January 22, 2012


    _  _    ____        __  __                              _                 _
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                 |_|                |___/            |_|   

Welcome anons and internet users alike,

On the 19th of January anonymous launched their largest operation to date, this is in retaliation to the takedown of of popular file sharing site megaupload.
The file-sharing website was shutdown by U.S Justice and the FBI and they have charged its founder with violating piracy laws.
Four other members of the Megaupload site were also arrested.
Here I will cover the basics you need to know in order to stay safe and have some fun on the internet:

Use a VPN:
A vpn hides your real ip and replaces it with the tunnel you are connecting through, this means that you are extremely hard to trace back - not impossible however.
DO NOT use free VPN’s, proxies or TOR. Free VPN’s keep logs of users activity and would happily hand it over to any law enforcement agency. I will suggest some VPN providers that are trusted and don’t keep logs.
1. http://anonine.se
2. http://ipredator.se

Network testing tools, alternatives to LOIC:

http://www.hping.org/download.php - Windows/Linux
Easy to use system, when it has downloaded for your appropriate OS please install and choose to use either tcp or udp packets.
HPING COMMAND: hping3 -i u1 -S -p 80 (site)

http://ha.ckers.org/slowloris/ - Linux
This script is a http DoS script, you MUST have perl installed.

http://hoic.99k.org/ - Windows.
Much like hping, this is more powerful than LOIC and very easy to use, install and it should be clear from there.

Twitter: @ZyrionAnon
I am not responsible for any of the actions committed by anyone who reads this, nor do I condone using these tools to intentionally cause harm or damage any websites or servers.
If you choose to do this it is on your own head, not mine - thank you.
I have made this paste to make people aware of the tools out there for testing their own sites and servers, not anything else.

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