_ _ _____ _____ Hackers have broken into the database for a military dating website and stolen passwords, e-mail addresses, and other information from nearly 171,000 accounts, according to a posting on Pastebin this weekend.
The leaked data includes in email addresses from us.army.mil, navy.mil and microsoft.com domains, but what is interesting to note is that the group is using the name "LulzSec" and "LulzSec Reborn". Representatives from ESingles, the operator of the site, did not respond to emails seeking comment.
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//Laughing at your security since 2011!
//#LulzSecReborn <- IRC Chan @ irc.anonops.com
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War Zone – Soldiers With No Name [Commander X interview]
Language: Greek | Interviews: English
The documentary also feature interviews with Wired journalist Quinn Norton and Chief Technology Officer of Application Security, INC, Josh Shaul.
A war correspondent and photographer, Sotiris has been filming news & current affairs documentaries since 2003, highlighting the stories of people in crisis and the contemporary issues of the world we live in. The awarded War Zone documentary series takes the viewer to the world’s hot spots and the centre of international news developments. Each feature of 60 minutes, is the result of long-term journalist research characterized by cinematic narrative, quality image & detailed editing. War Zone airs on Mega TV Greece.
cheers @cyberguerrilla.info
original in german: http://pastebin.com/YaYeL2XX
/\ (_____) ___ \(_______|_____ \ /\ / \ ____ ___ ____ _ _ _ | | | |_ _____) ) / \ / /\ \| _ \ / _ \| _ \| | | | | | | | | | | (_____ ( / /\ \ | |__| | | | | |_| | | | | |_| |_| |_| | | | |_____ | | |__| | |______|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\__ (_____)_| |_|\______) |_|______| (____/
Ya, as some proof some few costumers information.
First name: Andjelie
Last name: Betzema
Bank number: 717501477
IBAN: NL55ARBN0717501477
Email: a.betzema@ziggo.nl
First name: Jaeda
Last name: Tatgenhorst
Bank number: 103570284
IBAN: NL36RABO0103570284
Email: j.tatgenhorst@ziggo.nl
First name: Anjes
Last name: Toornend
Bank number: 526153466
IBAN: NL39ABNA0526153466
Email: a.toornend@ziggo.nl
First name: Beomia
Last name: Kiviet
Bank number: 975427768
IBAN: NL83ABNA0975427768
Email: b.kiviet@ziggo.nl
First name: Beacher
Last name: Toonen Dekkers
Bank number: 463496086
IBAN: NL41ABNA0463496086
Email: b.toonendekkers@ziggo.nl
First name: Giovanie
Last name: Moesdijk
Bank number: 658363255
IBAN: NL17INGB0658363255
Email: g.moesdijk@ziggo.nl
First name: Ancel
Last name: Weijermars
Bank number: 221063757
IBAN: NL16ABNA0221063757
Email: a.weijermars@ziggo.nl
First name: Delroy
Last name: Benthien
Bank number: 748184295
IBAN: NL38INGB0748184295
Email: d.benthien@ziggo.nl
First name: Naudin
Last name: Berg de Bruijn
Bank number: 624681750
IBAN: NL74ABNA0624681750
Email: n.bergdebruijn@ziggo.nl
First name: Arendje
Last name: Monnickendam
Bank number: 325165394
IBAN: NL27RABO0325165394
Email: a.monnickendam@ziggo.nl
First name: Khristeen
Last name: Berteling
Bank number: 301654778
IBAN: NL35RABO0301654778
Email: k.berteling@ziggo.nl
First name: Kailene
Last name: Vikkerman
Bank number: 117844381
IBAN: NL11RABO0117844381
Email: k.vikkerman@ziggo.nl
First name: Berny
Last name: Grimhuizen
Bank number: 714244171
IBAN: NL36ARBN0714244171
Email: b.grimhuizen@ziggo.nl
First name: Fleurtje
Last name: Lubberden
Bank number: 679847162
IBAN: NL57INGB0679847162
Email: f.lubberden@ziggo.nl
First name: Amine
Last name: Sieba
Bank number: 202519694
IBAN: NL09RABO0202519694
Email: a.sieba@ziggo.nl
Admin login info used on 20-03-12:
/\ (_____) ___ \(_______|_____ \ /\ / \ ____ ___ ____ _ _ _ | | | |_ _____) ) / \ / /\ \| _ \ / _ \| _ \| | | | | | | | | | | (_____ ( / /\ \ | |__| | | | | |_| | | | | |_| |_| |_| | | | |_____ | | |__| | |______|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\__ (_____)_| |_|\______) |_|______| (____/
Let's go round 2:
Naam: H.M.H Hoezen
E-mail: b.hoezen@ziggo.nl
Wachtwoord: 08101967
Adres: Julianastraat 33
Woonplaats: Belfeld
Postcode: 5951CH
Naam: L.J.M. Aarts
E-mail: lianne113@ziggo.nl
Wachtwoord: plantoorden
Adres: Houtwolplantsoen 40
Woonplaats: Oosterhout
Postcode: 4902 DN
Naam: J.C.A. Vernooij
E-mail: janenjeanne.vernooij@ziggo.nl
wachtwoord: vernooij27
Adres: Tunneloven 27
Woonplaats: Wijk bij Duurstede
Postcode: 3961EP
Naam: E.A. Wever
E-mail: eawever@ziggo.nl
Wachtwoord: 0513463167
Adres: Molenwal 1
Woonplaats: Gorredijk
Postcode: 8401CD
Naam: J. Antoni
E-mail: j.antoni@ziggo.nl
Wachtwoord: vermudino18729
Adres: Handellaan 24
Woonplaats: Culemborg
Postcode: 4102AE
Naam: J.A. Schep
E-mail: jschep@ziggo.nl
Wachtwoord: pL72yha9
Adres: van Duijnwater 24
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Postcode: 2497ZN
Naam: A. Martin
E-mail: vanzeeland@ziggo.nl
Wachtwoord: zeeland463
Adres: Nootdorpse Landingslaan 104
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Postcode: 2496LD
Naam: Bouke Haanstra
E-mail: margreetbouke@ziggo.nl
Wachtwoord: pieterhaanstra
Adres: Toermalijndreef 130
Woonplaats: Emmen
Postcode: 7828AT
We will post every time 8 new perons.
// new acc should be made #lulz for rest...
1 acc removed
other one hacked
signed, LgnSec
_____ _______ _ ______ ______ _ / ___ \ (_______) | | (_____ \ (_____ \ | | | | | |____ _____ _ _ ____| | _ _____) )___ _ _ _____) )___| | | | | | _ \| ___) | | |/ ___) | / ) ____/ _ | | | | ____/ _ | | | |___| | | | | | | |_| ( (___| |< (| | ( ( | | |_| | | ( ( | | | \_____/| ||_/|_| \____|\____)_| \_)_| \_||_|\__ |_| \_||_|_| |_| (____/ OPERATION FUCK PAYPAL PROUDLY PRESENTED BY . . .-. _|__|_ : : o | | .,-. | | . .--. .-. .--. .-. .--. -|--|-| ): ; | `--.( ) | |( )| | ' ' |`-' `-'-' `-`--' `-'`-' `-`-' ' `- | '
Hello fellow media and followers of the world. We are P0isanon. Recently we have been seeing massive amounts of tweets under the #PayPal hashtag on Twitter about PayPal being dirty thieves and freezing peoples accounts for little to no reason, requiring massive amounts of identification. This is a BIG invasion of Privacy and Security to your Customers. Clearly PayPal does not care about their customers with that reason. Do you think PayPal is _NEVER_ going to be breached in the future to where your bank information and credit card information is exposed and even sold or used? I'm sure you know it will be. These acts by PayPal will not be tolerated and they should start listening to their Customers immediately before things could end up really bad.
We present to you OPERATION FUCK PAYPAL. In this Operation, we are _NOT_ going to do any DDoS attacks on Paypal.com as they will pour millions of millions of dollars into the Feds pockets and issue raids on those who didn't bother to mask up their IP. We all know what happened last time. We are going to hit them where it hurts. They will lose money if you exchange your paypal balance for another E-Currency. IT IS TIME THAT YOU CLOSE your PayPal and move onto E-Currencies as described above along Prepaid Gift Debit/Credit Cards while you Online Shop or do any sort of Online Banking. Think of it....With an online bank, you could do LibertyReserve, WebMoney, or even Bitcoins and it would be SAFE and also at that OFF-SHORE, with NO Credit Card or Bank Account needed. You make the choice fellow follower. We are your brothers, your sisters, your teacher, the lawyer down the street, the fellow man across the hallway, we are one and we are many. We are Anonymous.
#OpFuckPaypal...fully intitiated.
Music: Rezso Seress - Gloomy Sunday