January 6, 2012

#OpBlitzkrieg >> Leak on +1000 customers of Spanish Fascist shop #Anonymous #Antifa #Spain


    #OpBlitzkrieg » Leak on +1000 customers of Spanish Fascist shop pastebin.com/ytGGp7Z4 #Anonymous#Antifa#Spain

___    _  _     ___    _  _   __   __ __  __    ___    _   _    ___
/   \  | \| |   / _ \  | \| |  \ \ / /|  \/  |  / _ \  | | | |  / __|
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|_|_|  |_|\_|   \___/  |_|\_|   _|_|_ |_|__|_|  \___/   \___/   |___/
_|”“”“”|_|”“”“”|_|”“”“”|_|”“”“”|_| “”” |_|”“”“”|_|”“”“”|_|”“”“”|_|”“”“”|
Listado de ultraderechistas españoles, clientes de la tienda fascista:http://www.arenaldesevilla.comNombre       Email     Telefono     Fecha alta        Total Facturado     Ult. Compra
abel muñoz gomez     abel_gades@hotmail.com     617803875     15-12-2011     84.10     2011-12-15 21:00:01
Adela Garrido Gómez     dafne_1985adela@hotmail.com     660572378     27-12-2011     6.00     2011-12-27 00:19:41
africa moreno rivera     afrimr79@hotmail.com     6055014434     15-12-2011     20.51     2011-12-15 13:47:39
albert saez guirao     lesforadades@hotmail.com     650672656     27-07-2011     19.95     2011-07-27 15:05:34

rest see:

http://pastebin.com/yfbPsmt6 [REPOST AFTA DELETE]

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