chrissieward71 @teresakay @autumnrainwater
Hashtag: #ShowUsTheHorse  #Oklahoma
Album of photos- confessions, key screen shot of horse orgs condemning
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RESOURCE LINKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
RESOURCE LINKS  (Date-Brief Summary of outstanding content)
June 6  First known critcism of abuse
June 7 Comprehensive coverage of story (with June 28 update of NO charges)
June 8 - Public outcries
June 8  Report of original objections and outcry
June 8 A trainers perspective
June 9 Short summary of the case
June 11 Direct responses from Mixon to accusers
June 11
June 13 Comments placed upon the workplace website of Jeremy Mixon
June 24 An overview of events with a video of photographic evidence
June 26  Update no charges claims DA
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& PETITIONS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
 PETITIONS - Please sign and retweet :)
Targets Attorney General
Targets DA Matloff
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& KEY PLAYERS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Abuser: Jeromy (Jeremy) Reece Mixon of Millerton, Oklahoma see @TardSquad for doX info
Please write, call and tweet these people - be heard, this horse needs a voice
Scott Pruitt: Attorney General
Twitter @AGScottPruitt
Government site
ONLINE complaint form:
Mary Fallin: Governor
Twitter @GovMaryFallin
Government site
Buck Irwin: Millerton Mayor
Twitter @Buckaroo68ou
Twitter @AVMAvets
Twitter @AAEPCE
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SHOUT OUTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@AnonsForHorses would like to give special thanks to @HorseinOKabused whose dedication brought this case to the
attention to #Anonymous/@AnandaAnon - their commitment is inspiring
Also thanks go out to @OpFunkill @Anonorpheus (you guys ROCK!) and @chrissieward71 @teresakay @autumnrainwater @AnonyCrypt @Samurai_Lucy @AnanadaAnon
And thanks to #Tricky and two masked men who keep us strong.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  ANONYMOUS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
We Are Anonymous
We Are Legion
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget
Expect Us.... now #ShowUsTheHorse!

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