| Agent_Anon |
|Twitter: @AgentAnonHacker|
_ _ ________ ____ ____ __ .__
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Introducing: #OpVatican
The vatican and the catholic church have been committing crimes for centuries. Crimes worse than those committed by the church of scientology, but overlooked because apparently you're allowed to rape children if you're a priest. The vatican actively hides the practice of pedophilia in their organization. Their outdated birth control policies have lead to thousands of unplanned pregnancies which are difficult to deal with, because at the same time they are bombing pland parenthoods because of their outdated views on abortion. This theocracy needs to either enter the real world with modern ideals, or fall behind and become part of history. They must be stopped. To being #OpVatican, I have hacked catholica.va a fairly large site dedicated to Catholicism. This dump will bring attention to #OpVatican and we will see where we go from there. Black Faxes and DDOS are most likely ways to go from here.
I used an sql injection vulnerability in Catholica.va to gain access to their database and dump the database, late at night on March 12, 2012. I am doing this along with other actions by Anonymous. I warned the official english Vatican twitter account that unless they apologised for all of my protests (listed bellow), I would hack their site, which I did. I delivered. I gave them until 12:00AM CST to apologize and after that deadline was met I tweeted: "@news_va_en Time is up. Prepare your anus." They probably have lots of experience with lube, seeing as they fuck children, but I have a feeling that no amount of preparation could prevent the butthurt that they will be felling right about now. The bottom line is that the vatican and the catholic church is one mafia (and Italian mafia, no?) that launders money, tortures scientists, murders doctors, oh, and rapes kids on the side. I am doing this to bring attention to the crimes committed by the Vatican and by the church.
After ddos attacks comes a dump. I broke into their servers through an SQL injection vuln and dumped their database. Lot's of the dump is written in some important sounding dead language (Latin. If you don't know it you can use Google). I did this because the church and the Vatican is essentially a massive criminal gang that serves free wine on Sundays. Martin Luther once nailed 95 theses to the door of a church which lead to a small revolution within the church. Consider this act like nailing my list of theses to the door of a church. I am doing this along with other actions by Anonymous. I warned the official english Vatican twitter account that unless they apologised for all of my protests (listed bellow), I would hack their site, which I did. I delivered. I gave them until 12:00AM CST to apologize and after that deadline was met I tweeted: "@news_va_en Time is up. Prepare your anus." They probably have lots of experience with lube, seeing as they fuck children, but I have a feeling that no amount of preparation could prevent the butthurt that they will be felling right about now. The bottom line is that the vatican and the catholic church is one mafia (and Italian mafia, no?) that launders money, tortures scientists, murders doctors, oh, and rapes kids on the side. I am doing this to bring attention to the crimes committed by the Vatican and by the church. Here are my protests:
The church has made it easy for pedophiles to abuse to abuse children and has actively worked to hide these practices.
The church is responsible for the deaths of thousands worldwide and especially in the continent of Africa by pushing to eliminate condoms
The church is guilty of defending archaic policies on birth control despite the effects of such policies as detailed above.
The church is under suspicion for money laundering, while they tell the poor to not steal and worship Jesus, a man who told the rich to give away all their possessions and live with the poor.
The church has actively sought to eradicate, slow down, or stop advances in science, most specifically stem cell research, which could save the lives of thousands. This makes them
responsible for the deaths of those thousands.
The church has a stance on abortion that has lead to broken families, ruined lives, and death.
The church has pushed to eliminate evolution (a fact) and replace it with creationism
(fiction) and in doing so keep our children ignorant, depriving them of on of the most fundamental parts of biology.
The church is responsible for the deaths of people in Africa (in 2012 mind you) over accusations of witchcraft.
The church uses the idea of "hell" to scare children into obeying their parents, even when their parents beat them or teach them to hate other religions and races.
The church teaches children to hate and fear their bodies and sexuality.
The church teaches homosexuals that they will burn in hell for eternity
The church tells rape victims that what happened was Gods will.
The church excommunicated a 9 year old girl in Brazil, the doctors who preformed her abortion, and her family, because she aborted the baby she recieved from the rape.
The church did not excommunicate the rapist.
The church teaches that medical treatment will anger God, and are responsible for all those killed in "Faith Healings".
The church has told women to submit to their husbands, which is bad enough, but worse when you realize that many of these husbands are beating their wives half to death.
The church has taken money from the poor (and rich), promising them instant access to heaven.
The church did not acknowledge that the Earth is not the center of the universe until 1992.
The church fucked with Galileo. No one fucks with Galileo. He's my bro.
Ok, time for the fun part. Some of the names are in Italian, I've provided a translation in (parenthesis). Here is the dump:
Site: www.catholica.va
Database Name:
|sala_stampa (Newsroom)|
|count |
|month |
|picture |
|sala_stampa (Newsroom)|
|testo (Text) |
|count DUMP|
indice last last_accessed
1 28907 28907
|month DUMP|
token name language
1 January en
1 Janvier fr
1 Enero sp
1 Janeiro po
1 Gennaio it
1 Januar ge
2 Fevereiro po
2 Février fr
2 Febrero sp
2 February en
2 Febbraio it
2 Februar ge
3 März ge
3 Mars fr
3 March en
3 Marzo sp
3 Março po
3 Marzo it
4 Avril fr
4 April en
4 April ge
4 Aprile it
4 Abril sp
4 Abril po
5 Mai ge
5 Mayo sp
5 Mai fr
5 Maio po
5 Maggio it
5 May en
6 Junio sp
6 Giugno it
6 Juin fr
6 Junho po
6 Juni ge
6 June en
7 Julho po
7 Juillet fr
7 July en
7 Luglio it
7 Julio sp
7 Juli ge
8 Augost en
8 Agosto po
8 Août fr
8 Agosto sp
8 Agosto it
8 August ge
9 Septembre fr
9 September en
9 Settembre it
9 Setembro po
9 September ge
9 Setiembre sp
10 Octobre fr
10 Ottobre it
10 October en
10 Oktober ge
10 Octubre sp
10 Outubro po
11 November ge
11 Noviembre sp
11 November en
11 Novembre it
11 Novembre fr
11 Novembro po
12 Dezember ge
12 Dezembro po
12 December en
12 Diciembre sp
12 Décembre fr
12 Dicembre it
|picture DUMP|
filename language token
/img/int_boll.jpg en 1
/img/int_boll.jpg fr 1
/img/int_boll.jpg sp 1
/img/int_boll.jpg po 1
/img/int_boll.jpg ge 1
/img/int_boll.jpg it 1
/img/int_boll.jpg it 1
/img/int_boll.jpg it 1
|sala_stampa (Newsroom) DUMP|
po_title indice po_index po_year po_date yday yday_seven month_token deleted category
1100 293 1997 06.08.1997 248 241 8 1 0
1110 293 1997 06.08.1997 248 241 8 1 0
1164 311 1997 26.08.1997 268 261 8 1 0
1281 352 1997 24.09.1997 296 289 9 1 0
1286 352 1997 24.09.1997 296 289 9 1 0
2734 158 1998 16.04.1998 105 98 4 1 0
2741 158 1998 16.04.1998 105 98 4 1 0
2926 195 1998 13.05.1998 132 125 5 1 0
2933 195 1998 13.05.1998 132 125 5 1 0
2940 195 1998 13.05.1998 132 125 5 1 0
2947 195 1998 13.05.1998 132 125 5 1 0
746 199 1997 24.05.1997 174 167 5 0 3
740 199 1997 24.05.1997 174 167 5 0 4
744 199 1997 24.05.1997 174 167 5 0 1
743 199 1997 24.05.1997 174 167 5 0 1
742 199 1997 24.05.1997 174 167 5 0 1
741 199 1997 24.05.1997 174 167 5 0 1
1631 434 1997 18.11.1997 351 344 11 1 0
1681 438 1997 21.11.1997 354 347 11 1 0
440 120 1997 29.03.1997 118 111 3 0 1
448 125 1997 1.04.97 0 -7 4 1 1
457 125 1997 01.04.1997 91 84 4 0 1
1751 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1761 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1771 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1781 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1791 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 0 0
1873 454 1997 06.12.1997 5 -2 12 0 0
2072 18 1998 14.01.1998 13 6 1 0 0
2130 41 1998 27.01.1998 26 19 1 0 0
1939 464 1997 13.12.1997 12 5 12 0 0
1830 450 1997 02.12.1997 1 -6 12 1 0
1834 450 1997 02.12.1997 1 -6 12 1 0
1838 450 1997 02.12.1997 1 -6 12 0 0
2020 488 1997 30.12.1997 29 22 12 0 0
1752 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1762 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1772 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1782 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1792 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 0 0
1662 435 1997 19.11.1997 352 345 11 0 0
1668 436 1997 20.11.1997 353 346 11 1 0
1675 436 1997 20.11.1997 353 346 11 0 0
1710 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 1 0
1727 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 0 0
1827 449 1997 01.12.1997 0 -7 12 0 0
1831 450 1997 02.12.1997 1 -6 12 1 0
1835 450 1997 02.12.1997 1 -6 12 1 0
1839 450 1997 02.12.1997 1 -6 12 0 0
1902 460 1997 10.12.1997 9 2 12 1 0
1909 460 1997 10.12.1997 9 2 12 0 0
1922 463 1997 12.12.1997 11 4 12 1 0
1930 463 1997 12.12.1997 11 4 12 0 0
1945 466 1997 14.12.1997 13 6 12 0 0
1950 467 1997 15.12.1997 14 7 12 0 0
2051 10 1998 09.01.1998 8 1 1 0 0
2059 13 1998 11.01.1998 10 3 1 0 0
2062 14 1998 12.01.1998 11 4 1 0 0
2099 27 1998 20.01.1998 19 12 1 0 0
2102 28 1998 21.01.1998 20 13 1 0 0
2109 31 1998 23.01.1998 22 15 1 0 0
2118 39 1998 26.01.1998 25 18 1 0 0
1848 451 1997 03.12.1997 2 -5 12 0 0
2055 12 1998 10.01.1998 9 2 1 0 0
2167 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 0
2182 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 0
2200 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 0
2218 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 0
2238 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 0
2254 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 0
2295 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 0
2317 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 0
1938 464 1997 13.12.1997 12 5 12 0 0
1703 439 1997 22.11.1997 355 348 11 0 0
2091 26 1998 19.01.1998 18 11 1 0 0
1920 463 1997 12.12.1997 11 4 12 1 0
1928 463 1997 12.12.1997 11 4 12 0 0
1799 445 1997 27.11.1997 360 353 11 0 0
1818 447 1997 29.11.1997 362 355 11 0 0
1845 451 1997 03.12.1997 2 -5 12 0 0
1874 454 1997 06.12.1997 5 -2 12 0 0
1665 436 1997 20.11.1997 353 346 11 1 0
1672 436 1997 20.11.1997 353 346 11 0 0
2061 14 1998 12.01.1998 11 4 1 0 3
1755 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1765 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1775 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1785 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1795 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 0 0
2081 22 1998 16.01.1998 15 8 1 0 0
2086 24 1998 17.01.1998 16 9 1 0 0
2006 478 1997 23.12.1997 22 15 12 0 0
2089 25 1998 18.01.1998 17 10 1 0 0
1918 462 1997 12.12.1997 11 4 12 0 3
1926 462 1997 12.12.1997 11 4 12 0 3
1738 443 1997 25.11.1997 358 351 11 1 3
1745 443 1997 25.11.1997 358 351 11 0 3
1709 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 1 0
1726 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 0 0
1801 445 1997 27.11.1997 360 353 11 0 3
1914 461 1997 11.12.1997 10 3 12 0 3
1944 466 1997 14.12.1997 13 6 12 0 3
1826 449 1997 01.12.1997 0 -7 12 0 3
2050 10 1998 09.01.1998 8 1 1 0 3
1846 451 1997 03.12.1997 2 -5 12 0 0
1816 447 1997 29.11.1997 362 355 11 0 0
1805 446 1997 28.11.1997 361 354 11 0 0
1817 447 1997 29.11.1997 362 355 11 0 0
1976 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 1 4
1983 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 0 4
1954 469 1997 16.12.1997 15 8 12 0 4
2162 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2177 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2213 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2233 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2249 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2290 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2312 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2157 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2172 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2190 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2208 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2228 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2244 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2268 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2281 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2303 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
1932 464 1997 13.12.1997 12 5 12 0 4
1823 449 1997 01.12.1997 0 -7 12 0 4
1947 467 1997 15.12.1997 14 7 12 0 4
2084 24 1998 17.01.1998 16 9 1 0 4
1953 469 1997 16.12.1997 15 8 12 0 4
1856 453 1997 05.12.1997 4 -3 12 0 4
1988 474 1997 20.12.1997 19 12 12 0 4
2156 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2171 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2189 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2207 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2227 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2243 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2267 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2280 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
2302 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 4
1864 454 1997 06.12.1997 5 -2 12 0 4
1857 453 1997 05.12.1997 4 -3 12 0 4
1822 449 1997 01.12.1997 0 -7 12 0 4
2049 10 1998 09.01.1998 8 1 1 0 4
1989 474 1997 20.12.1997 19 12 12 0 4
2079 22 1998 16.01.1998 15 8 1 0 4
2026 2 1998 02.01.1998 1 -6 1 0 4
1865 454 1997 06.12.1997 5 -2 12 0 4
2161 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 2 1
2176 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2194 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2212 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2248 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
2311 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 4
1921 463 1997 12.12.1997 11 4 12 1 4
1929 463 1997 12.12.1997 11 4 12 0 4
1737 443 1997 25.11.1997 358 351 11 1 0
1744 443 1997 25.11.1997 358 351 11 0 0
1809 447 1997 29.11.1997 0 0
1992 474 1997 20.12.1997 19 12 12 0 0
1698 439 1997 22.11.1997 355 348 11 0 1
1829 450 1997 02.12.1997 1 -6 12 1 1
1833 450 1997 02.12.1997 1 -6 12 1 1
1837 450 1997 02.12.1997 1 -6 12 0 1
1683 438 1997 21.11.1997 354 347 11 1 1
1691 438 1997 21.11.1997 354 347 11 0 1
2002 478 1997 23.12.1997 22 15 12 0 1
1844 451 1997 03.12.1997 2 -5 12 0 1
1991 474 1997 20.12.1997 19 12 12 0 1
1872 454 1997 06.12.1997 5 -2 12 0 1
2003 478 1997 23.12.1997 22 15 12 0 1
1702 439 1997 22.11.1997 355 348 11 0 0
1656 435 1997 19.11.1997 352 345 11 0 0
1748 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1758 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1768 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1778 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1788 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 0 0
1842 451 1997 03.12.1997 2 -5 12 0 0
1898 460 1997 10.12.1997 9 2 12 1 0
1905 460 1997 10.12.1997 9 2 12 0 0
1964 471 1997 17.12.1997 16 9 12 0 0
2070 18 1998 14.01.1998 13 6 1 0 0
2135 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 1 0
2258 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 0 0
2122 32 1998 23.01.1998 22 15 1 0 0
1825 449 1997 01.12.1997 0 -7 12 0 0
1655 435 1997 19.11.1997 352 345 11 0 2
1841 451 1997 03.12.1997 2 -5 12 0 2
1963 471 1997 17.12.1997 16 9 12 0 2
2069 18 1998 14.01.1998 13 6 1 0 2
2134 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 1 2
2257 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 0 2
1887 456 1997 07.12.1997 6 -1 12 0 4
2024 1 1998 01.01.1998 0 -7 1 0 4
2043 7 1998 06.01.1998 5 -2 1 0 4
1997 476 1997 21.12.1997 20 13 12 0 4
1706 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 1 4
1723 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 0 4
1943 466 1997 14.12.1997 13 6 12 0 4
2058 13 1998 11.01.1998 10 3 1 0 4
2273 48 1998 01.02.1998 31 24 2 1 4
2286 48 1998 01.02.1998 31 24 2 1 4
2308 48 1998 01.02.1998 31 24 2 1 4
2088 25 1998 18.01.1998 17 10 1 0 4
1688 438 1997 21.11.1997 354 347 11 0 2
1756 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 2
1766 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 2
1786 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 0 2
1855 453 1997 05.12.1997 4 -3 12 0 2
1884 456 1997 07.12.1997 6 -1 12 0 2
1903 460 1997 10.12.1997 9 2 12 0 2
1974 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 1 2
1981 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 0 2
1889 458 1997 09.12.1997 8 1 12 0 0
1975 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 1 0
1982 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 0 0
2121 32 1998 23.01.1998 22 15 1 0 0
1753 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1763 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1773 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1783 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1793 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 0 0
2047 9 1998 08.01.1998 7 0 1 0 0
1933 464 1997 13.12.1997 12 5 12 0 0
1808 447 1997 29.11.1997 362 355 11 0 0
1858 453 1997 05.12.1997 4 -3 12 0 0
1990 474 1997 20.12.1997 19 12 12 0 0
2000 477 1997 22.12.1997 21 14 12 0 0
2129 41 1998 27.01.1998 26 19 1 0 1
1815 447 1997 29.11.1997 362 355 11 0 1
2165 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2180 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2198 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2216 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2236 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2252 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2293 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2315 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
1913 461 1997 11.12.1997 10 3 12 0 1
1966 1997 17.12.1997 16 9 12 0 1
1810 447 1997 29.11.1997 362 355 11 0 1
1684 438 1997 21.11.1997 354 347 11 1 1
1692 438 1997 21.11.1997 354 347 11 0 1
2028 3 1998 03.01.1998 2 -5 1 0 1
2098 27 1998 20.01.1998 19 12 1 0 1
1912 461 1997 11.12.1997 10 3 12 0 1
1797 445 1997 27.11.1997 360 353 11 0 1
2164 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2179 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2197 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2215 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2235 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2251 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2292 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2314 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
1978 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 1 1
1985 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 0 1
2137 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 1 1
2260 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 0 1
2074 18 1998 14.01.1998 13 6 1 0 1
2158 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2173 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1
1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2209 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2229 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2245 47 23 1 1 1
2269 30 23 1 1 1
2282 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2304 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2097 27 1998 20.01.1998 19 12 1 0 1
1707 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 1 1
1724 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 0 1
2004 478 1997 23.12.1997 22 15 12 0 1
1977 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 1 1
1984 473 1997 19.12.1997 18 11 12 0 1
2019 488 1997 30.12.1997 29 22 12 0 1
1798 445 1997 27.11.1997 360 353 11 0 1
1708 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 1 1
1725 441 1997 23.11.1997 356 349 11 0 1
1859 453 1997 05.12.1997 4 -3 12 0 1
1735 443 1997 25.11.1997 358 351 11 1 1
1742 443 1997 25.11.1997 358 351 11 0 1
1667 436 1997 20.11.1997 353 346 11 1 1
1674 436 1997 20.11.1997 353 346 11 0 1
2159 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2174 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2192 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2210 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2230 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2246 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2270 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2283 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2305 47 1998 31.01.1998 30 23 1 1 1
2005 478 1997 23.12.1997 22 15 12 0 1
2032 6 1998 05.01.1998 4 -3 1 1 1
2040 6 1998 05.01.1998 4 -3 1 0 1
2101 28 1998 21.01.1998 20 13 1 0 1
2033 6 1998 05.01.1998 4 -3 1 1 1
2041 6 1998 05.01.1998 4 -3 1 0 1
2138 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 1 1
2261 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 0 1
2085 24 1998 17.01.1998 16 9 1 0 1
2117 39 1998 26.01.1998 25 18 1 0 1
1993 474 1997 20.12.1997 19 12 12 0 1
1967 471 1997 17.12.1997 16 9 12 0 1
2125 41 1998 27.01.1998 26 19 1 0 1
2126 41 1998 27.01.1998 26 19 1 0 1
2127 41 1998 27.01.1998 26 19 1 0 1
1824 449 1997 01.12.1997 0 -7 12 0 1
1699 439 1997 22.11.1997 355 348 11 0 1
2128 41 1998 27.01.1998 26 19 1 0 1
1701 439 1997 22.11.1997 355 348 11 0 0
2132 42 1998 27.01.1998 26 19 1 0 0
1999 477 1997 22.12.1997 21 14 12 0 0
2046 9 1998 08.01.1998 7 0 1 0 0
1647 434 1997 18.11.1997 351 344 11 0 0
1639 434 1997 18.11.1997 351 344 11 1 0
1972 472 1997 18.12.1997 17 10 12 0 0
1660 435 1997 19.11.1997 352 345 11 0 0
1800 445 1997 27.11.1997 360 353 11 0 0
1666 436 1997 20.11.1997 353 346 11 1 0
1673 436 1997 20.11.1997 353 346 11 0 0
1885 456 1997 07.12.1997 6 -1 12 0 0
1867 454 1997 06.12.1997 5 -2 12 0 1
1868 454 1997 06.12.1997 5 -2 12 0 1
1955 469 1997 16.12.1997 15 8 12 0 1
2095 27 1998 20.01.1998 19 12 1 0 1
1934 464 1997 13.12.1997 12 5 12 0 1
2092 26 1998 19.01.1998 18 11 1 0 1
2073 18 1998 14.01.1998 13 6 1 0 1
1734 443 1997 25.11.1997 358 351 11 1 1
1741 443 1997 25.11.1997 358 351 11 0 1
2054 12 1998 10.01.1998 9 2 1 0 1
1661 435 1997 19.11.1997 352 345 11 0 1
2080 22 1998 16.01.1998 15 8 1 0 1
2093 26 1998 19.01.1998 18 11 1 0 1
2066 17 1998 13.01.1998 12 5 1 0 1
2163 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2178 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2196 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2214 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2234 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2250 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2291 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
2313 49 1998 02.02.1998 32 25 2 1 1
1850 452 1997 04.12.1997 3 -4 12 0 1
2096 27 1998 20.01.1998 19 12 1 0 1
1657 435 1997 19.11.1997 352 345 11 0 0
1749 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1759 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1769 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1779 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 1 0
1789 444 1997 26.11.1997 359 352 11 0 0
1843 451 1997 03.12.1997 2 -5 12 0 0
1899 460 1997 10.12.1997 9 2 12 1 0
1906 460 1997 10.12.1997 9 2 12 0 0
1965 471 1997 17.12.1997 16 9 12 0 0
2071 18 1998 14.01.1998 13 6 1 0 0
2136 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 1 0
2259 43 1998 28.01.1998 27 20 1 0 0
1911 461 1997 11.12.1997 10 3 12 0 0
1866 454 1997 06.12.1997 5 -2 12 0 0
1807 447 1997 29.11.1997 362 355 11 0 0
1971 472 1997 18.12.1997 17 10 12 0 0
2077 21 1998 15.01.1998 14 7 1 0 0
2057 13 1998 11.01.1998 10 3 1 0 0
1862 453 1997 05.12.1997 4 -3 12 0 3
1658 435 1997 19.11.1997 352 345 11 0 0
1804 446 1997 28.11.1997 361 354 11 0 0
1689 438 1997 21.11.1997 354 347 11 0 0
1682 438 1997 21.11.1997 354 347 11 1 0
1690 438 1997 21.11.1997 354 347 11 0 0
1883 456 1997 07.12.1997 6 -1 12 0 0
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testo language token
<SELECT name="zona"> <OPTION value="bweek">semaine courante <OPTION value="bmonth">mois courant <OPTION value="b1997">1997 <OPTION value="b1998">1998 <OPTION value="b1999">1999 <OPTION value="b2000">2000 <OPTION value="b2001">2001 <OPTION value="b2002">2002 <OPTION value="b2003">2003 <OPTION value="b2004">2004 <OPTION value="b2005">2005 <OPTION value="b2006">2006 <OPTION value="b2007">2007 <OPTION value="b2008">2008 <OPTION value="b2009">2009 <OPTION value="b2010">2010 <OPTION value="b2011">2011 </SELECT> <input type=submit value="Go"> </FORM> </td> <td valign=top> Recherche par categorie : </td> fr 3
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<OPTION value="qua">Ernennungen <OPTION value="cin">Audienzen <OPTION value="sei">Presseerkl�rungen <OPTION value="set">Botschaften <OPTION value="ott">Reisen </select> ge 4
<OPTION value="qua">Nombramientos <OPTION value="cin">Audiencias <OPTION value="sei">Declaraciones a la Prensa <OPTION value="set">Mensajes <OPTION value="ott">Viajes </select> sp 4
<OPTION value="qua">Nomeações <OPTION value="cin">Audiências <OPTION value="sei">Declarações á Imprensa <OPTION value="set">Mensagens <OPTION value="ott">Viagens </select> po 4
<OPTION value="qua">Nominations <OPTION value="cin">Audiences <OPTION value="sei">Déclarations de presse <OPTION value="set">Messages <OPTION value="ott">Voyages </select> fr 4
<OPTION value="qua">Nominations<OPTION value="cin">Audiences<OPTION value="sei">Press Releases<OPTION value="set">Messages<OPTION value="ott">Travels</select> en 4
<OPTION value="qua">Nomine <OPTION value="cin">Udienze <OPTION value="sei">Conferenze stampa <OPTION value="set">Messaggi <OPTION value="ott">Viaggi </select> it 4
<SELECT name="zona"> <OPTION value="bweek">semana corrente <OPTION value="bmonth">mes corrente <OPTION value="b1997">1997 <OPTION value="b1998">1998 <OPTION value="b1999">1999 <OPTION value="b2000">2000 <OPTION value="b2001">2001 <OPTION value="b2002">2002 <OPTION value="b2003">2003 <OPTION value="b2004">2004 <OPTION value="b2005">2005 <OPTION value="b2006">2006 <OPTION value="b2007">2007 <OPTION value="b2008">2008 <OPTION value="b2009">2009 <OPTION value="b2010">2010 <OPTION value="b2011">2011 </SELECT> <input type=submit value="Go"> </FORM> </td> <td valign=top> Procura por categoria : </td> po 3
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Año sp 6
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Laufende Woche ge 5
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Mensajes sp 10
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Messages fr 10
Messaggi di Sua Santit� it 10
Nombramientos sp 7
Nomeações po 7
Nomination en 7
Nominations fr 7
Nomine it 7
Press Releases en 9
Presseerkl�rungen ge 9
Reisen ge 11
Selected Year en 6
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Semana en curso sp 5
Settimana Corrente it 5
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Udienze it 8
Viagens po 11
Viaggi di Sua Santit� it 11
Viajes sp 11
Voyages fr 11
You rape children, I rape your site.
TL;DR: Pedophiles got owned.
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