October 29, 2012

Operation #YouveBeenOwned

Greetings. It is Sunday, October 28th.
#Anonymous and Suicide Girls present,

 @@@ @@@  @@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@ @@@  @@@ @@@@@@@@ 
 @@! !@@ @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ !@  @@!  @@@ @@!     
  !@!@!  @!@  !@! @!@  !@!     @!@  !@! @!!!:!   
   !!:   !!:  !!! !!:  !!!      !: .:!  !!:     
   .:     : :. :   :.:: :         ::    : :: ::: 
 @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@  @@@             
 @@!  @@@ @@!      @@!      @@!@!@@@             
 @!@!@!@  @!!!:!   @!!!:!   @!@@!!@!             
 !!:  !!! !!:      !!:      !!:  !!!             
 :: : ::  : :: ::: : :: ::: ::    :             
  @@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@ @@@  @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@
 @@!  @@@ @@!  @@!  @@! @@!@!@@@ @@!      @@!  @@@
 @!@  !@! @!!  !!@  @!@ @!@@!!@! @!!!:!   @!@  !@!
 !!:  !!!  !:  !!:  !!  !!:  !!! !!:      !!:  !!!
  : :. :    ::.:  :::   ::    :  : :: ::: :: :  :

Binary: 0101100011011101110100010011011101101100101 01000010110010011001001101110 010011101110110110111011001001100100

English: "Operation: You've Been Owned."

From the website, YouveBeenOwned.org:

"Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether you have the right to sell your stuff on eBay. Do you really own the smartphone or computer you’re using to read this? If you sold your books, would you be breaking the law? A federal court in New York says you would be, even if you legally paid for and bought them."

Today, Sunday Oct. 28th, beginning at 3pm EST/2pm Central in the United States, members of Anonymous and internet activists alike, will begin a supplemental support of @demandprogress's actions, by attempting the following:

1) Trend the hashtag: #YouveBeenOwned for over 1 hour throughout the United States, worldwide if possible.

2) Attempt to gather support for YouveBeenOwned.org's petition and ribbon campaign.

3) Widely disseminate informational articles about the U.S. Supreme Court case. See various articles below, already formatted for tweeting.

IMPORTANT: Read some of the information below and familiarize yourself with the issue so that you can quickly generate your own tweets. As usual, RTing will not force a trend, so you should open up a tab that displays #YouveBeenOwned and copy and paste other's Tweets. May the force be with you.


If You've Ever Sold a Used iPod, You May Have Violated Copyright Law: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/06/if-youve-ever-sold-a-used-ipod-you-may-have-violated-copyright-law/258276/ #YouveBeenOwned Go to youvebeenowned.org!

This Week, U.S. Supreme Court May Outlaw Your Right to Resell Your Own Property!!! Learn More: http://www.youvebeenowned.org/ #YouveBeenOwned

Big Business Trying to Undermine Your Right to Resell Stuff You Own: http://my.firedoglake.com/demandprogress/2012/10/24/day-of-action-monday-big-business-trying-to-undermine-your-right-to-resell-stuff-you-own/ #YouveBeenOwned

Court Decision May Make It Illegal To Resell Stuff You Own: http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2012/10/23/kirtsaeng_v_john_wiley_sons_case_may_upend_international_copyright_law.html #YouveBeenOwned

It could become illegal to resell your iPhone 4, car or family antiques http://articles.marketwatch.com/2012-10-12/finance/34240922_1_copyright-iphone-consumer-groups #YouveBeenOwned

We Are Anonymous.
We Are Legion.
The Corrupt Fear Us.
The Honest Support Us.
The Heroic Join Us.

#NaziSec ~ The OFFICIAL Wiz Khalifa Dox ~ @JakeTheGod

#    _   __            _ _____                      _ __                       #
#   / | / /___ _____  (_) ___/___  _______  _______(_) /___  __                #
#  /  |/ / __ `/_  / / /\__ \/ _ \/ ___/ / / / ___/ / __/ / / /                #
# / /|  / /_/ / / /_/ /___/ /  __/ /__/ /_/ / /  / / /_/ /_/ /                 #
#/_/ |_/\__,_/ /___/_//____/\___/\___/\__,_/_/  /_/\__/\__, /                  #
#                                                     /____/                   #
#                                      nazisecurity.com                        #
#                                    |Twitter.com/NaziSec|                     #
#      Members: JakeTheGod, JimenezTheGod, Surg3, Ioncuber, Nuk3               #
#    ***This DoX Courtesy Of: Jake The God, & Surg3***                         #
#                         @JakeTheGod ~~~ @Surg3_                              #
#Previous Doxes;                                                               #
#Romney: http://pastebin.com/8ECz1zCB                                          #
#Obama: pastebin.com/CcdZ9cCQ                                                  #
>> Note, this dox has more information than any previously dropped doxes, so don't
   dare to consider this stolen work. This is complete, their's were not. #BANGBANG
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Cameron Jibril Thomaz

Born: Sep 8, 1987 [Age 25] in Minot, North Dakota

Height: 6' 4" (1.93 m)

Education: Taylor Allderdice High School

Address: 571 E End Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15221

Office Addresses: 10960 Wilshire Blvd Fl 5; Los Angeles, CA 90024
                  12121 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1201; Los Angeles, CA 90025

Spokeo Link: http://www.spokeo.com/reverse-address-search/browse/End+Ave,+Pittsburgh+PA+15221?match=1&addr_num=571#1564662791/1/8871973671

Phone: +1(412)-371-2573

Family members: Dorien M Thomaz (living, 27), Katie Thomaz (living, 48), Bianca Johnson (living), and Isaiah Thomaz (deceased)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Amber Rose: Dated 2011

Natalie Nunn: Dated 2010
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Twitter: @RealWizKhalifa

Net Worth: $11 Million

Jan 28, 2012: Spotted Wiz Khalfia with Amber Rose in miami beach

Feb 04, 2012: Wiz Khalfia met 2 people at the Koliet Mall @ReppinJoliet
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Dat Mugshot: http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/1002/224a769494a24f62821fd94.png

Dat Passport: http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/5387/ac2f3276838443a1bc96ddd.png




Kosova Hackers Security is a hacking group from the Republic of Kosovo which recently hacked Ukraine Police and 600+ Ukraine Websites. We have checked the Ukraine Police Site and found still defaced. Just a few days ago they also attacked the President of the Republic of Macedonia.

Hacked Sites List:

Message In Deface Page:

"Hacked by Th3 Dir3ctorY ~ ThEtA.Nu ~ X|Cripo

Fuck Ukraine and your sister Serbia ---- Republic OF Kosovo !!!! Albanian 4 ever !!

Greetz : Th3 P0w3r ~ SkyWalker ~ TeamgreyHat ~ C0ld Trojan ~ Big Smoke ~ Th3 r00t3R ~ Wino ~ Dr.Virus ~ Albania Cyber Army ~ r-t33n All Albanian hackers :P

thedirectory@info.al ~ theta.nu@windowslive.com ~ x-cripo@live.com"

David L Morgan aka 'Kage' from Wallingford #DoX #REPOST

David L Morgan aka 'Kage' from Wallingford, CT - SOCIOPATH and FRAUD
 o          o                                   o       
 <|\        <|>                                 <|>       
 / \\o      / \                                 / \       
 \o/ v\     \o/    o__ __o    \o__ __o        o/   \o     
  |   <\     |    /v     v\    |     |>      <|__ __|>   
 / \    \o  / \  />       <\  / \   / \      /       \   
 \o/     v\ \o/  \         /  \o/   \o/    o/         \o 
  |       <\ |    o       o    |     |    /v           v\ 
 / \        < \   <\__ __/>   / \   / \  />             <\
Our message is simple:

"Do not lie to the people and you won’t have to worry about your lies being exposed.

Do not make corrupt deals and you won’t have to worry about your corruption being laid bare.

Do not break the rules and you won’t have to worry about getting in trouble for it.”       


The Epic Saga of This Psychotic Control Freak, ad nauseum Elizabeth Brett, Jo Mansfield and his other supporters .. well TRUTH stands on it's own...  just rage and hate on.. this is not going away Daveyboy.  Runs around speaking of 'The Hive' and who is or is not Anonymous and using the Anonymous name to threaten peoples with
retaliation on IRC.  Fully Profiles out as possible SOCIOPATH.. You Have Been Warned... he make friends into victims if you are dumb enough...

Introducing David Morgan:

Offense(s) :
1. Assaulting a 14 year old boy with aspergers (ASD) by shoving him against the wall and hitting him on the head for throwing his passport at the wall in his own house
(Madrid, Spain)             
2. Assaulting the mother of the child he hit by putting his hands around her neck; Included in this offense is Defamation, as he currently denies the charges after admitting it on a social networking website. He also inconsistently states that the mother abuses her children. (Madrid, Spain)

3. Threatening two female activist of Anonymous on separate accounts; Also releasing a 'dox' containing personal information of five members of the collective and harassment of all victims prior and afterwards.

4. 'Attempt/Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud' in the first degree, by entering a elderly woman's home claiming to be a member of Anonymous and 'The Hive' and copying her debit card details and attempting to make a online purchase with the exact details.
Victoria police have been informed. (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia).  Currently involved with a Sarah Hilyard aka Eva Freedom , ad nauseum.

The defendant, David Morgan claims not guilty to the two offenses listed above (1,2). He also profiles as a profoundly disturbed Sociopath, thus lies are his NORM.  Speak to people who knew him prior, he's notorious on Social Media Site Facebook and is banned and runs thru dozens of profiles to keep on this sociopathic behaviour. 

He's stalked his wife while still married for all practical purposes, just look at the length of the docket sheet for his divorce proceeding below, as well as what the courts refusal to grant parental custody rights to him reflect. 

He left the country after failing to appear in court for debt proceedings in Civil Court.

Be Wise, he's made enemies of just about every associate he has ever had...

-------------------------------A Brief History of David Morgan--------------------------------

David Morgan was born in the United States, he is believed to be in his early 30's. He is currently residing in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia. He does not own a home nor have a viable source of income. He has two children under the age of 10, which are currently in CPS care in the United States as the ex-wife of David Morgan and mother of the children had a drug addiction. He has been trying to gain custody of the children, but he has failed and will continue to fail with his newly established criminal record.

He is completely delusional, and believes that he himself is a "leader of the hive." He recently stated that he was producing a mock bomb to scare children at Melbourne International Airport. This is being construed as true, and is being currently investigated by Victoria Police and the Department of Homeland Security in the United States as he is a United States citizen. 

    Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual  | Personality Type: ENTP | Status: Dangerous 
    Eye Color: Blue | Hair Color: Dark Blonde | Weight: 150-195 lbs | Height: 5'7" to 5'11"

---------------------------------------U.S. Address:------------------------------------------

84 Apple Tree Lane             > Lived with Granny
                               > This is the address where he claims his benefits.
Wallingford, CT 06492-4302     >

Virginia S Armstrong           > Grandmother of David Morgan.
(203) 265-0220                 > Tell her how bad her grandson has been behaving.

Last Know Server IP:  AppleServ:
IP Address:
Country:     United States
Country code:    US (USA)
Region:    Connecticut
City:    Wallingford
Postal code:    06492

Nothing but a punk ass gamer with a big mouth and no backup.

------------------------------------Divorce Information --------------------------------------

Data Updated as of: 08/10/2012
Case Information
 Court Location:          MIDDLETOWN
 Financial Disputes:      No
 Parenting Disputes:      No
 RFTD Referral:           No
 RFTD Accepted:           No
 Referral Judge or Magistrate:   
 Last Action Date:        03/01/2012  (Last Action Date is a data entry date, not actual date)

Disposition Information
 Disposition Date:       04/18/2005
Judge or Magistrate:     HON DANIEL SPALLONE

Parties & Appearances
Party           No Fee Party
 Attorney:      SCHULMAN & ASSOC. D/B/A INMATES LEGAL AS (412153)
P.O. BOX 260237
HARTFORD, CT 061260237          File Date: 10/12/2007 
 Attorney:      MARTOCCHIO & OLIVEIRA LLC (419041)
SOUTHINGTON, CT 06489           File Date: 11/09/2011 
 Self-Rep:              18 LAKEVIEW PL
MIDDLEFIELD, CT 06455           File Date: 09/17/2004
 Attorney:      OAKLEY & CHIZINSKI LLC (427022)
MIDDLETOWN, CT 06457            File Date: 01/11/2012 
 Self-Rep:              84 APPLETREE LANE
WALLINGFORD, CT 06492           File Date: 09/28/2004

Viewing Documents on Family Cases: Pleadings, orders and other documents in family cases are all paper-filed and can be viewed during normal business hours at the Clerk’s Office in the Judicial District where the case resides.*
* unless otherwise restricted
Motions / Pleadings / Documents / Case Status
Entry No        File Date       Filed By        Description
100.20  09/17/2004              CLAIM FOR TRIAL LIST
103.00  01/03/2005          C   CASE MANAGEMENT DATE
  RESULT: Continuance 1/3/2005 HON KEVIN DUBAY
104.00  03/07/2005          C   CASE MANAGEMENT DATE
  RESULT: Continuance 3/7/2005 HON ELPEDIO VITALE
105.00  04/18/2005          D   ANSWER
106.00  04/28/2005          P   FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT
107.00  04/18/2005          D   FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT
108.50  04/18/2005          C   JUDGMENT FILE
  RESULT: Granted 8/18/2006 HON ROBERT MCWEENY
112.00  07/27/2006          D   MOTION TO MODIFY - GENERAL
  RESULT: Order 10/10/2006 HON JULIA DEWEY
112.50  07/27/2006          C   ORDER HEARING AND NOTICE
114.00  10/10/2006          C   STIPULATION
  RESULT: Granted 10/17/2007 HON JULIA DEWEY
116.00  10/12/2007          P   MOTION FOR CONTEMPT
  RESULT: Order 11/19/2007 HON JULIA DEWEY
116.50  10/22/2007          C   ORDER HEARING AND NOTICE
117.00  11/05/2007          P   RETURN OF SERVICE
118.00  11/14/2007          C   APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS
119.00  11/19/2007          C   STIPULATION
  RESULT: Order 11/19/2007 HON JULIA DEWEY
120.00  10/06/2011          D   MOTION TO MODIFY - GENERAL
  RESULT: Continuance 11/14/2011 HON LYNDA MUNRO
120.50  10/06/2011          C   ORDER HEARING AND NOTICE
122.00  11/07/2011          D   MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE
  RESULT: Granted 11/7/2011 HON JAMES ABRAMS
  RESULT: Denied 11/28/2011 HON GERARD ADELMAN
  RESULT: Denied 11/28/2011 HON GERARD ADELMAN
125.00  11/17/2011          P   MOTION TO MODIFY CUSTODY POST-JUDGMENT
  RESULT: Denied 11/28/2011 HON GERARD ADELMAN
126.00  11/14/2011          P   FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT
127.00  11/14/2011          D   FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT
128.00  11/14/2011          P   AGREEMENT
  RESULT: Order 11/14/2011 HON LYNDA MUNRO
129.00  11/14/2011          C   REFERRED TO FAMILY RELATIONS DIVISION
130.00  12/02/2011          C   REPORT OF FAMILY DIVISION

Individually Scheduled Court Dates as of 08/09/2012



------------------------------------Contact Information:--------------------------------------

https://www.facebook.com/AntiSecOps    > Facebook Page administrated by him.
https://twitter.com/#!/AntiS3curityOPS > Twitter account based on the page above.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003684213556 - Facebook Account
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003557678649 - Facebook Account of his girlfriend.
Email Address:
vmdmjmam@yahoo.com           > Yes, he uses Yahoo...
Current IP Address:              > Home Connection (East Australia/NSW,VIC)
Former Server Address(es):                > Home/File Server (Port 21 and 22)                > VPN/Proxy Server                > TeamSpeak 3 Server

Latest Server IP from idiots susceptibility to Social Engineering/Phishing:

Anonymous Revolution 2012

Anonymous posts new video titled Anonymous Revolution 2012

An 16min video has appeared on Youtube titled Anonymous Revolution 2012. This is an video message from "Anonymous". The video explains why Anonymous is needed, what it can do - and what it means for the people.

It tells how Anonymous has grown and why the opponent fears hacktivism.

Anonymous Revolution 2012

Each of us has our own path, but each of us share the same goal, a free humanity, together we stand.

People all around our world have made the choice to rise against this corrupted system.

The resistance continues. 2011 will forever be remembered as a year of global uprising. 2012, the whispers of revolution blow in the wind.

We are anonymous.

We continue to support the people as we “occupy” because we truly believe another world is possible, a world where choices are made from the Heart, a world free of fear.

As Humanity continues to connect at an accelerating rate…we continue to cross all borders. With knowledge comes understanding, with understanding we can overcome our issues, we must live in a world free of censorship.

As you watch this video governments around the world continue to arrest Anons and beat peaceful protesters. They fear us because we are evolving faster than they can control. We can no longer exist in their world of fear…. It is time to make our own change.

Now is the time to make our stand. There is no ONE right answer, our resistance must be as colourful as the spectrum. You can only disturb the hive so much before you get stung!
The people will only take so much!
You can no longer contain us!
We are just getting warmed up!

Anonymous hacks Facebook & Zynga in #opmaZynga + transcript leaked files

Anonymous #OPmaZYNGA

Anonymous OP maZYNGA - phase 1 - started now.

JOIN OP : http://youtu.be/OG1ypqhWDQ0

We did launch phase 1 of operation maZYNGA with release of the confidential documents leaked from the executives of Zynga. On november the fifth we will release the key to the data files. Remember , Remember the 5TH of November.

Anonymous hacks Facebook & Zynga in #opmaZynga + transcript leaked files

Anonymous hacks Facebook Zynga gaming service in operation maZYNGA. Anonymous have posted an message on the internet that contains confidential documents leaked from the executives of Zynga.

The leak also contains an strategy transcript of the future plans of Zynga:” Following the preliminary announced of this week the final strategy for the next two quarters has been successfully set to delivery by november 23 an additional but of 800 jobs with further raising of new capital from the market to support businesses.

We've identified our global gambling strategy with bwin.party and as we speak discussions are progressing with a partner to cover the US market.

Work is focused and on-going to completely outsource our development teams in our offices in Bangalore , India to hedge our position in the long term.

We've identified key new products from third parties such as Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime , Shove Prod and Music Invaders in which we are starting business contacts to buy these IP for transaction value of approximately 20 million.

We strongly believe we will conclude these deals this month and compete with this titles against mobile competitors with ease.

Our business continues to evolve and we must evolve with it. We operate in a exciting and challenging industry and I am very pleased that our senior leadership team continue to strengthen and develop with us.”

Anonymous is planning to release all the games of Zynga for free on the internet. Is Anonymous going to misuse the API keys from Zynga to attack Facebook?

File one: http://www.putlocker.com/file/49799DF8041097FC 
File two: http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/96596378/file.html

Anonymous Operation Payback ITA #AntiSecITA.

Anonymous Operation Payback ITA #AntiSecITA.

More than 1 GB of data theft. Anonymous has hacked the servers of the Italian State Police.
He claimed the same group on the page Facebook around 2 last night and on Twitter with the announcement invitation-users: more than 1 GB of data from the servers of the State Police released, check the booty.
And the booty as they call hackers looks appetizing: they are available to all thousands of files more or less reserved for Interior Ministry, police stations, police stations, individual agents, as well as material related to wiretapping and technical information about tools interception.


Among the documents emerging data on complaints or acts of investigation, together with names, phone numbers and addresses of crime victims, suspects without their knowledge and law enforcement officials.

And the perpetrators of I am more than proud as evidenced by a statement posted on Facebook and sent to the police: "we love to look around for weeks in your server, in your e-mail address, your portals, documents, records and much more. We are in possession of a large amount of material, eg documents on interception systems, spreadsheets, bugs latest generation of covert activities, files related to the notav and dissidents; various circulars but also numerous e-mails, some of which demonstrate your dishonesty (eg a communication in which you explain how the weapon seized appropriarvi to a foreign man without committing the crime of receiving stolen goods).

The security level of your system, contrary to what we thought was really poor, and we take the opportunity to take our revenge. Is there any problem, Officer?. "

It rained the comments and encouragement of followers of Anonymous: "very good, keep it up," says Daniel D'Aurizio, "if you need a hand are available."

And again, Daniel Guidazzi invites: "I, however, would continue to seek out and download material without advertising until you jump out of big things, names, situations and precise. Then renderei all public, but this is what I would do .... I mean? "

Additional Information: 

Source: http://www.primadanoi.it/news/534286/Anonymous-negli-archivi-della-Polizia-di-Stato.html

October 20, 2012

FuckFBI Friday #FBI mail server Dox

#FBI mail server Dox

FBI mail server Dox

#By The Hackers Army
935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20535
(202) 324-3000

Address: (node - 53)

Canonical name = www.fbi.gov.c.footprint.net.

Authoritative answers can be found from:
origin = admin.nsatc.org
serial = 1319057938
refresh = 10800
retry = 2700
expire = 3600000
minimum = 900
a.gov-servers.net -> ns1.fbi.gov
Server: Address:
canonical name=www.fbi.gov.c.footprint.net.
mailbox host =dl-cdn_infrastructure.level3.com serial = 1319057938(Serial Key Registered to Allen Fuller)
Last System Update - Mon, 16 Apr 2012 11:05:15 UTC (from -
Login Panel - ae-91-91.csw4.SanJose1.Level3.net (
Intercom Manager Login Cookie - user1_1:1NDVHdDfNxvaswzOjQWNLkMRfVrGiJw:xvQHg3EoEowRkxOv
Vulnerable Open Ports in FBI InterCommunication Intranet -
[REALLY GUYS, WHERE'S UR SECURITY] responding on port 118 (sqlserv) responding on port 3209 (asipx-webadmin) - Plaintext Passwords responding on port 4415 (mxxrlogin) responding on port 5613 (directplay6) - Remote Vulnerability responding on port 7429 (openmail-mod) responding on port 7440 (mppolicy-mgr) - Denial of Service responding on port 7495 (x11-ssh-offset)

bill.nicholson@fbi.gov - billnoyr@!@
paul.thomasson@langley.af.mil - 987we.paul
jerome.traughber@us.af.mil - Xktanh%67
ben.torreon@osd.mil - neb9182rrot
charlesjohnston@fbi.gov - 1971.charles02
cyberinvestigation@fbi.gov - X&t%$ffalk1@#
fbiwashingtondc@fbi.gov - 7284%Hags&4827
washington@fbi.gov - $hThasYTfgvas&and$
washington.field@ic.fbi.gov - MThadtgo5a91$a&%
Baltimore@ic.fbi.gov - kasd1#a871&1a
Chicago@ic.fbi.gov - 12h%asj19$kanht%
Richmond@ic.fbi.gov - wpfHt18G5@&@d
foiparequest@ic.fbi.gov - skfh27&da1$dawgk
portland@ic.fbi.gov - portland9764&124$
SaltLakeCity@ic.fbi.gov - hko28g7c%ja&q$jf@
Seattle.fbi@ic.fbi.gov - fhGiASy1%ka&12
Boston@ic.fbi.gov - %adwjH619&12a
cv@ic.fbi.gov - Oahvu&hf651$
kansas.city@ic.fbi.gov - jhdjAf918&23$
Memphis@ic.fbi.gov - kk22hero&1209
fbi.dallas@ic.fbi.gov - hiqy&1%1lsf
Indianapolis@ic.fbi.gov - opajeufg17afsd
tampa.division@ic.fbi.gov - jakvn12u2184
Miami@ic.fbi.gov - Xvkal12&%#
minneapolis@ic.fbi.gov - ajkdo213##
san.francisco@ic.fbi.gov - aj187v@1ld%
SanFrancisco@ic.fbi.gov - frnssan&usa1001
Houston.Texas@ic.fbi.gov - tx129287347
Texas@ic.fbi.gov - Skauyr19%12
cleveland.cv@ic.fbi.gov - kKs12k826&12
Charlotte.public@ic.fbi.gov - hwifhj182kfq
newhaven@ic.fbi.gov - i43w07Qg4238
ctmortgagefraud@ic.fbi.gov - 4Mb3Fl7f68WV
toctsecuritiesfraud@ic.fbi.gov - kz6H4T93D48Y
joseph.mcqueen@ic.fbi.gov - passwords123
SanAntonio@ic.fbi.gov - iHBP71x40IXK
Little.Rock@ic.fbi.gov - Ww35K5u45kOq
springfield@ic.fbi.gov - Bl5402e52CPs
Norfolk_FO@ic.fbi.gov - T7IccXtY767V
Colonial_Parkway_Murders@ic.fbi.gov - U5tcdkVcGkpd
michael.brooks@ic.fbi.gov - michpassbrooks121
buffalo@ic.fbi.gov - zJs31n2Q541z
Omaha@ic.fbi.gov - p016kjVUi2yf
Braden@ic.fbi.gov - 3wF713cz5w6j58
Carbonara@ic.fbi.gov - V0dC33AN2P
delivery@ic.fbi.gov - rC;65|=kK5
knoxville@ic.fbi.gov - J2Vd6x5bNb
Neworleans@ic.fbi.gov - VjBn2dz7my
Timothy.Lauster@ic.fbi.gov - rs6S33c4Y9
stlouis@ic.fbi.gov - EIx889SaSN
applicants.stlouis@ic.fbi.gov - RF55135ye3
darrell.foxworth@ic.fbi.gov - qwert123password
outreach.albany@ic.fbi.gov - fJdhw812994rajsJSDMA
LifeAssociatesInvestigations@ic.fbi.gov - FonajTb%2i9
phoenix@ic.fbi.gov - ahGEfncja9128
dsac@ic.fbi.gov - jdfjHAkjdwIHabvqyH1==
fbi.atlanta@ic.fbi.gov - Iiahsdfg&129dhoaj2
birmingham@ic.fbi.gov - aIhdHIAjdqqonv9128
mitredelivery@ic.fbi.gov - 918aguJhwhHsqo%
paul.bresson@ic.fbi.gov - kavanaski129948
FBINNCP@ic.fbi.gov - polaowKJaoqjA$$
fbinncp@ic.fbi.gov - amicI71gGjaksd8Hwh
theresa.powell@ic.fbi.gov - kiajsicnUYUGbub2
walestips@ic.fbi.gov - kiHbbfuU82j
laura.eimiller@ic.fbi.gov - passwored12
Lourdes.arocho@ic.fbi.gov - password$qwerty
William.So@ic.fbi.gov - cutelilyian191
Nevine.Aziz@ic.fbi.gov - aziz.nev14
Joline.Caron@ic.fbi.gov - qwertylol@me
Sobonya@ic.fbi.gov - fullternHows
Unger@ic.fbi.gov - 12nipster21
mueller.cv@ic.fbi.gov - letmein16011990
John.whalen@ic.fbi.gov - lovenancy18
Yolanda.Loya@ic.fbi.gov - becool$motorcor
daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov - clegg.passwd
James.turgal@ic.fbi.gov - barcelona2012
tammy.peter@ic.fbi.gov - 0128787284882
cheryll.leppert@ic.fbi.gov - clfbiintercomnode2
tammy.mchugh@ic.fbi.gov - passwords123456
easthaventips@ic.fbi.gov - foobartipsicfbi
cchauvin@nas.edu - fruitcolours7
Kenneth.Chrosniak@us.army.mil - armament187489912
Rich.Ernst@osd.mil - ernst.richard
sidney.macarthur@navy.mil - password123
thane.clare@verizon.net - 12345678987654321
egyptiandefence@verizon.net - 0199826742
dkrieger@nmic.navy.mil - armyman.light7
jrcb52g@hotmail.com - jhon&richard
delse@crs.loc.gov - Hian12wfniHgu1927
matthew.klunder@navy.mil - matt123456
daniel.driscoll@navy.mil - dan7%alsij281
celkins@vertizontalinc.com - celkins.vertizon
joseph.herold@us.af.mil - 128482joshqwerty
joseph.s.dufresne@uscg.mil - qwerty9876
aelkins@vertizontalinc.com - mitmeanfollower
mark.l.gorenflo@navy.mil - marklen129ingrad
gavin.edward@bdsus.mod.uk - eduardopassword123
daniel.eleuterio@navy.mil - sallymylove1981
abby.gillett.ctr@pentagon.af.mil - ajcjIH7gqrkPASk012
marcus.thomas@ic.fbi.gov - 9816tom.mick
IC_Complaints@ic.fbi.gov - JulianICcomplaints
Philadelphia.complaints@ic.fbi.gov - phil.fbi.terminal
Richard.VorderBruegge@ic.fbi.gov - ilovemydaughternancy
ronald.menold@ic.fbi.gov - password111111
Villafranca@ic.fbi.gov - thisisme.villa
angi.christensen@ic.fbi.gov - aweofjalsiowug
Reid@ic.fbi.gov - KIiwbLajbd186$8a
Lampo@ic.fbi.gov - aoJoqhFD717%12
brian.herrick@ic.fbi.gov - bebrian.nerd
fauerso@ic.fbi.gov - frank.houser
jkgrant@ic.fbi.gov - grant.commision
jason.pack@ic.fbi.gov - pass911pass911
joseph.schadler@ic.fbi.gov - josheph8Fhqjda
patti.hansen@ic.fbi.gov - jao20Hkskanf
christopher.acton@ic.fbi.gov - oainB872bkasjd
Rebecca.Wu@ic.fbi.gov - mnBUq71jdjkas
Patricia.Villafranca@ic.fbi.gov - nhiabusd91i98bd
larry.karl@ic.fbi.gov - uUbdkASU&JU1jd
john.caruthers@ic.fbi.gov - n=naomykjasUghkdskansas
Aranda@ic.fbi.gov - JarandaiUgda
Jennifer.Joiner@ic.fbi.gov - so92hjuBUskawsc
kevin.cornelius@ic.fbi.gov - jhIOBUswdiB%
michael.tyler@ic.fbi.gov - incioq*(hoasd==
Diego@ic.fbi.gov - opjwpoejt9U)(hfodkl
nova.corruption@ic.fbi.gov - ja(hjasjnnuzu=
gerald.rogeroiii@ic.fbi.gov - HhjsklnbHvgykaskB
joseph.fenning@ic.fbi.gov - pass1234567890
chris.woiwode@ic.fbi.gov - knJIuusdkaksl
thomas.weldon@ic.fbi.gov - qwertylolqwerty
Riley@ic.fbi.gov - riley.mcalister
mike.freeman@ic.fbi.gov - IH9oqkjb&freeman
patricia.bunting@ic.fbi.gov - pJ)H()qwbjklcas%kjasj
patrick.findlay@ic.fbi.gov - ONnnsyYnskNM
Robert.Casey@ic.fbi.gov - Jop2jjn$kjasbj$
Jesse.Rollwagen@ic.fbi.gov - $$$$$$$$$$$$$
npo@ic.fbi.gov - aOPIho200a8skjd
grizell.johnson@ic.fbi.gov - looskwoooish
rochester.bf@ic.fbi.gov - whooosha010
elmira.bf@ic.fbi.gov - olNOIwbujdbBU71127
jamestown.bf@ic.fbi.gov - knzxcoqwibobiCIOAS
mansfield.cv@ic.fbi.gov - HuwhcxUAgdi18
elyria.cv@ic.fbi.gov - JioqhdhiuHAihsi
akron.cv@ic.fbi.gov - akron.cv
mark.levett@ic.fbi.gov - marklevett
j.klaver@ic.fbi.gov - klaver.j7726
betsy.bartko@ic.fbi.gov - betsy.skya01290
kirk.oberlander@ic.fbi.gov - 109297091729
douglas.klein2@ic.fbi.gov - aihUHuqhuh^51652
james.burrell@ic.fbi.gov - lalsd.jamesihi12
w.herrington@ic.fbi.gov - 012909891229usd
robert.schuett@ic.fbi.gov - robertkajsoi12982
FBILabTraining@ic.fbi.gov - training.comission
lisa.grossweiler@ic.fbi.gov - lisa.grossman
romel.velasco@ic.fbi.gov - Adsgfege212Dwfswr
Kathryn.sipes@ic.fbi.gov - sdfAdwbfVLjr45
kelli.glasgow@ic.fbi.gov - KgcbgiuGBcbiuGTCh
jeffrey.mckinney@ic.fbi.gov - kin82896yugcqkj
amy.dasaro@ic.fbi.gov - kiniGq7geduac
michael.leverock@ic.fbi.gov - iohjwhia812
brian.chrostowski@ic.fbi.gov - n8Y2hkljzh88
Tamara.Meheux@ic.fbi.gov - i*(whdkjlasjd901
chrostowski@ic.fbi.gov - o9jaqh8hjGuws
david.beyer@ic.fbi.gov - mo9U92hjka6h
marybeth.king@ic.fbi.gov - NUi2gaksjdn
g.jones@ic.fbi.gov - ioN2hhjkjba
reed@ic.fbi.gov - opmabsyd761
SIOC@ic.fbi.gov - i(jhslb^HJ
robert.mueller@ic.fbi.gov - kHibbk2b
APPcampaign@ic.fbi.gov - ojpb1g72ygj
Shernita.morris@ic.fbi.gov - noiq2n4ksd1pasword
youngstown.cv@ic.fbi.gov - password404
Sims@ic.fbi.gov - 12080898hskl
James.Wynne@ic.fbi.gov - 08847891829
Vukin@ic.fbi.gov - jhOIobwup1uas
charlotte.public@ic.fbi.gov - ionOih892hakjs
Egan@ic.fbi.gov - uiwkjao29gUKd
gary.loeffert@ic.fbi.gov - klju189Gbvksasd=
vicki.anderson@ic.fbi.gov - GUDFx67jsklds
Onorato@ic.fbi.gov - I*Yx82ikjJTq
john.cotter@ic.fbi.gov - lKUGx9o1mnlsho
Fall2010_LanguageSpecialist@ic.fbi.gov - oiHHBNihbkajs
paul.daymond@ic.fbi.gov - 09172jksdf9812
www.fbi.dallas@ic.fbi.gov - PIOHolobhlf
gary.bumgardner@ic.fbi.gov - ponny.and.go
Daniel.Roberts@ic.fbi.gov - oiu2o9*&tgjks
VA@ic.fbi.gov - oIHwujrbisdu2u
Cook@ic.fbi.gov - kJipownkkjOIy1qh
Kim@ic.fbi.gov - iupj[ofoh9812h
john.ed@ic.fbi.gov - lIHqwiuobf92
athena.lien@ic.fbi.gov - P(0uphk2ebkl
public.affairs@ic.fbi.gov - LON0912hoskjdn
paul.vitchock@ic.fbi.gov - OIUhalsdkjh2IO
charles.ro@ic.fbi.gov - HuihhYU20
Shepherd@ic.fbi.gov - 082jkaskj
Erin.Sheridan@ic.fbi.gov - gat8aGHub
gregory.baker2@ic.fbi.gov - BybwnGtf29
findwhitey@ic.fbi gov - Buwkajsy
Tumbleson@ic.fbi.gov - passowrds1234567
david.ego@ic.fbi.gov - 987712iugack
kimberly.delgreco@ic.fbi.gov - 187289784
Katherine.Chen@ic.fbi.gov - nOHoiwbfkajs871
Shelley.Kato@ic.fbi.gov - uiT2iykjsdkl
Sueyoshi@ic.fbi.gov - HiuHD8jbgdij1966
Wilkerson@ic.fbi.gov - haUgeyREfai816
Margo.Walker@ic.fbi.gov - JuegGF7718ghd
Thea.Hammack@ic.fbi.gov - GulfWaripsug
NPO@ic.fbi.gov - npo@fbi.gov
sharon.mendez@ic.fbi.gov - qwerty98765
ali@ic.fbi.gov - noentryplease1897182
vieyra@ic.fbi.gov - 01728978975656127
rachel.vega@ic.fbi.gov - KJhiufbiuIbdka
joshua.adames@ic.fbi.gov - jbiIUGkjd71
jeffrey.cugno@ic.fbi.gov - IUOhbdkwut2189
Linguist_Postings@ic.fbi.gov - 79adgs819gVGja
patricia.kelleher@ic.fbi.gov - KGUiug2896kbJSgkk
susan.myers@ic.fbi.gov - &1hkjhkck*677652
agnes.bell@ic.fbi.gov - *)(*^!@tyukjas
Bjornstad@ic.fbi.gov - )(klhkdgkajst2
Jeanne.White@ic.fbi.gov - J^18gcvuq929G
px_cashback@ic.fbi.gov - iubjkbd1982uk
Krall@ic.fbi.gov - 6+Hiu489GYUe
jose.orench@ic.fbi.gov - iT*&2gdkjask
chicago@ic.fbi.gov - &U*&QT@FGCXTAS
dean.fetterolf@ic.fbi.gov - ijkasjdb28
bill.hooton@ic.fbi.gov - p455w0rd18ohjaksd
mrichard@ic.fbi.gov - Loihmsbdiu&
REPORTBRIBES@ic.fbi.gov - oiasdhky28shd
james.stewart@ic.fbi.gov - LIyhwITi7v[12g
Thomas.Krall@ic.fbi.gov - JHfwjfaowkeuyfas
william.r.krueger@ic.fbi.gov - (21vxtgSH10h
suzanne.acar@ic.fbi.gov - Bui0918hd99
Laflin@ic.fbi.gov - 91827821772
Libby.Stern@ic.fbi.gov - Iidhqwo9187y6uias
san.diego@ic.fbi.gov - LKskdl2i^1as
Schlag@ic.fbi.gov - uy2lasojd2kd
david.cudmore@ic.fbi.gov - KIUkbq2wo
Stephen.Meagher@ic.fbi.gov - Hpwcgu1889h
SCAM@ic.fbi.gov - juyt8&81igasd
newark.media@ic.fbi.gov - Jgj2e909sduo1
julia.eichhorst@ic.fbi.gov - Ggoqo2ydggajs
john.iannuzzi@ic.fbi.gov - oYa=hsguu2f
Bogdan@ic.fbi.gov - 19127gasdg8991872
Mary.Dolan@ic.fbi.gov - Iugiu2ebkahdgw2is
crystal.komara@ic.fbi.gov - bhiuoGFhj(612gj
margaret.einspahr@ic.fbi.gov - HkjpLqyvs
heather.stewart@ic.fbi.gov - KhyFhgodohGYs
sandra.breault@ic.fbi.gov - &100288719%6172
agent.applicant@ic.fbi.gov - KGHhh&5182g9
reportbribes@ic.fbi.gov - iukastjak81872
diego@ic.fbi.gov - 98178416253
Montgomery@ic.fbi.gov - JygqocjuUql
william.mcneill@ic.fbi.gov - OInwiiubqiwsjd
linguist_postings@ic.fbi.gov - KhKFdkk2h1872
carolyn.woodbury@ic.fbi.gov - Igwkkao2gtj
lisa.jackson@ic.fbi.gov - ncuwn271gtvdj
rhonda.williams@ic.fbi.gov - JFadah2jbdkii
antoine@ic.fbi.gov - passwords121212121
Rogers@ic.fbi.gov - KgwkdkuT&1auikb
lisa.moore@ic.fbi.gov - moore.lisa
thomas.gancarz@ic.fbi.gov - thomas.gancario
mark.mahon@ic.fbi.gov - jh2i(921bhuid
deborah.broderick@ic.fbi.gov - Iuk2g787athsd2
melissa.mcrae@ic.fbi.gov - JUY2hja9shdn
Johnson@ic.fbi.gov - HJuaih^&*jsdk
Raul.roldan@ic.fbi.gov - Buyr8^%^2jkas
Tini.Leon@ic.fbi.gov - Hy72g&&92nj
sharon.gray@ic.fbi.gov - B72829hgvjs
Megan.mikes@ic.fbi.gov - H2981726ya
jacksonville@ic.fbi.gov - 97tggsh821
baltimore@ic.fbi.gov - 218902hdui1877
Dallas.Public@ic.fbi.gov - I9818hdi81y
dallas@ic.fbi.gov - vtT^17ghkK91y62fA
David.Sobonya@ic.fbi.gov - Boiqmjhiasi1g
ny1@ic.fbi.gov - IH892hyiguisu
DSAC@ic.fbi.gov - BI88912hhduii18
Beth.McConn@ic.fbi.gov - N8ig1gvud8u127
loeffert@ic.fbi.gov - N89290hysdi
McConn@ic.fbi.gov - B001hidas
gary.loelTert@ic.fbi.gov - garyloel19287
Alicia.Sensibaugh@ic.fbi.gov - sensimarklover
PRUrecruits@ic.fbi.gov - recruits.membership
douglas.hares@ic.fbi.gov - hares$mich
B.Bland@ic.fbi.gov - boblogover017876
Oscar.Hernandez@ic.fbi.gov - H92hdkH910hd
seattle.division@ic.fbi.gov - Jnxiqoha=s
stevendean@ic.fbi.gov - dean.donald
Gretchen.Schlag@ic.fbi.gov - foxboi2u17
ctsecuritiesfraud@ic.fbi.gov - fraudadmin
cyberwatch@ic.fbi.gov - Op9haius8
brett.johnson@ic.fbi.gov - BIu29uhausy982
r.mark.wood@ic.fbi.gov - mark.r.wood@
remingtoncomplaints@ic.fbi.gov - complaintboxno1299
almeta.austin@ic.fbi.gov - ausitn.almeta
steven.martinez@ic.fbi.gov - 8877steveymillard

October 13, 2012

Anonymous México #OpFraudeTeletón

Comunicado Oficial Para el Pueblo de México.
Actualizaciones de la Operació en Twitter
@AnonymousMexi @Anonymous_Mex1 @AnonMexi @AnonGlobalOp @AnonyOpsHispano

October 7, 2012

#OpAwakening Hey /b/ees, help spread this message:

#OpAwakening: #GlobalMindVirus/#PM2012GoesMainstream

Fellow RATs and /b/ees:

This is an Anonymous call to raise awareness about the existence and goals of #PM2012 among the general public (i.e. people not acquainted with the Anonymous idea).

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”
-Sun Tzu

“It is essential to seek out enemy agents who have come to conduct espionage against you and to bribe them to serve you. Give them instructions and care for them. Thus doubled agents are recruited and used.”
-Sun Tzu

iMAGIne we use the system to spread our message
iMAGIne we use the system to raise Awareness
iMAGIne CeleVrities and athletes infeKting their millions of followers
iMAGIne PM2012 goes mainstream
iMAGIne teh mindVirus goes pandemiCK
iMAGIne PANIKDANZ starts happening on National TV at 11:11
iMAGIne we p0wN the system to Make It Happen

PrePhase. Context-stats
The two Anon accounts with most followers are: YourAnonNews and Anon_Central with 639,617 and 149,039 followers respectively. Both below the top 2000 twitter accounts. There are 1249 accounts with over 1 million followers.


Phase A. For-dummies versions

This is a call to all RATists to make a FOR-DUMMMIES edition of Dangerous ideas 1 to 4 and make it happen transmissions – these versions would bee as if they were being explained to a five year old – so they could be clear to any human being regardless of their “internet culture”. By making a video/text explaining them in the simplest form possible.

The timeframe for preparing these for-dummies versions will V from now until the 5th of noVember 2012 when TYLER candidates will be released. Please use the hashtag #PM2012forDummies to release your Kreations!

Phase B. mainstream-messengers infeKtion

Starting on the 5th of NoVember, once the easy to digest messages are ready, "bees" will engage a campaign to convince celeVrities and athletes and any other tweeter and facebook account over the 1M followers mark (mainstream-messengers) by inviting them to watch this messages.

Important Note: Trolling could be detrimental to inkeKting them with the virus – let’s avoid trolling and rather convey the message by a large number of bees stinging the mindVirus one at a time until the infeKtion is completed.

To make this process easier the infeKtion could be started on subjects that are already prone to the idea, examples that come to mind are (@)alejodorosky (@)johncusack (@)MMFlint which already support freedom of speech and press openly. Another good sample could be Spanish footballers (they must be aware up to some point of Spain's situation) like (@)cesc4official (@)3gerardpique (@)Carles5puyol.

After this, the message may be easier to reach celebrities/athletes with the most followers: (@)ladygaga (@)justinbieber (@)katyperry (@)Cristiano (@)KAKA (@)Njr92 (@)WayneRooney as well as NBA players like (@)SHAQ and (@)KingJames. This is just a sample of the celebrities/athletes with the most number of followers; let’s spread the virus to any account over the 1M followers mark.

The same 1M followers rule applies for facebook accounts please see http://www.socialbakers.com/ for quantitative information on most followers/likes accounts for both tweeter and facebook.

Phase C. Engaging the general Public:

Once both the mainstream-messengers and the messages are ready, an awareness marathon will start with mainstream-messengers randomly posting the previously prepared (general public) messages about PM2012.

Mainstream-messengers could be advised to replace their normal profile with the same Anonymous banner (http://img.protothema.gr/167400ECBD715F0D681A7DD3A542BDFA.jpg) and use the hashtags #PM2012GoesMainstream and/or #GlobalMindVirus. Furthermore they could be encouraged to publicize PM2012 - It would be of great publicity if say Cristiano Ronaldo scored a goal and revealed #PM2012 under his shirt for example (don't think he in particular would, but someone might).

The message should be crystal clear as well as the intentions of PM2012 which assemble all the merits of the Anonymous idea: Need of Peace, Justice, Freedom, Beauty, Truth, the fact that Information = Power, and an inVitation to becoming the change we wish to see in the world.

In order to contrast this principles, information on ‪Trapwire, ‪NDAA, ‪Indect, Fema Camps, wikileaks could be similarly spread in order to raise awareness on the point of Freedom against Control and to show who’s on which side.

Once the message is mainstreamed, the snowball will only grow bigger and bigger.

 “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
-Sun Tzu

L♥V your fellow RAT.


#PROJECTMAYHEM2012 cheat sheet: Dangerous Ideas pastebins #1 to #V http://anoncentral.tumblr.com/post/27321922317/projectmayhem2012-cheat-sheet-dangerous-ideas

Anonymous Project Mayhem 2012: December 21st 2012

Dangerous Idea #1: iMAGIne we #LeakItALL! http://pastebin.com/Wt15GXTn Video: http://youtu.be/QK71cUa7nnw

Dangerous Idea #2: iMAGIne you #DARE2KREATE! http://pastebin.com/sLLwJbtz  (line 167 onwards) Video: http://vimeo.com/44583147

Dangerous Idea #3: iMAGIne we WITHDRAW it ALL http://pm2012.tumblr.com/post/19023864394/enigma Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZnVWH0Ilo0&hd=1

Dangerous Idea #4: #PANIKDANZ! http://pastebin.com/LSfdQSYV (Line 1857) Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V74AxCqOTvg

Check out this idea on raising awareness on FDAA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_XvZlo7pQk&feature=youtu.be&t=4m45s (might be usefull to engage genaral public about PM2012 as well)


be iMAGINhaCKtive! be CREATIVE! be LUDIC! be a Space Monkey!

Machines are usually hacked via 'interlink bugs'.
Humans are usually hacked via 'limbic system bugs'.

The best way to predict the future is to CREATE IT.

|=-----------------=[                              ]=------------------=|
|=-----------------=[         iMAGIne. aCKt.       ]=------------------=|
|=-----------------=[                              ]=------------------=|


October 6, 2012

Ron Brynaert d0x Cak3 - v& of #BB & misinformation about #Anonymous

A wild d0x appears: for claiming responsibility for v& of #BB
 https://twitter.com/ronbryn/statuses/246126069881634816 …
& misinformation about #Anonymous http://www.anonpaste.me/anonpaste/index.php?bb2481af46768c75#Va4tIkWfzRvAEC2FhUoMrIjBrIMRNmD46SL1w9Nqb9w= …

If was v& for tweets, videos suggesting he'd defend self against FBI raid then my calls may have spurred arrest  


    ___                     We are                                    
   /   |  ____  ____  ____  __  ______ ___  ____  __  _______   
  / /| | / __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ / / / __ `__ \/ __ \/ / / / ___/   
 / ___ |/ / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ (__  )    
/_/  |_/_/ /_/\____/_/ /_/\__, /_/ /_/ /_/\____/\__,_/____/     
          We are legion  /____/ We do not forgive
                      We do not forget
                          Expect us.

If you are going to bully, lie and try to push people around on the internet for the sake of
your own lunacy; Anonymous will be at hand to keep the insane at bay.  Ronald Brynaert is one
of these bullies and relatively unstable psychologically.  His attempts to troll Anonymous
operatives and occupy protesters has indeed raised an eyebrow or two within various movements. 
His tactics are habitually always similar; polite and composed one minute and lashing out with
complete disregard for factual evidence the next. Mr. Brynaert's story is a sad one; once a
Raw Story reporter - he now faces legal issues related to that company.  Brynaert is also a
major suspect in a SWATting case, his voice sounds remarkably like the caller who initiated
the SWAT. Just googling his name will illustrate the abnormal frequency of his brain's operation
and the drama that surrounds him. His story is
surrounded by counter intel claims and various lies...
He is dox'd; enjoy.

Hey, we tried to be nice... we really really did. *seriously*

P  E  R  S  O  N  A  L    D  A  T  A

Name.......................... Ronald Arthur Brynaert
ALIAS......................... Ron Brynaert
AGE........................... 44
DOB........................... 08/21/1968
Born in....................... Queens, NY
Height........................ 5'10"
Weight........................ 210 lbs

ADDRESS....................... 526 3rd Ave, #2 Brooklyn, NY 11215
                   *lives above a pizza place, have fun*

PO BOX........................ PO Box 264 Vails Gate, NY 12584

HOME PHONE.................... 718-499-7067
Line Type..................... Landline
Phone Carrier................. Verizon New York Inc
City.......................... NEW YORK CITY
State......................... NY
County........................ Queens

REGISTERED PHONE.............. 845-457-5895
REGISTERED PHONE.............. 845-566-1069

PREVIOUS ADDRESS.............. 614 BEECH ST, SYRACUSE, NY 13210      
PREVIOUS ADDRESS.............. 526 3RD AVE, BROOKLYN, NY 11215    
PREVIOUS ADDRESS.............. PO BOX 264, VAILS GATE, NY 12584    

EMAIL......................... edkranepool@yahoo.com
EMAIL......................... ronbrynaert@yahoo.com
EMAIL......................... ronchucker@yahoo.com
EMAIL......................... ronbryn@sbcglobal.net
EMAIL......................... ronbrynaert@gmail.com

E  D  U  C  A  T  I  O  N

ACADEMIC INSTITUTION.......... Syracuse University
CLASS......................... class of 1990

L  E  G  A  L

CASE NUMBER.................... CTC9115782MMANO
Uniform Case NUMBER............ 521991MM015782XXXXNO
Entitlement.................... STATE VS BRYNAERT,
Court Record ID................ 01221826001010
State.......................... Florida
ADDRESSES...................... 526 3rd Ave #2, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Date Filed..................... 06/16/1991
Final Disposition.............. 09/19/1993
Name........................... BRYNAERT,RONALD A   
COC............................ DEFENDANT

Case Number.................... CL12000631-00 
Date........................... 10/05/12   
Time........................... 10:00AM   
Type........................... Motion - Other-Pretrial   
Room........................... 5   
Plaintiff...................... WALKER, AARON J
Defendant1..................... KIMBERLIN, BRETT 
Defendant2..................... BYNAERT, RON  
Defendant3..................... RAUHAUSER, NEAL

{ NOTE }....................... Also Note that Ronald Brynaert is currently awaiting
............................... sopeana by RawStory but has not complied
............................... http://wasdmz2.courts.state.va.us/CJISWeb
............................... Select Prince William County Circuit press *begin*
............................... Enter "Case Number" in required field and press *Case Number Inquiry*

{ NOTE }....................... Isn't it strange that Ron accuses everyone of being Neal but is a
............................... defendant along side him?
............................... Evidence against Brynaert involving "SWATTING"
............................... http://soundcloud.com/joebrooks-1/voice-of-the-swatter-all-calls
............................... also huge suspect in calling police to SWAT individual

T  R  O  L  L

{ NOTE }....................... Internet Trolling Activities: History of Ron's internet bullying
............................... Evidence against Brynaert involving "SWATTING"
............................... http://soundcloud.com/joebrooks-1/voice-of-the-swatter-all-calls also
............................... huge suspect in calling police to SWAT individual

URL REFERENCE.................. http://alturl.com/fhq9s  << COMPARE SWATTER VOICE WITH RON
URL REFERENCE.................. http://alturl.com/4dxrh

S  O  C  I  A  L     M  E  D  I  A

TWITTER........................ twitter.com/ronbryn
STUMBLEUPON.................... stumbleupon.com/stumbler/ronbrynaert
MEETUP......................... meetup.com/members/1082712/
BLOGSPOT....................... ronbryn.blogspot.com
BLOGGER........................ blogger.com/profile/04418681813831294580
BLOGGER........................ blogger.com/profile/02100814615137667649
TWICSY......................... twicsy.com/u/%40ronbryn
TWITPIC........................ twitpic.com/photos/ronbryn
FACEBOOK....................... facebook.com/ron.brynaert
LINKEDIN....................... linkedin.com/pub/ron-brynaert/b/b95/223
RAWSTORY....................... rawstory.com/rs/author/ronbrynaert/
IMDB........................... imdb.com/user/ur3563083/boards/profile
FLICKR......................... flickr.com/people/10925580@N00/
FIREDOGLAKE.................... my.firedoglake.com/members/ronbrynaert/activity/
CAUSES......................... causes-assets3.causes.com/profiles/39924080
DU............................. democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=103x86222
DAILYKOS....................... ronbrynaert.dailykos.com/user/ronbrynaert
AMAZON......................... amazon.com/gp/registry/registry.html?ie=UTF8&type=wishlist&id=JAYD3XNCPOK1
LIFESTREAM..................... lifestream.aol.com/stream/edkranepool << ------  LAWLZ ! ! !
EBAY........................... myworld.ebay.com/edkranepool
GRAVATAR....................... en.gravatar.com/ronbrynaert
HULU........................... www.hulu.com/profiles/edkranepool  << --- "LESTER R." = MOLESTER RON?
LASTFM......................... last.fm/user/edkranepool
MYSPACE........................ myspace.com/97861768
TRIPADVISOR.................... tripadvisor.com/members/edkranepool
WIKIPEDIA...................... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Raw_Story (listed as Editor Emeritus)

We are Anonymous

We are Legion

We do not Forgive

We do not Forget

Expect Us

October 4, 2012

#OpExposed #ThePirateBayBrazil & #TheWikiBoatBrazil

#OpExposed #ThePirateBayBrazil #TheWikiBoatBrazil

Video > http://youtu.be/xzVelupDm9A

Esta operação tem como intuito mostrar as brechas que existe em sistemas do governo, com isso queremos mostrar que o governo não consegue assegurar que os dados do povo, caiam em mãos de pessoas malintencionadas, será exposto vulnerabilidades de acesso a sites governamentais e de partidos políticos, mostraremos data-bases e e-mails, senhas, logins, paginas restritas e etc.
Nós não queremos gente incompetente cuidando dos nossos dados pessoais, ao invés de roubar do povo, invista em segurança, saúde, educação, saneamento básico e afins para melhor a condição de vida no Brasil.
O recado está dado, enquanto não administrarem melhor nosso dinheiro, iremos fazer dumps da data base e expor dados.

A partir de agora, esta operação deixa de ser Pirata, e passa a ser da Ideia, tome ela como um incentivo!


This operation have the intention to show the gaps that exist in government systems, we want to show that the government can not ensure that data of people fall into the hands of bad guys, will be exposed vulnerabilities access to government sites and parties politicians, show data-bases and e-mails, passwords, logins, etc and restricted pages.
We do not want incompetent people taking care of our personal data, instead of stealing from the people, invest in safety, health, education, sanitation and related to better living conditions in Brazil.
The message is given, while not better managing our money, we will make dumps of data base and expose data.
# OpExposed

Now, this operation is no longer Pirate, and happens to be the idea, take it as an incentive!
CBM > http://pastebin.com/r4eCRYfs
PTDOB > http://pastebin.com/urHJ25wY
SENADO > http://pastebin.com/ALFsrFX2
ABIN > http://pastebin.com/UMJv4vQP
IPEA > http://pastebin.com/Mk9rem4w
PSLNACIONAL > http://pastebin.com/R0w1GQnp
PHS > http://pastebin.com/RWwp5j15
DF > http://pastebin.com/sLEPwA6Q
PLANEJAMENTO > http://pastebin.com/wqRJFQZn
BC > http://pastebin.com/0DwgDGJi
CDES > http://pastebin.com/97daDZja
SETPES > http://pastebin.com/i1ZwU1uM
STJ > http://pastebin.com/9DCg7PiJ
PSDBRS > http://pastebin.com/3aDU813K
STF > http://pastebin.com/VA8nwUah
ANPNET > http://pastebin.com/wyYvSP49
GESP > http://pastebin.com/AFkWcvEy
PREVIDENCIA > http://pastebin.com/bax591SW
MEC > http://pastebin.com/PmG7EWNT
ANATEL > http://pastebin.com/ExzU4EQd
MERCOSUL > http://pastebin.com/c4VPPvC5
SEFAZ > http://pastebin.com/2H4ZbUhH
ACAPOR > http://pastebin.com/Z4FqFwci via @anontuga
Este Pastebin, será constantemente atualizado.

#ProjectWestWind - Today's Education!

______          _           _     _    _           _   _    _ _           _
| ___ \        (_)         | |   | |  | |         | | | |  | (_)         | |
| |_/ / __ ___  _  ___  ___| |_  | |  | | ___  ___| |_| |  | |_ _ __   __| |
|  __/ '__/ _ \| |/ _ \/ __| __| | |/\| |/ _ \/ __| __| |/\| | | '_ \ / _` |
| |  | | | (_) | |  __/ (__| |_  \  /\  /  __/\__ \ |_\  /\  / | | | | (_| |
\_|  |_|  \___/| |\___|\___|\__|  \/  \/ \___||___/\__|\/  \/|_|_| |_|\__,_|
              _/ |                                                         

We have set out to raise awareness towards the changes made in today's education, how new laws imposed by politicians affect us, our economy and overall, our way of life. How far we have ventured from learning valuable skills that would normally help us be prepared in life, to just, simply memorizing large chunks of text in exchange for good grades. How our very own traditions are heard less and less, losing touch with who we truly are. Slowly casting the identities, that our ancestors fought to protect, into exile. - TGS

As a wise man once said: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Updates* We wanted to bring to your attention different examples from Europe, how the laws change so often that even the teachers have a hard time adjusting to them, let alone, the students, to the US, where tuition fees have spiked up so much that by the time you finish any sort of degree, you will be in more debt than you can handle and with no certainty that you will get a job, to Asia, where strict & limited teachings still persist and never seem to catch up with the times and most of the time fail to prep you up for a world where foreign affairs are crucial in this day and age.

Even so, we figured, how hypocrites we'd have to be to enforce our own beliefs in this release, that's why, this turned out into an open debate where you are all welcome to participate. You don't have to talk about it with us, what's important is that you bring up the subject "today's education" in day-to-day conversations with your family, friends, people close to you and try to understand the system better, together. How it works, how a certain type of diploma can or cannot help you in your road to the career you want to pursue.

As for us, we have taken the time to gather opinions and points of views from different anonymous members, all around the globe. On behalf of Team GhostShell, I would like to respectfully thank all those that have contributed to this release. It has been a unique experience. - DeadMellox


-the situation and Europe are nowhere near comparable - the cost of an education in the US is astronomically higher. However, I feel that you do have a point.
- Solutions: Look in the open-source community. Find those willing to provide educational literature and have it for free for students. The issue with this is that all universities have some agreements with publishers about books for courses and there seem to be few ways to circumvent this. I've said it in the past and continue to attempt to work on this now - make a viable, functioning online university with people in the education field. Advertising and donations for revenue [a radical idea, but something that is in sync with reality in the 21st century]
- "Teacher excitement" sorry, there are many educators that are enthusiastic about their careers, but classroom sizes are ever-increasing. I feel that encouragement and programs to make those interact with their peers and "self-teach" is effective. Self teaching is effective, especially in children. Example: http://neapriorityschools.org/successful-students/flipping-the-classroom-homework-in-class-lessons-at-home-2 has had tremendous success.

Quality: Mcdonaldization of the education system, classroom sizes, decrease in critical thinking skills - Anonymous

Learning. has been reduced to LEARN and REPEAT information, as in MEMORIZE.

If intelligence is not defined by data retention, but the ability to understand data "at present moment" and creativity.

Why to follow old procedures? why not create a channel where everything can be learned? online, officially with the help of schools nationally. - Anonymous

The easy answer is student loans, and they are a big deal.  However I am more frustrated that we designed our current educational system in the 40s/50s when our school system was designed to output 50-70% of students for manufacturing jobs.  We have kept this same system for over 60+ years.    Now the manufacturing jobs market is almost gone so those students are finding themselves net receiving the education that they need for jobs in the information age, and they know it. A common complaint for dropouts is that they feel that the school system is not benefiting them.

This may be part of the root cause of why we are facing high drop out stats and unemployment for students that do not go on to higher education.  Part of the problem is that our current system was only designed to output ~20% to higher education.  - Anonymous

Student: 17 year old female, last year of highschool from a latin third world country:
asi que te doy mi punto de vista como una persona normal
te hago una pregunta
para que vamos al colegio?
Anon 1: a EDUCARNOS. a aprender a pensar.
Student: exacto esa palabra aprender, pensar
nos enseñan cosas mucha informacion
pero jamas de los jamases nos enseñan metodos de estudios eficaces
por lo que nos vamos y solamente estudia de memoria y solo para el examen para pasar de grado
por lo que esa informacion despues de pocos dias
se va..
lo mejor seria fomentando la imaginacion y el pensamiento individual de cada persona
por eso casi siempre los paraguayos son timidos
no les gusta hablar
porque muchas veces sus palabras no son escuchadas
entendes eso?
osea cuando sos chiquito te tendrian que dar premios por responder
por saber
y aca eso no hacen
por lo que le importa un comino
y piensan que hablar en publico es pelada
se concentran mas en que van a fallar que en otra cosa
que otra cosa
a mi hubiese
encantado aprender musica
pero las clases simplemente no las entendia
eran muy dificiles para mi comprension
porque con nosotros no empezaron desde cero
y muchas veces los profesores no estan lo suficientemente capacitados para enseñar
si para dar e imponer informacion
pero no enseñan
y muchas veces no tienen paciencia
profesores hay muchos..
maestros pocos.
y la forma en que enseñan aca
da asco
porque vienen se sientan y solo se escucha bla bla bla
la informacion no viene solamente a travez del sentido auditivo
sino tambien a travez de la vista
tenemos un infocus
en el cole
pero los profesores nunca lo usan para sus clases
sin dudas seria mucho mas divertido y definitivamente pondria mas atencion si lo usaran
que se acostumbren a utilizar las ventajas de la tecnologia
que no se queden en lo antiguo de venir hablar y dictar
lo mejor de mi especialidad es cuando salimos
pero cuando salimos a ver cosas referntes a salud
como a las facultades
porque te muestra como va a ser tu posible ambiente de trabajo
y que si se puede
que noes taaan difcil
mm creo que lo basico es que nos enseñen a aprender desde pequeños y que no den clases aburridas y antiguas porque esta es una epoca moderna con muchos metodos de aprendizaje interesantes.
y bueno creo que eso es todo - Anonymous

Anon 1: concuring with the above opinion, school should first of all teach to THINK independently and not think DEPENDENTLY, as to be creative, to solve problems on their own and not use techonolgy as an excuse to depend on it, techonology is used as a tool to asiste learning without giving in to dependence, also break the habits of old obsolete info, and update constantly, learning should be creative, adaptive, evolving. Teaching like i said: TO THINK and not to DEPEND. - Anonymous

If we want change we must be ready for it. the future is technology. physical school will become obsolete.
Thanks for sharing this "moment" with us. we luvz you all - #OpPortugal @ anonops

Why do you think Mathematics isn't taught in most "modern" countries?
Do  you really think governments want countries full of people who can  think things through and find the right answers to questions? - Anonymous

Is there a way to measure/determine the proficiency level of various instructors?  Possibly a database of questions which anon-instructors can quiz themselves on, giving a score of how well they are able to "teach" a particular subject and which subjects would prove most informative for a pupil, then match students to teachers. - Anonymous

We shall see the gradual errosion of institutional structures which become increasingly more out of step with modern technology and social mobility. There was a trend towards centralisation during a period of low energy and housing costs when we lacked the technology to provide high quality distance learning. Oil, housing and other costs are now being felt across the demograpghic, at the same time governments are no longer able to fund higher level education. We will now experience a trend toward decentralisation geographically but centralisation digitally where the best teachers can be streamed into local colleges. The cost of education will reduce with this trend as will the barriers to higher education. We are in the middle of a transition where change is being driven by afffordability. - Anonymous

Det svenska utbildningssystemet:
Från statlig verksamhet till kommunal/privata alternativ en medveten sänkning? Det tror jag, och framledes kommer de offentliga (dvs de ickeprivata alternativen) förmodligen vara av så dålig  kvaliteé att det kommer att kosta att ge sitt barn en utbildning. Som i USA och England. Nya korta gymnasiutbildningar som varit på förslag är också ett sätt att försöka "slå sönder" och öppna dörren till "lågstatusyrken". Studielånen kommer det löna sig i framtiden att ens ta dem? Inte säker på det heller.
Generellt anser jag att utbildningssystemet  andvänds för att forma individen in i samhället, inte mycket till självtänk ingår. Vi bor alltså i ett land där man utbildar sig för att föda barn, något vi gjort i alla tider :)
Svår fråga egentligen...försökt lära mitt barn självständigt tänkande och ändå passa in (utbilda dig) ingen vill väl att ens avkomma skall bli anarkist? (dubbel där.)
De mest korkade i mina ögon är ofta de som gått på universiteten. De sväljer allt utan någon tillstymmelse till ifrågasättande, lustigt!
Vi går igenom förändringar i vår tid, det som en gång varit, kommer inte tillbaka och ställer mig frågan hur har makten tänkt sig sysselsätta undersåtarna framledes? Det pågår saker på flera plan, och de hör på sätt och vis samman. Vem skall äga rätten till orden? Ser en desperation från de "där uppe" ...de gör allt för att behålla kontrollen. Tror i förlängningen inte de kommer att lyckas och när den släpperm kommer vi förmodligen se ett helt nytt samhälle formas. Vi är inte där ÄN, det är som bekant alltid mörkast före gryningen. - Anonymous

Skolan ger våra barn grunden för kritiskt tänkande och ifrågasättandet av etablerade ”sanningar”. Genom att försämra skolans möjligheter att ge barnen bra utbildning urholkas det demokratiska systemet likväl som vår framtid och vi går ett segregerat samhälle tillmötes där sociala klyftor grävs avgrundesdjupa mellan samhällsklasserna. Det kan vi inte tillåta! - Anonymous

reddit thread about that article  http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/10mzbw/on_a_rough_estimate_it_would_only_take_70_billion/ - Anonymous


Our targets for this release have been the top 100 universities around the world. After carefully filtering the ones that we've already leaked before and the ones where Anonymous has in major operations, we have eventually got together a new fresh list. The majority of them should be here. Also, some of us decided to go ahead and add vulnerable links to the other ones anyway, which you can find at the bottom, at "Other Universities".

side note* We tried to keep the leaked information to a minimum, so just around 120.000+ accounts and records are here, leaving in their servers hundreds of thousands more. (When we got there, we found out that a lot of them have malware injected. No surprise there since some have credit card information stored.)

Harvard - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810660 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/92c03f31b3 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44824

Cambridge Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810676 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/e7c3e06a37 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44825

Cambridge Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810701 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/d8b503fb6e Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44828

Stanford Server 1 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3810691/5e96bca0192cfe34d8d9841d63f152ddbfbff6b4/gistfile1.txt Mirror2:  https://privatepaste.com/82d024500e Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44826

Stanford Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810699 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/e7728820c4 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44827

Princeton - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3810718/b8c5e79dbab268d2cd3f8de0e95390795a8931ca/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/343674eb0c Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44829

John Hopkins Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810729 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/4bc0fab6db Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44830

John Hopkins Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810734 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/22895f49a4 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44831

John Hopkins Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810740 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/a071a40063 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44832

John Hopkins Server 4 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3810748/bcc7d84bacb317353491c264496794c04cee5226/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/469b4009bf Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44833

John Hopkins Server 5 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810755 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/8c5e4ba0a7 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44834

Imperial College London - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810763 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/01b081bb60 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44836

University of Michigan Server 1 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3810787/f1e3952cd41bc158cfac678b0f1aeeb73ad30599/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/afbe91543c Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44837

University of Michigan Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810792 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/239143e29d Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44838

University of Michigan Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810923 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/c92a705bbd Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44854

University of Michigan Server 4 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811182 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/26c9d0db84 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44898

University of Michigan Server 5 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811188 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/3feca93929 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44899

University of Michigan Server 6 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811193 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/e7aeddccac Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44900

University of Michigan Server 7 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811205 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/dc75edf097 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44901

Tokyo University Server 1 Part 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810797 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/ed548e5d88 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44839

Tokyo University Server 1 Part 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810810 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/cd04b83dec Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44840

Tokyo University Server 1 Part 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810818 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/52933859e6 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44841

Tokyo University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810828 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/782a617b0d Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44842

Tokyo University Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810831 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/3466684b1b Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44843

Tokyo University Server 4 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810835 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/e6acf7f83d Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44844

University of Wisconsin Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810845 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/ce4f42ebfc Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44845

University of Wisconsin Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810857 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/c30629ee14 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44846

University of Wisconsin Server 3 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3810861/86b880598212eb8b0eceeea275a1188a34c467d5/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/69eee0b608 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44847

University of Wisconsin Server 4 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810875 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/bbbd709f71 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44848

University of Pennsylvania - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810887 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/cab53e8a78 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44849

Cornell University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810892 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/986098a79e Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44850

Cornell University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810901 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/caceb8222e Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44851

Cornell University Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810910 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/01ddcecfa0 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44852

Kyoto University - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810919 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/22992d1d50 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44853

University of Houston - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810930 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/ec3e0065cd Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44855

Linkoping University - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810934 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/1794f087c3 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44856

New York University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810938 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/f9e886326c Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44857

New York University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810945 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/41366f243f Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44858

University of Edinburgh Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810949 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/43ade3b50f Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44859

University of Edinburgh Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810953 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/6c15cc073c Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44860

University of Edinburgh Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810955 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/6b79bfe9ca Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44861

University of Maryland - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810958 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/4178e1c2dc Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44862

University of British Columbia Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810962 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/58907d0c78 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44863

University of British Columbia Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810974 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/46f6e0cf4f Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44864

University of British Columbia Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810979 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/bb18e7d0aa Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44865

University of British Columbia Server 4 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810985 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/d214b684a9 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44866

University of Texas Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810987 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/6c6c39a0d9 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44867

University of Texas Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3810996 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/678718a028 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44868

University of Colorado Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811004 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/e31589c08c Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44869

University of Colorado Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811009 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/f4a1550af8 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44870

University of Colorado Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811018 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/783f0ff19c Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44871

Duke University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811023 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/35570ea8de Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44872

Duke University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811032 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/0a581c5c92 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44873

Rutgers University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811039 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/f74a22ca6d Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44874

Rutgers University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811044 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/ef801a7da6 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44875

Manchester University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811048 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/127bb9b42e Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44876

Manchester University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811051 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/246cbac96e Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44877

Manchester University Server 3 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811064/0cd2d34e5b559a49a265331bcbc4b433d3ad9c7b/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/c111deb22a Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44878

University of Pittsburgh Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811070 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/a985a04356 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44879

University of Pittsburgh Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811076 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/66d961ab3c Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44880

University of Zurich Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811079 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/7483d82693 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44881

University of Zurich Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811083 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/65fff3b605 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44882

University of Florida Server 1 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811086/705ca78237084f75671477b825b8e591d03d33b6/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/c89aef01cd Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44883

University of Florida Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811096 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/bb8714d06d Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44884

University of Berlin - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811098 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/d40e4775eb Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44886

Utrecht University - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811104 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/a31dad6100 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44887

Osaka University Part 1 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811110/96882604e2f07464c3272c4c19f4dab5ae2dcd90/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/01195a6c25 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44888

Osaka University Part 2 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811132/4834cf80e534508b27897928559313eff1417a08/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/9b91578844 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44889

Osaka University Part 3 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811140/bb2c19df1fcae83974ce640d156214d0f924320f/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/ebcfbeec98 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44890

Heidelberg University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811143 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/97eef764a1 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44891

Heidelberg University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811150/eaf244e6f95e369f6898ddb4bc24355d7c50ed34/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/f29174dc75 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44892

Heidelberg University Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811155 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/560b5ad055 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44893

Moscow State University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811166 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/1af03b6a54 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44894

Moscow State University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811176 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/437bbeebe6 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44896

University of Freiburg Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811211 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/f3cfac28cf Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44903

University of Freiburg Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811217 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/d25429eeff Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44904

University of Freiburg Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811221 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/3eecab8bba Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44905

Texas A&M University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811226 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/3c4dff93fe Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44906

Texas A&M University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811238/5e9420d25b52ae3b2b0d6e1115a3473dc5f31032/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/2b2c9717c1 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44907

Texas A&M University Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811255 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/6184873f21 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44908

Texas A&M University Server 4 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811261 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/abde9f2cd6 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44909

Boston University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811269 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/ca8a6296f6 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44910

Boston University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811276 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/25472e8919 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44911

McMaster University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811287 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/7fdcca29c9 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44912

McMaster University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811291 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/fc49c17d6b Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44913

McMaster University Server 3 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811297/c6c147365804962c145b3860a54dad76f861f2ae/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/7f2c30c2f0 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44914

University of Goettingen Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811308 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/53cf8b0638 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44915

University of Goettingen Server 2 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811318/570c54786831a9d6bce25e5999696f5f50df8d6e/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/480f92e6bd Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44916

Purdue University Server 1 Part 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811321 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/8f69820de6 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44917

Purdue University Server 1 Part 2 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811376/9523904e82bc16c13c519baec3229249df47413d/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/fc0fc8cf56 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44918

Purdue University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811382 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/a476ab5a49 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44919

University of Nottingham - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811385 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/3dd6f53140 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44920

University of Sheffield - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811396/bdf0f1475ffba093605cf7c0c0bcb00c0e082e25/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/6e8dfafcf6 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44921

Uppsala University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811401 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/96c4f5b504 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44922

Uppsala University Sever 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811403 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/e8767795b8 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44923

University of Basel Server 1 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811414/8a81ba45bf6346dc4e7f9c9c55addd0874a5e6f1/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/0d15e41c3f Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44924

University of Basel Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811419 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/6d861da134 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44925

University of Arizona Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811426 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/8e888b9ef1 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44926

University of Arizona Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811432 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/d7d6741336 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44927

Case Western Reserve University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811436 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/711e414196 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44928

Case Western Reserve University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811438 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/6b1f785e6a Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44929

Arizona State University Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811462 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/c2cd14b266 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44930

Arizona State University Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811687 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/98800d663a Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44944

Nagoya University - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811506 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/f7a0844248 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44931

Tohoku University - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811553 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/b81de99072 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44932

University of Bristol - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811592 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/efb8d804b2 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44933

Ohio State University - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811612 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/13f6eef6ea Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44934

University of Melbourne - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811626/425292d0f23068e6a48d0d6e1aaa05277dd69837/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/4df6f76f15 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44935

University of Oslo - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811640 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/d0e683d246 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44936

University of Utah - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811651 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/7f392e8b70 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44937

University of Strasbourg Server 1 - Mirror1: https://raw.github.com/gist/3811655/3de625e7dd12432b87b304ce1c1dbf8a20f437ba/gistfile1.txt Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/9d45b2b666 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44938

University of Strasbourg Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811659 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/3e1dd98caf Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44939

University of Rome Server 1 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811665 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/ffa2ccc8a5 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44940

University of Rome Server 2 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811671 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/dbe31babb0 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44941

University of Rome Server 3 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811675 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/0415e9e456 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44942

University of Rome Server 4 - Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811683 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/1d0987d139 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44943

Other Universities: Mirror1: https://gist.github.com/3811706 Mirror2: https://privatepaste.com/6a3afe5a81 Mirror3: http://pastesite.com/44945


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