ADDON (09-2012)  #UPDATED
FHW = Nimwit
LgnSec De Ene
mike said, August 13, 2012 at 11:42 am Caroline K, would you please email me:...
Sep 4 (10 days ago)
mike l*
Sep 7 (7 days ago)
to me
Thank you for the correspondance. I am glad my Tumblr post has made it
to someone who has found it useful. However, I was very disturbed to
discover my handle, "justintimetravels" (and variations: justintime,
etc.) being used on IRC and in your post. This IS NOT ME. I AM NOT THE
"justintime" ON IRC. This is most definitely Hemmingson pretending to
be me in order to discredit my claims/research. To clarify, I AM the
"justintimetravels" on Tumblr, but I am NOT "justintime" on IRC OR ANY
OTHER SITE ON THE INTERNET. My name is Mike L*, this is my primary
email. I am not savvy when it comes to IRC, internet, etc., so if you
ever see a variation on my "justintimetravels" handle in any IRC or
other tech-associated arena, IT IS NOT ME. This includes the handle
"Drake Bailey," which is no doubt a play on my Tumblr alias
Justin_Bailey (taken from a password from Metroid on NES). Thank you
for your hard work, and for looking into this further.
Doc_H aka BigBean4Action aka Dr_Hemm aka LoJacker aka  Drake Bailey aka HeavyMasObject aka imperial aka michael-hemmingson
go mad on 1 of his  ip's Tijuana MEXICO his 3rdsplitsplicedlife other one id .edu so no use.
and thanx for the "laugh"  my own Nimwithat post dedicated to me what an honor. and your late lulz. for a nimwit with self proclaimed IQ of 207 lulz
case was allready closed. and world in action. - Observe - see non-attached. #RA
but no attention you get #more
karma is a bitch isnt it m.h
you got a flood load incoming.
take some more Vicodin's and slice some more imagination with intel allready out there.
AN0NRA1 the one and only.
go mad on 1 of his ip's Tijuana MEXICO his 3rdsplitsplicedlife other ip .edu so no use for it. #ANONYMOUS
Doc_H aka BigBean4Action /Dr_Hemm / LoJacker /Drake Bailey /HeavyMasObject / imperial / michael hemmingson #WANNABE #ANON #WHITEHAT #NIMWIT


he not worth my time. he just got his 3rd strike your out HOMERUN RA STYLE.
rest world will do act...

wanna chat voicechat, keep your text at home. The Voice. you gotta give it a voice to have a voice. OPEN GAME FOLKS you ready,
So we got another "pawn" here also? vBulletin Message Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator 
 [removed for #LULZ : pornograhic images and foul language ] #EATME
[ToT] compromised......   see ya.