Yet another porn site was hacked this week, losing 73,000 e-mail addresses, user names, and passwords, and some 40,000 plain-text credit card numbers, including CCV numbers and expiration dates, according to SC Magazine. This comes just over two weeks after YouPorn, a popular adult-video site, suffered an information-grab at the hands of hackers, losing several thousand user names and plain-text e-mail addresses.
This time around, the hackers identified themselves as members of “The Consortium” and seem to be affiliated with LulzSec and Anonymous. AVN confirmed the attack, and said while the hackers didn’t dump all the data, partially published lists correspond with Digital Playground’s customer list.
In a mirror image of Digital Playground’s compromise, the hackers said that they hadn’t set out to destroy the porn site, but that the lax credentials and shoddy security “made it too enticing to resist”. The hackers also claimed to have rooted four of the site’s servers, and listened in on the company’s conference calls.
On March 1, 2012, Digital Playground’s Website officially became a property of Manwin, a Luxembourg-based adult entertainment IT company that also owns the hacked YouPorn, and in an official statement to AVN, Digital Playground suggests that the breach may have occurred before that transfer, in February. The fee-based porn site is currently down, and says it will not charge customers while “management is supervising all aspects of this situation.”
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