January 23, 2012

ANONYMOUSIRC BRAZIL - Naji Nahas - Almost 1000 lines on the filthy Naji Nahas. Lulz. (PT|TO|ENG)

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Almost 1000 lines on the filthy Naji Nahas. Lulz.
Pinheirinho RESIST!

Honorable Federal Judge of the Sixth Criminal Court of the First Judicial Subsection Sao Paulo

Distribution in case apart
Reference: Procedure No
Subject: Search and Seizure Warrant and other measures
OPERATION Satiagraha


Federal Judge MM,

The Federal Police Department, represented by the delegate of the Federal Police that it endorses the use of its legal duties, have the presence of Your Excellency require the following:


This research has emerged as an offshoot of the main research in records of the proceedings related to the above Satiagraha OPERATION.

From the interception of NAJI ROBERT NAHAS was possible to verify their involvement in criminal activities in combination with other agents that initially were not targets of that sting operation, besides being able to confirm his involvement with the criminal organization headed by Daniel Valente Dantas .

Naji Nahas's involvement with Daniel Dantas

The involvement of Daniel Dantas Naji Nahas with us to the time of the privatization of telephone companies. Naji Nahas mediated entry of Telecom Italia consortium headed by Daniel Dantas, and later also served as a mediator of the conflict between the two formed.

Daniel Dantas and Naji Nahas does business in common, as it can be seen in the dialogues contained in analytical reports, whose content is as follows transcribed, with their audio:

Analytical Report 02/2007:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20070821105800_1_5807045.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20070821105800_1_5807045.wav?
On 21/08/07 at 10:58:00 pm. Naji Nahas calls his office, talking to SAM and then (01m38s) speaks with Robert and says that Opportunity has already sent a copy of the contract and reports that some demands were made for effecting the transaction, referring to a mortgage. Robert says that he (Daniel Dantas?) Is coming to St. Paul and Veronica (Dante?) Is taking to respond. Robert says that he (Dante?) As reported in the ESP, would make a new offer. Naji Nahas question and determines Dreifus MARCELO MARCELO meeting with. ROBERTO passes landline Dreifus. So below is transcribed only what can be considered as evidence of a criminal offense, the private conversations are not transcribed.
NAJI: Roberto, okay? Anything new?
ROBERTO: Opportunity sent a draft contract ... tamo trying to see ... the guy there put some requirements that we do not have ...
NAJI: How?
ROBERTO: He put a few stocks of mortgage record that we do not have to do ...
NAJI: Mortgage he wants ...
ROBERT: Yeah, he now wants to change, he wants to do a loan agreement with a mortgage, he wanted no other business ... more or loans with mortgage. This mortgage we'll take care of it ... he's tripping e. ..
NAJI: There does not matter, you can not do mortgage, right?
ROBERTO: I can not register ... but I can do ... we want to talk to him, but he has a plane is coming to a business in St. Paul, we will only find it here later ... we will talk to him and see if it can be done ... Can you make mortgage but ... it can be done, only you can not do the record it.
NAJI: Here it is worth nothing, huh?
ROBERT: It depends on what they want the formalism put in operation or not. Funny that they have completely changed the format for that loan, then he apologizes that two weeks ago that they really disappeared ... Veronica is saying something that is not true ...
NAJI: Okay ... ta to the market?
Thereafter begin dialogue of private interest.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20070824163258_1_5835576.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20070824163258_1_5835576.wav?
On 24/08/07, 16:32:58 AM, Naji Nahas calls ARTUR (21_8745_0809) and talk about conversations he had with Richard and emphasizes that Naji Nahas recently spoke with Daniel (Dante?) About the value of the business. Arthur says that he spoke a few moments with Daniel (Dante?) And he would not confirm anything. Naji Nahas says Daniel (Dante?) Owns 80% of the business and will have to revise the value. ARTUR suggests another meeting to discuss the matter.
NAJI: Hello!
ARTHUR: Naji, is Arthur, can you talk?
NAJI: Arthur, as will ... I can.
ARTHUR: It is .. not, is that I was checking with Richard ... the one ... he would be willing to make a deal ... what he said ... is that they want ... everything with you ... and that the only discussion now is the mechanics of doing things ... is it?
NAJI: Okay, he told me the following ... I spoke ... seems like you listen ta complicating things, he said ... I'm not complicating anything to ... I ... one of the subject are talking about me ... I said, so I'm going to ask Daniel speaks to solve this business ... Now he just called and said I think there's a misunderstanding ... Artur ta say that I'm blocking the payment ... I said, is not that they're saying that I told you not ta solving business ... I said no, but none of this business are talking about me ... nobody said ... I said, well, I want you to talk and resolve and you proposed a value that I think is very low and I asked pro DANIEL round that business (ten?) said ... Monday the first thing I do I talk to him ... I said Okay, thanks ... now ... just off ...
ARTHUR: I know ... but I just talked to him ... after speaking with you and he said ... in terms of value, it has not changed ... the only thing he is saying ...
NAJI: He said, look, I asked pro DANIEL change the value, enhance the value ... he said, I'll talk to Daniel ... I say that earlier this week he'll sit with you and I said I thought the value was way too low and asked to review the value DANIEL pro ...
ARTHUR: So I guess better to have a meeting, because I just spoke with him, has two minutes to the value ... I made it clear that my position is that ... I think it's right ... and that the only ...
NAJI: No, he said ... he said, I put this value because I sure ... I said, I do not think right and asked Daniel to correct this value pro ... he said, I'll talk to Daniel on Monday ...
ARTHUR: I'm surprised by his generosity, but ... well, I'm going to see here ... I'll talk ...
NAJI: But I think ... that Daniel does not know the RICHARD ... o. .. ARTUR. DANIEL I think that is eighty percent of the business ... He has made a decision ... also, but is ...
ARTHUR: I'm sorry ... I have an agreement with him that any decision ... is fifty, fifty, there is ... okay I'll get back to you ...
NAJI: The business ... ta good ... a hug.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20070827124237_1_5846700.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20070827124237_1_5846700.wav?
On 27/08/07 at 12:42:37 AM, Naji Nahas calls your office and talk to CARMO and asks if Daniel (Dante?) That returned the call and says he's not. NAJI speaks with Robert and asks him to call VERONICA (Dante?) To give instruction on how to proceed. So below is transcribed only what can be considered as evidence of a criminal offense, the private conversations are not transcribed. 01m11s:
CARMO: Hello!
NAJI: Do Carmo ... Daniel is calling, you have to connect on my phone ...
CARMO: Ah! Ta Oky.
NAJI: He returned the call, or not?
NAJI: Ta ... a message, something new?
CARMO: The MINIMUM Dr. Farah called ...
NAJI: Ah! Okay ... ah ...
CARMO: What?
NAJI: Tuffi ...
CARMO: Dr. Naji ... I do not know if it is in the toilet ... is not answering ...
NAJI: Okay ... so ... so ... Roberto gives me.
Roberto: Hi Naji ...
NAJI: Roberto makes me a favor ...
NAJI: League for Veronica and says he will do it in operation today, it has to renew the CBD beyond the "box", okay.
ROBERTO: CBD or "box"?
NAJI: She who is the CBD that it is endorsing the "box"
ROBERTO: Okay, how has to renew the "Box" ...
NAJI: It's ... was the ideal ...
ROBERT: It was to the mutual ...
NAJI: The mutual to settle ... with the assurance that I had spoken with ...
ROBERTO: Daniel ... you spoke with Daniel or was "quoted" ... is the story of the mortgage and make a personal guarantee, was not it?
NAJI: That's ... no need for ... was that, now ...
ROBERTO: Rolling a business, what the fuck, they should be paying ...
NAJI: (laughs) ... good, even worse than ... well ... only ...
ROBERTO: I'll call there ...
NAJI: Tell me I asked you to turn ... but asks to talk to her ... speaks only ... Veronica does not o. .. today ..
ROBERTO: The mutual ...
NAJI: You have to give instructions to the ... there ...
ROBERTO: The "box" ... Ok .. hello!

Analytical Report 03/2007:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20070918164644_1_5996890.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20070918164644_1_5996890.wav?
On 18/09/07 at 16:46:44 pm, NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with Lorenzo (Opportunity) and asks to speak to Daniel (DANTE) and this consultation, says NAJI can go there around 17:15 pm. Respecting the right to privacy, we transcribe the following passage from the dialogue that correspond to evidence of a criminal offense:
Lorenzo: Opportunity ...
NAJI: Hello ... Who is this?
LORENZO: Hi DR. NAJI is Lorenzo ... ...
NAJI: All right ?.... I can talk to Daniel?
Lorenzo: One moment ... DR. NAJI, the agent will have to return .....
NAJI: he asks if I pass around 05:15 and 05:30 pm ... you okay? ...
Lorenzo: Yes you can .... Dr. NAJI
NAJI: Okay !....

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20070918180855_1_5997545.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20070918180855_1_5997545.wav?
On 18/09/07 at 18:08:55 pm, NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with his son (Robert N. NAHAS) and says he is meeting with the treating DANIEL area on the coast of Bahia, White Martins was offered to Daniel Dantas. ROBERT says that it has closed a real estate estimated at eight million dollars with Ivan, and this is associated with contractors and end will receive financial compensation to the landowner, which will be built resorts. Respecting the right to privacy, we transcribe the following passage from the dialogue that correspond to evidence of a criminal offense:
ROBERT: Hi Dad ...
NAJI: okay son?
ROBERT: Well what about you?
NAJI: I'm here with talking about that area of ​​DANIEL WHITE MARTINS they had offered to him when she was in Icatu. How much you bought the area?
ROBERT: Father .. we made a swap ... we did a swap agreement IVAN pro ...
NAJI: Pro owner of the land?
ROBERT pro owner of the land swap agreement we did, it will not receive a penny ...
NAJI: What goes into the swap agreement?
ROBERT: 20% ... a PSV in the first phase, there are several phases in the PSV in the first phase of three hundred million ... but it is the first phase, the farm still has all back ... we're going to resorts with 330 apartments and 177 houses ...
NAJI: Is that Daniel bought an area in Bahia, 12 km of beachfront, a thousand acres of land, had offered this area there WHITE MARTINS buy, but you do not know ...
ROBERT: What? the value that the IVAN paid? eight dollar ... eight million dollars ... we'll give 20% of revenue ...
NAJI: IVAN pro? But he bought the business alone?
ROBERT: No. .. three contractors are ... it with 33% and two with 33% each ....

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20070924144917_1_6035661.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20070924144917_1_6035661.wav?
On 24/09/07 at 14:49:17 pm, NAJI R. ROBERTO BASTOS NAHAS speaks and says that DANIEL (DANTE) called and left a message looking for him today (Rio de Janeiro) for a conversation. Robert said he began the issue with Daniel and Arthur, the subject of the port, as they should speak with Dubai and the understanding is that stocks are on the market, 30% will not pay any commission. 70% are 50% and 20% of the DANIEL RICHARD CLEAN and proposed to scale. Robert said he spoke with Daniel, after the departure of Arthur, Daniel had a guy REAL STATE and asked that the land of Ubatuba. Daniel said he wants to see the ground to assess. Daniel referred the matter to a guy from Sao Paulo who has spoken with TEÓFILO. Robert says that the issue of Hudson will be treated there (Opportunity) to ride with the CLEAN RICHARD why not there by Opportunity (at that time called the attention of NAJI ROBERTO to say nothing of the matter by phone).
NAJI: Speak Roberto ...
ROBERTO: Naji ... how are you?
NAJI: ODD as well?
ROBERTO: Listen ... you're in Rio, right?
NAJI: I'm ...
ROBERTO: Daniel asked you to stop by or call him ..
NAJI: But what does he want?
ROBERTO: Nothing ... nothing ... just a chat ... let me tell you ... you have a time?
NAJI: I have ...
ROBERTO: Okay .. I started this with Daniel and Arthur ... and the issue was the port ... they only talk to DUBAI ... they think that of the Lebanese ... SAAD has no momentum and no money to do this ... what they do is disrupt ... and have to talk to DUBAI ... and that agent had to understand is the following ... that 30% of the shares on the market ... 30% and that these obviously will not pay anything of commission ... they will exercise the right civilly ... knowing that 70% is 50% and 20% of Daniel and Richard ... and this pay commission ... and this commission, he said the following ... an investment bank anywhere in the world copper is 1% to 1 / 2% ... understand?
NAJI: it is, the more I am not an investment bank ...
ROBERTO: I made that clear to him ... and he then proposed to scale ... a scale in terms of price ... not want to give a mandate in writing at the time right now because I have not talked to Richard CLEAN ... think that developments in the negotiation ...
NAJI: But I can not talk ... we can not talk to him without a. .. office ... understand?
ROBERTO: I told him I wanted a letter ... at least one letter to ... allowing to talk and he said he thought it was not time ... walked a lot back with the story of the letter ...
NAJI: It's ... I will not talk ...
ROBERTO: ai then left ARTHUR DANIEL and brought me a buddy ... REAL STATE and I was shocked ... because the REAL STATE buddy started asking me questions about the plot of Ubatuba to see if they want to do business with them ... you want to visit, want to evaluate ... Daniel and said the following ... what he wants to do is a loan ... something that has nothing to do with the other ... he wants a mortgage, and entitled to preference and does not know whether that land at that price ... he needs to visit and evaluate ... has no chance of that end by 27 days and that he will do the (inaudible) again ... then he asked a guy to visit the site and the guy already called here talked to the TEÓFILO ... a guy here in are going to send him there to see ...
NAJI: Okay ...
ROBERT: And the subject of the Hudson that he will deal with Richard because he does not want to do there ...
NAJI: Okay ... ok ... RICHARD and back?
ROBERTO: two ... he was just speaking on the subject of HUDSON ... he also said that the need to mount RICHARD why can not there by Opportunity ...
NAJI: Okay ... okay ... okay ... no need to explain over the phone, okay?
ROBERTO: I'm not explaining yourself ....
NAJI: Okay ... bye ... bye ...

4.7 Analytical Report:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1130341462_20071106151620_1_6481379.wav"? Audio \ 1130341462_20071106151620_1_6481379.wav?
On 06/11/07 at 15:16:20 pm, NAHAS conversation with Edson and asks him if he was killed one million of the operation of the reform of the I-4. Edson says he does not know and Nahas says he received information that was slaughtered one million I-4 and Edson will confirm.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1130341462_20071106152513_1_6481501.wav"? Audio \ 1130341462_20071106152513_1_6481501.wav?
On 06/11/07 at 15:25:13 pm, EDSON NAHAS returns the connection and advises that with respect to the last roll, fell one million and was £ 4.530,000,00, the value of the scroll for the CBD Opportunity at that time was R $ 5,141,000.00.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1130341462_20071107142537_1_6492188.wav"? Audio \ 1130341462_20071107142537_1_6492188.wav?
On 07/11/07 at 14:25:37 pm, karma binds to Opportunity, talk with the secretary and says VICTORY NAHAS want to talk to Daniel and the secretary says it is to use another phone.

7.5 Analytical Report:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20071121134115_1_6662734.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20071121134115_1_6662734.wav?
On 21/11/07 at 13:41:15 pm, NAHAS speaks with Ricardo (New York) and he says that his side will be meeting Monday 6 and wants to talk to all stakeholders. NAHAS says Roberto Miranda felt the way excited. RICARDO the thing is coming very strong and it expects to exceed five hundred million and has already called everyone and spoke with Flavio, Aloisio, the CITRON, the NILTON SIMÕES and others. NAHAS says NILTON want to give an input of 100 million dollars and it needs at least 200 million to give input. NAHAS says the business ground (?) Is to be noted that of Citibank. NAHAS speech that was with an oil magnate here in Israel. NAHAS says he received information from DANIEL, because the business is still under judicial secrecy. RICARDO wonder if Nagib is still interested in doing business with Telecom and Telemar BRAZIL and gets an affirmative answer. Ricardo says that everyone is talking about is whether the Nagib Daniel Dantas it is one of the great applicators CITY, billionaire, and does not lend itself to be "orange" of Dante. NAHAS vehemently denies, saying that Nagib advised to purchase and signing with Daniel he does not want to fight no more, hitting him and hitting the output of the CITY and the back and says that Daniel does not want to phone, but want to raise money and leave, even out of the ports. NAHAS speaks of the Carpentry and RUBEN (City Brazil). Ricardo says that this is a fund in London that actually is that "face" behind with the CVC. NAHAS says even offered up $ 550 million, with money from Nagib SAUIRIS. NAHAS says the boiler is Spinelli and stealing there and do not want to go out of business and know that Daniel is evil, because you know everything, wiretaps, and sells and talk BOILER partner is there CREEK PARTNER. NAHAS says Nagib SAUIRIS Dantas was presented to him, NAHAS, and that was only an intermediary for the fight of Daniel and Tronchetti. NAHAS says DALPINI, PAUL SEA CARAMEL Furze and corrupt police in Brazil, by the path and that Bernardino, a security guy, said in court in Italy that received money to corrupt police and arrest Daniel and also accuses him of receiving twenty-five million Euros to corrupt the SQUID. (Dropped the connection.)

Analytical Report 01/2008:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/11_3034_1462_19fev2008_11h23m18s_Roberto% 20Bastos_Antonio_e_Nahas.wav"? Audio \ 11_3034_1462_19fev2008_11h23m18s_Roberto Bastos_Antonio_e_Nahas.wav?
On 19/02/08 at 11:23:18 AM, Naji Nahas league PARIS and talked to Robert SANDE BOILER BASTOS and asks if it was scheduled a meeting with the staff of Daniel (DANTE) ROBERTO said is scheduled for Monday morning 6 . NAHAS determines to be in contact with ARTHUR (Joaquim de Carvalho, Dantas partner) to see the warrant DUBAI business related to the port to confirm that you will do or not, because NAHAS already spoken there and it's all right. Roberto says he will call ARTHUR and reaffirms the meeting with these people in six Monday morning at the office. NAHAS OSMAR asks to call and ask about the business of "PAES & Son" and is almost ready just need to do an audit. NAHAS asks if they paid the "CHATAUI" and Robert said he sent 400 (thousand) today will send more 100 (thousand). NAHAS speaks ANTONIO MIGUEL and he says that he sent over 200 (thousand) today and 50 000 are still missing.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/11_3034_1462_20fev2008_15h50m29s_Do%% 20Carmo_Elissa_Roberto 20Bastos_e_Nahas.wav"? Audio \ 11_3034_1462_20fev2008_15h50m29s_Do Carmo_Elissa_Roberto Bastos_e_Nahas.wav?
On 20/02/08 at 15:50:29 pm, NAHAS conversation with Elissa DAHER KHOURY (journalist hired by NAHAS as spokeswoman for the office) and this confirms trip to Curitiba on 25/fev/08, returning the same days. Then NAHAS conversation with Roberto Bastos and he says that just talking to ARTHUR and scored 6 meeting Friday in Sao Paulo, to address the issue of mining. With respect to the subject of DUBAI, ARTHUR Bastos said this issue was not dealt with the partner (Dantas) and in the opinion of Bastos, are not interested. Bastos also said he spoke with AIDAR and had not reached any other proposal.

Analytical Report 05/2008:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080422090106_1_7983997.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080422090106_1_7983997.wav?
On 22/04/08 at 09:01:06 pm, NAJI conversation with Senator (Gilbert?) And he says that here in Brazil are saying that with the sale of the land NAJI would have won U.S. $ 50,000,000.00. NAJI says that is not yet closed the deal and said he was in Saudi Arabia and had contacts with the King Tomorrow will be heading to Monaco. They talk the price of some "commodity", especially oil. Asking about the roles of the Vale and Petrobras. NAJI says there will be a "split" and in his opinion is worth buying these papers. Gilberto says he ended up buying VALE but not the amount you would like. NAJI says is the right business to buy and sell option. NAJI says that selling option now operated EURO DOLLAR x, with business in 2010, when I can win $ 50,000,000.00 if the euro reaches $ 1.25 / 1.30. Gilbert says that the Russians are very interested in the business of mining and NAJI invited to enter the business on the grounds that holds the fourth largest number of banking licenses in BRAZIL and minerals and only in this negotiation could win a tale of money, but if they (Arab?) really want is to set up a fund (sovereign?), they can go into business in partnership with Gilberto and NAJI and only in financial gain will have many millions. NAJI says he is seeing a big business with nearly 1000 concessions (probably referring to the company which GME4 Opportunity Group is a majority shareholder) and Roberto Bastos indicates the conversation and ask for a document with a summary of everything you just said . NAJI says Daniel (DANTE) is seeing a business in China which has offered the NAJI the acquisition of 20% of the business (mining), saying it gave the idea of ​​business from the ground (for the highest amount of land in Para and Maranhao in order to explore the ground) was the very NAJI. Gilbert says that Daniel is very dangerous because it ends up putting the "expensive" to treat him and ends up complicating the business. Gilbert says he learned of the creation of GME-4, with ROGÉRIO JOHN PINE. Gilbert said he met with the staff of Daniel, including that "Bahian woman," but they are very bad business. NAJI asks to be sent an e-mail.

Analytical Report 15/08:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080513093125_1_8202032.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080513093125_1_8202032.wav?
Dialogue between ROBERT NAHAS NAJI and VALENTE DANIEL Dantas on 13/05/08 at 09:31:25:
NAJI: Hello ...
SECRETARY: How will the Lord is going well? Okay? 're Listening well? DANIEL I can go pro?
NAJI: Can ...
SECRETARY: One minute, good day to you ...
DANIEL: Hello ... NAJI hello hi ...
NAJI: You're gone ...
DANIEL: You're in or out ... BRAZIL
NAJI: No. .. I am in Sao Paulo ...
DANIEL: Oh ... okay ... in Sao Paulo ...
NAJI: Until tomorrow ... going to France ...
DANIEL: Oh okay, so I'll ask you to look there, okay?
NAJI: Okay ...
DANIEL: Yeah ... OK.
NAJI: Will you be here or not?
DANIEL: No. .. no ... I will not not be there ... okay ...
NAJI: Okay ... hug.
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with DANIEL V. Dantas, which is the headquarters of the Opportunity Group, in Rio de Janeiro / RJ. Usually only the secretaries of both warn that they come in contact via mobile phone in Europe and if the above link, DANIEL will send a speaker to talk personally with NAHAS in his office in Sao Paulo.
This report consists of photo HUMBERTO JOSE BRAZ ROCK leaving office NAJI R. NAHAS, located across the street Angelina Maffei Vita No. 667, S. Paulo / SP. On 14/05/2008 at 11:30 pm, where he participated in a meeting with representing the interests of NAHAS DANIEL V. Dantas.

As we can see, and DANIEL NAJI not talk directly intercepted by phone, just for fear that someone is listening to the dialogues, hold meetings? and make use of subterfuge, such as cell phones with international numbers? or agents as Arthur Joaquim de Carvalho? or HUMBERTO JOSE BRAZ ROCK (codenamed "GUGA") '.

It is not possible to indicate exactly what type of businesses caught between them. However, the behavior of Naji Nahas on the phone, for example, in one of the dialogues above?, Which bristles at the party who was explaining to the other phone and another dialogue in which questions whether the business is formal or not?, justify the suspicion that they are not legitimate business. However, only after the search at the addresses related to both, with the harvest of new elements able to define this situation.

The criminal organization headed by Naji Nahas

In addition to its close relationship with business Daniel Dantas, Naji Nahas is the "head" of another criminal organization involved in the commission of crimes against the national financial system, against the capital market and "money laundering", as will be demonstrated throughout this representation.

Naji Nahas was known in the furniture market for his role in the episode of the fall in stock market of Rio de Janeiro in 1989. Although acquitted in the criminal case related to the fact, was sentenced administratively by the CVM? to pay a fine of 19,457,719.03 UFIRs in administrative proceedings to determine the creation of artificial market conditions and price manipulation in simulated operations undertaken by groups of investors who acted on behalf of himself and others, and with the participation of intermediaries.

As determined so far, Naji Nahas has a complex structure built to serve their interests. We created several companies, apparently of "shadow" in which he appears to the corporate structure, but relatives and people you trust are partners. At this stage, has not been possible to determine for what purpose such companies were created and what activities they perform.

Moreover, we note that Naji Nahas is still operating in the market, not directly (your name will probably not appear in any of its operations), but by the third (already identified) and insider trading. Moreover, it was also discovered that he maintains contact with money changers to enable receipt of funds in domestic and foreign currency for themselves and others.

Now we must add that, in addition to these criminal expedients, Naji Nahas utilizes the feature spurious media handling, aiming at the formation of opinion favorable to their interests. On this topic, we will comment in a separate chapter.

Naji Nahas operates from a five-storey office located at Rua Angelina Maffei Vita, 667, Jd Europe / SP. In this place, were identified as hosts the following companies: WANAPAR HOLDINGS AND SERVICES S / A (CNPJ 03.944.351/0001-49), Belk COMPUTER S / C Ltda. (CNPJ 05.560.397/0001-90), RNN DEVELOPMENTS AND INVESTMENTS LTD. (CNPJ 07.343.416/0001-51) and Rofer - ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION LTD. (CNPJ 02.294.282/0001-02).

In addition to these companies located in this building, there are other NAHAS linked to the group, as the Baroness of ITU VENTURE REAL ESTATE LTD. and Rofer - COMPANY LTD, both based on Avenida Santo Amaro, 48, Sao Paulo / SP, NAP - TRADE, IMPORT AND EXPORT LTD. (LOGIN), SIP INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS S / A. and VECTOR MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING LTD. these three based on the avenue, 241, Sao Paulo / SP.

Below the corporate structure of these companies:


All people who are part of the corporate structure of these companies are related by ties Naji Nahas families or professionals. FERNANDO Naji Nahas, ROBERTO Naji Nahas, xxx and YYYY are the sons of Naji Nahas, Toufik KAMAL Rifka's son in law, Maria do Carmo ANTUNES Jannini and his secretary; BOUTROS ALBERT EL KHOURY KHOURY and Elissa DAHER work for Naji Nahas.

Naji Nahas not participate directly in the corporate structure of any company with headquarters at Rua Angelina Maffei Vita, 667, but keeps his office there. He was a member of several companies listed with address at Alameda Santos, 1357, 5th floor, but the site has been checked and they no longer work there. CHECK IF STILL ACTIVE MEMBER OF COMPANY

Through the interception, we find that the costs of Naji Nahas is always carried out by others, either through business or through a credit card of his sons (Robert and Fernando), including spending on international travel that he does frequently. Apparently, Naji Nahas does not have income to afford the expenses that performs, and this can be verified through tax breaks that their secrecy is also the subject of this representation.

Here are some audio on this topic:

Analytical Report 03/2008:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/11_3034_1462_26mar2008_09h29m58s_Naji% 20and% 20Teofilo.wav"? Audio \ 11_3034_1462_26mar2008_09h29m58s_Naji and Teofilo.wav?
On 26/03/08 at 09:29:58 pm, NAHAS TEÓFILO calls and asks if he talked to WALDEMAR TEÓFILO PIRES and says he's not. NAJI says it is to hire the SAMI and show that it is not a donation but refund. TEÓFILO says he will meet with a tax, because you can not open your list of expenses, which is very dangerous. NAJI says he pays all his expenses and Robert, and Fernando is the one who received the donation of R $ 400,000.00. TEÓFILO says it will raise FERNANDO documents proving payment of charges. NAJI says he should talk with Mane (?) For him to "press" TEÓFILO there and says he still could not reach him.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/11_8121_2222_26mar2008_14h20m30s_Fernando% 20and% 20Naji.wav"? Audio \ 11_8121_2222_26mar2008_14h20m30s_Fernando and Naji.wav?
On 26/03/08 at 14:20:30 PM, Fernando conversation with NAHAS and says he has contacted lawyers Odair, Valdo (E) and SAMI ARABI (?) And will meet with them. NAHAS says everything will settle down and then go hit the "accounts". NAHAS says he did not know who had made donations to the Alexandra to legalize the purchase of a car and Fernando says this was done because the money did not originate. Fernando says that any donation made by NAHAS is void because it had no assets to donate and therefore could not have been done by way of donation. NAHAS asks if "this year" has been given and Fernando says he's not because this issue has not been completed. NAHAS SAID says he spoke with said that the British and the Four Seasons is wrong with an image and you feel should give you a check directly to him, being 220,000,000.00 (two hundred and twenty million), equivalent to the 26 000 m2 FERNANDO and says that it is preferable to close PAUL Malzone.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/11_8121_2222_26mar2008_09h56m00s_Fernando% 20e% 20e%% 20Teofilo 20Naji.wav"? Audio \ 11_8121_2222_26mar2008_09h56m00s_Fernando and Teofilo and Naji.wav?
On 26/03/08 at 09:56:00 after FERNANDO, TEÓFILO NAHAS and talk to says they are going to FERNANDO R $ 300,000.00 (probably in kind) and says he should use R $ 200,000.00 , the total of $ 500,000.00. Fernando says the problem is here (Sao Paulo), the money is in the current account of the WAL PIRES (possibly Walp S / A SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BROKER MOBLS VALS).

Analytical Report 04/2008:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181212222_20080401111214_1_7759331.wav"? Audio \ 1181212222_20080401111214_1_7759331.wav?
On 01/04/08 at 11:12:14 PM, Fernando N. NAHAS conversation with HNI and asks if there are problems if there was a withdrawal of donations from previous years. NIH says it may be a rectifier in the Income Tax NAJI R. NAHAS and remove the donation and put loan, while the other does HNI who are with him like loan, but you must convince the judge that loan was and not giving. FERNANDO N. NAHAS question whether they could make a donation to NAJI R. NAHAS NIH this year and lawyers do not agree should be consulted as in previous years have been made "a lot of shit." FERNANDO N. NAHAS says that loan is not fraud, and enforcement is necessary to change the field of the statement because there was not even paying taxes. FERNANDO N. NAHAS says that by 2006 set in 2007 will include donation and loan and is due to another. They will return to stay in touch so that lawyers decide what to do.

In fact, because of the constant travel Naji Nahas, his son Fernando is responsible for many payments and, therefore, values ​​given in kind or in your company Rofer TED (it was not possible to specify whether it is Rofer - ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION LTD. or Rofer - COMPANY LTD.) sent sometimes directly by the money changer MARCO ERNEST Matalon (object own topic in this representation).

The building located at Rua Angelina Maffei Vita, under the command of Naji Nahas, work: Maria do Carmo ANTUNES Jannin, Elissa DAHER KHOURY, TEÓFILO GUIRAL ROCHA ROBERTO SANDE BOILER Bastos, Antonio and such.

BOUTROS ALBERT EL KHOURY also works in the building, but it was not possible to determine exactly what function it performs. It is known that is partnered with companies that have headquarters at Rua Angelina Maffei Vita, as the table above, and that, along with Naji Nahas said the PAS 0007/89, administrative procedure initiated by CVM to determine the creation of artificial market conditions and price manipulation, in simulated operations undertaken by groups of investors who acted on behalf of himself and others with the participation of intermediaries in relation to the episode of stock market crashes of Rio de Janeiro.

Maria do Carmo ANTUNES Jannini and secretary and "amber" Naji Nahas. Take care of your agenda, answer phones, perform the delivery of envelopes containing money, making payments on the orders of his boss. She lent her name to appear as a minority partner in the opening of the company VECTOR MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING LTD. Along with Toufik KAMAL Rifka, son-Naji Nahas, as can be seen in the conversation transcribed below. There is also evidence that he also borrowed his account at Itaú, because it connects daily to check your balance, which has an abrupt change daily, it has ranged between $ 30 000 negative and positive R $ 20 thousand, abnormal movement to the income you have. Moreover, eventually, Maria do Carmo values ​​given in kind, as well as can be seen below:


Analytical Report 05/2007:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1130341462_20071121162533_1_6664207.wav"? Audio \ 1130341462_20071121162533_1_6664207.wav?
On 21/11/007 at 16:25:33, says Robert CARMO called again to see if had the money here. Antonio says that reached 50,000, of which 28,000 are left. ROBERT NAJI NAHAS asks to put ANTONIO R $ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand reais) in an envelope and asked to deliver to CARMO ROBERTO D'AVILA. Jararaca asked to give the money to CARMO Roberto Davila and say that the person had it and could not ... in dollars, only real.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1130341462_20071121163011_1_6664237.wav"? Audio \ 1130341462_20071121163011_1_6664237.wav?
On 21/11/07, at 16:30:11, CARMO tells ROBERTO DAVILA already received (referring to money combined with pit vipers in the previous link) and Roberto D'Avila says he will spend there.

There was a report:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1130341462_20071108104557_1_6501329.wav"? Audio \ 1130341462_20071108104557_1_6501329.wav?
On 08/11/07 at 10:45:57 pm, CARMO talk with Andrew (11_6098_4477), probably counter and says he is writing a business partnership and asks if she's sure he's doing and Karma which is the answer "man-in-law."


Elissa KHOURY DAHER was hired as a spokeswoman for Naji Nahas. It is she who makes contacts with the media and there are indications that also make payments for purchased materials, as can be seen below:

Analytical Report 02/2008:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/11_3034_1464_10mar2008_12h34m28s_Do 20Carmo%% 20e% 20Elissa.wav"? Audio \ 11_3034_1464_10mar2008_12h34m28s_Do Carmo and Elissa.wav?
On 10/03/08 at 12:34:28 pm, CARMO conversation with Elissa KHOURY DAHER and says it has sent that envelope (possibly with money). Elissa says NAHAS is to score a lunch with the director of the newspaper "economic value", VERA Brandimarte in 18/mar days. Elissa says ANDREOLI indicated this meeting and that is very important.

TEÓFILO GUIRAL ROCK lawyer and is responsible for the "legalization" of business Naji Nahas. The following audio on their actions:

Analytical Report 03/2008:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/11_3034_1462_24mar2008_15h18m16s_Mario% 20and% 20Teofilo.wav"? Audio \ 11_3034_1462_24mar2008_15h18m16s_Mario and Teofilo.wav?
On 24/03/08 at 15:18:16 pm, MARIO (using a landline phone registered in the name of SELEPARK ESTACIONEMENTOS S / C LTDA, 11_3032_1244) talks with TEÓFILO and this says it's director and partner of the firm RS (RS- ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION LTD), together with another company outside denomonada REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Asked about the SELECTA, Theophilus says there are two SELECT: one called SELECTA HOLDINGS AND SERVICES is NAHAS SULA and wife, and another, SELECTA TRADE AND INDUSTRY, along with the prosecutor being CANAAN, NAHAS having as its director. MARIO says that the beginning is from the days 02/mai/08 (apparently should be talking about another business partnership that was being mounted by NAHAS)

Analytical Report 15/08:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080514152410_1_8219588.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080514152410_1_8219588.wav?
Dialogue between NAJI R. NAHAS and TEÓFILO GUIRAL ROCK (official NAHAS) occurred on 14/05/08 at 15:24:10:
NAJI: Hello ...
NAJI: Speak ...
TEÓFILO: You wanted to talk to me ...
NAJI: It's me ... Well I ... was good ... the old people know this ... goes well ... making such a big deal here ... interested him the old lawyer to understand they understand, will create a fund of 1 billion dollars and such, right?
TEÓFILO: Got ...
NAJI: Well the guy who was with her you would talk to him, then see if he ...
NAJI: Okay let's see ...
NAJI: Now I'm worried ... business within the (inaudible) okay ...
TEÓFILO: Okay ... OK ... okay ... OK ...
NAJI: (inaudible) all the lawyers ...
TEÓFILO: Okay ... Ok I'll squeeze it ...
NAJI: Okay ...
TEÓFILO: I'm going to charge him because he has until 16 days ...
NAJI: But 16 days is okay here ... and then becomes very ...
TEÓFILO: Are you there ... I know ...
NAJI: It has to be very well done, gets people talking and was not notified, you have to ...
TEÓFILO: Yeah I understand, I understand ...
NAJI: (inaudible) you know?
TEÓFILO: I get it, I get it.
NAJI: (inaudible)
TEÓFILO: Okay, I understand, yes, I understand, okay?
TEÓFILO: All good, good trip ...
NAJI: Thank you.
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS the way to the airport (for your trip to Paris), talks with TEÓFILO GUIRAL ROCK and says he must keep in touch with the "old" (money changer MARCO ERNEST Matalon), for "personal" is closing a big business with Delfina NETO, approximately one billion dollars and would be great for "old" (Matalon money changer) so it is good that they were close.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080514163032_1_8220570.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080514163032_1_8220570.wav?
Dialogue between NAJI R. NAHAS and TEÓFILO GUIRAL ROCK (official NAHAS) occurred on 14/05/08 at 16:30:32:
NAJI: Hello ...
TEÓFILO: Hello, look no need to call our friend who's already in the old, okay?
NAJI: Wonder ...
NAJI: Okay ...
TEÓFILO: You just call me here ...
NAJI: Congratulations ...
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with TEÓFILO GUIRAL ROCK and this tells you that you do not need to talk to the Delfin Neto about the "old" (money changer MARCO ERNEST Matalon) since the very DELFIN already reported that the "old" is already inside.

ROBERTO SANDE BOILER Just work as financial manager of Naji Nahas, and is responsible for contacts with the group of Daniel Dantas as audio you can hear on the topic of this second representation.

ROBERTO values ​​given in cash, sometimes in dollars, as shown below:

Analytical Report 15/08:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080515163944_1_8232747.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080515163944_1_8232747.wav?
Dialogue between NAJI R. NAHAS and ANTONIO (official NAHAS) occurred on 15/05/08 at 16:39:44:
NAJI: Hello ...
Antonio: Hi, Dr. NAJI ...
NAJI: Hi Antonio ...
ANTONIO: Miguel reached 100 and 25 Silly, but all "bush" ...
NAJI: Ta ce ...
ANTONIO: I got 10 and 25 pro CARLOS I turned pro Zé Carlos and Roberto Bastos 8450 paid the $ 15,000.00 that the approximate ...
NAJI: And the rest?
ANTONIO: I see here in the safe over 81,550 ...
NAJI: I know, CC're not needed ..
ANTONIO: No it is not even ... he's in the office ...
NAJI: Then leave, okay ...
ANTONIO: That's ... OK.
NAJI: Thank you.
ANTONIO: OK, see you tomorrow, bye.
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with Antonio and this tells you that the Jurni Miguel Neto received $ 100,000.00 and "Nutty" (alias LUCIO FUNARI BOLOGNA) received $ 25,000.00, only everything in "bush" (U.S. dollars) and that this amount, $ 10,000.00 sent to CARMINE ENRIQUE (to be delivered to Celso Pitta R. BIRTH), delivered to U.S. $ 25,000.00 JOSE CARLOS (NAHAS driver) and gave $ 8,500.00 to the U.S. ROBERTO SANDE BOILER BASTOS (also NAHAS employee) and the rest, or U.S. $ 81,550.00, are stored in vault (office located on the street Angelina Maffei Vita No. 667 in Sao Paulo / SP), if Fernando N. NAHAS (son of NAHAS) may need.

ANTONIO DE TAL (unidentified) is the "money man". Whenever you need to know how much money "entered," how much is available or even how to send and to whom, Naji Nahas and passes ANTONIO contact orders.

He is responsible for receiving and passing on values, and to do so, maintains contact with the money changers (probably) with NETO Jurni and MIGUEL ENRIQUE CARMINE.

Here are some of intercepted conversations:

4.7 Analytical Report:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1130341464_20071107105419_1_6488997.wav"? Audio \ 1130341464_20071107105419_1_6488997.wav?
On 07/11/07 at 10:54:19 pm, NAHAS conversation with Antonio and it says the money "Silly" (Celso Pitta) has been in and will send through security, to Carmine. NAHAS says to only send ANTONIO 50 and get 10.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20071106133610_1_6479672.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20071106133610_1_6479672.wav?
On 06/11/07 at 13:36:10 pm, NAHAS conversation with Miguel and this tells you that he is in possession of the money (seventy thousand dollars to be delivered to Celso Pitta). NAHAS asked to match ANTONIO (your employee to take the money).

7.5 Analytical Report:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1130341464_20071123102903_1_6676543.wav"? Audio \ 1130341464_20071123102903_1_6676543.wav?
On 23/11/07, at 10:29:03, NAHAS asks to take 100,000 of MIGUEL ANTONIO. MIGUEL ANTONIO says that can be asked if something in TED or if you have to be all cash. NAHAS says that the ideal is to be all cash, because the problem is where to send the TED. Antonio says that at TED get to their accounts will create problem. ANTONIO asks if a person can not pay directly, as they did with Milton (unintelligible). NAHAS tells MIGUEL ANTONIO do with what he already can take cash, you can arrange everything.

Analytical Report 15/08:
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1130341462_20080519173212_1_8269686.wav"? Audio \ 1130341462_20080519173212_1_8269686.wav?
Dialogue between Antonio (official NAHAS) and NAJI R. NAHAS occurred on 19/05/08 at 17:32:12:
Maria do Carmo: Hi all good ...
NAJI: how are you?
Maria do Carmo: All good ...
NAJI: Some scrap ... something?
Maria do Carmo: Antonio was trying to speak and Gilberto Miranda called.
NAJI: Gilberto Miranda ... 're asking ... the numbers you sent it to me?
Maria do Carmo: No not yet, now is also called 10 minutes ...
NAJI: OK, gimme ...
Maria do Carmo: The Antonio?
NAJI: Hand me Anton ...
ANTONIO: Hello ...
NAJI: All good Antonio?
ANTONIO: all about you?
NAJI: All quiet ...
ANTONIO: And there came the MIGUEL 100 and 50, then took the Fern ...
NAJI: Yeah, that 100?
ANTONIO: 100 National and $ 50 ...
NAJI: The two came today?
ANTONIO: So that ...
NAJI: Okay ... OK.
ANTONIO: Now called you, who's calling is CARMINE.
NAJI: He wants $ 15,000.00.
ANTONIO: Oh no, the other business ...
NAJI: It was but, you already gave pro FERNANDO?
ANTONIO: already.
NAJI: What comes tomorrow sends real pro CARMINE 50,000.00.
ANTONIO: That's ... ok.
NAJI: 50,000.00 and that payment for real I'm doing and CARMINE 15 000 pro, right? Those people ... CARMINE pro ... Ok?
ANTONIO: OK ... 50 000 and 15, okay.
NAJI: I pass the Theophilus.
ANTONIO: just a minute. Mr. Saw the closing ...
ANTONIO: The index closed at 73 and 700 and PETRO 49.77, 50.09 had exceeded the maximum, but then eased somewhat after the closed 49.77.
NAJI: Our term're ... I do not like the situation of Silly're now ...
ANTONIO: The Silly's in more than two million dollars in balance and the other she sent me a part, but with some 800 000 tamoses only negative, but I do not ...
NAJI: Can not be in ...
ANTONIO: ... negative ... he sent me an extract, 2 missing I'll show for the Lord ... OK?
NAJI: Okay ... O Theophilus gives me ...
NMI: hello!
NMI: Hi Dr. He has been ...
NAJI: How are you all right, did he leave?
NMI: Out has a 10, 15 minute ...
NAJI: And ROBERTO ta around?
NMI: One moment ... yes Ta only a little while Dr.
ROBERTO: Hello ...
NAJI: Hi Robert ...
NAJI: Everything ... and you anything new?
ROBERT: No, as yet, I asked DANEL to receive me on Wednesday, I'm waiting for confirmation ...
NAJI: Ta, ta good OK later we say more ...
ROBERTO: I'm ending is the subject of GEORGE HENRY well, tomorrow morning I'll tell you about it ...
NAJI: Embrace.
ROBERTO: You ...
NAJI: Bye.
End of connection
Analysis: During the dialogue NAHAS conversation with their representatives, first with Antonio being told that you had that day received from Miguel NETO Jurni 100 and 50, 100 and 50 in national currency and in dollars, meaning the receipt of $ 100,000.00 plus $ 50,000.00, always kind. Saying that he is to deliver $ 50,000.00 "for that I am making payment" means payment in kind which is held Celso Pitta ROBERTO BIRTH by CARMINE ENRIQUE R $ 15,000.00 and exclusively for CARMINE. Celso Pitta was personally on 21/05/08 seeking, money in the office CARMINE (film recording his departure from the site receiving the keys to your car is in valet Report 15/08). Shortly thereafter ANTONIO advises that the balance with the "nutty" (nickname of the money changer LÚCIO FUNARI BOLOGNA) is R $ 2,000,000.00 and the "other party" (refers to the money changer MARCO ERNEST Matalon) the balance is 800,000, 00 negative. This refers to payments made in kind in Brazil, compared the respective transfers made abroad. After conversations with Robert NAHAS BASTOS who informs him of a future meeting with Daniel V. Dantas.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1155055505_20080515122849_1_8228990.wav"? Audio \ 1155055505_20080515122849_1_8228990.wav?
Dialogue between CARMINE ENRIQUE (agent of NAJI R. NAHAS) and Antonio (R. official NAJI NAHAS) occurred on 15/05/08 at 12:28:49:
Antonio: Hi dear ...
CARMINE: Hi son, yesterday huh ... Rio thought the bag was yesterday? Take the ass these locals also saw ...
ANTONIO: Two crap ...
CARMINE: Two crap ... alright son?
ANTONIO: All I'm trying to talk to him because they're coming a "bush", you know ... and do not know if it will, he ...
CARMINE: I know ...
ANTONIO: So I see with them is to go to something, but is "bush ",... again today ...
CARMINE: "bush" ... "Bushing" again?
ANTONIO: "bush" again ...
CARMINE: Is the guy is ... Caracas "bushing" again ... is between BUSH and BUSH ... son of a bitch I fucked ... I do not know ... and then I'm out ...
ANTONIO: Why do not I have another're hard to get national ...
CARMINE: Oh my fuck ... leads the way after're going to talk there, but do not fill my bag, okay ... he traveled uncle?
ANTONIO: He traveled ...
CARMINE: Son of a bitch, I was there the other day ...
ANTONIO: I was told is that you had given a ...
CARMINE: So he said, going on here, after he had one made up my ass ... I went up and even asked pro ZE CARLOS, ANTONIO cade o? He said: I do not know, would only give you a hug.
ANTONIO: No. .. But it's beauty.
CARMINE: But I'll talk to him then ... I'm not going to see if a ... and with a little talk with him then give you a return ...
ANTONIO: Okay, to see how you do ...
ANTONIO: Thank you.
CARMINE: Imagine ...
End of connection
Analysis: ANTONIO (Nahas-placed) tells CARMINE ENRIQUE (agent of NAHAS) that will only have available "bush," meaning U.S. dollars in cash and in kind, because it "is difficult to get national," meaning to be difficult to get money in-kind and actual market, saying he will talk with "him" (Nahas) to solve the problem.
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1155055505_20080515152927_1_8231643.wav"? Audio \ 1155055505_20080515152927_1_8231643.wav?
Dialogue between CARMINE ENRIQUE (agent of NAJI R. NAHAS) and Antonio (R. official NAJI NAHAS) occurred on 15/05/08 at 15:29:27:
NIH: Who ...
CARMINE: Hello ...
Antonio: Hi ...
CARMINE: Speak son ...
ANTONIO: 10 is "bush" ... I have ...
CARMINE: Okay ...
CARMINE: To send po ... send forward right?
ANTONIO: I only said it had called me ... pa ... pa ... pa ... he sends spoke 10 "bush" ...
CARMINE: Okay ...
CARMINE: Okay, I'll talk to him son.
ANTONIO: Okay then ...
CARMINE: okay ... thanks ... bye.
End of connection
Analysis: ANTONIO (NAHAS employee) talks with CARMINE ENRIQUE (agent of NAHAS) and says that NAJI R. NAHAS sent to deliver 10 "bush" meaning delivery of $ 10,000.00, ten thousand dollars, and that it is forwarding the money. CARMINE says he will call "po ..." meaning to call Celso Pitta ROBERTO BIRTH to warn you.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080514160155_1_8220136.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080514160155_1_8220136.wav?
Dialogue between NAJI R. NAHAS and ANTONIO (official NAHAS) occurred on 14/05/08 at 16:01:55:
NAJI: Hello ...
Antonio: Hi Dr Naji, MIGUEL really only got 17 and the other 15 ...
NAJI: The other I need 5000, you have a lot of people sent there tomorrow I speak ... to do what they're ...
ANTONIO: I 11 here this pro ... pro ... FINA and Maria do Carmo 10 ta saying that you have said to make a payment to her, pro sir?
NAJI: how?
ANTONIO: Maria do Carmo 10 is asking to make a payment from you .. Hi ..
NAJI: that's right, okay?
NAJI: Thank you.
ANTONIO: Bye ... bye ...
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with Antonio (his employee) and advises that this really only got MIGUEL LUCIO 17 000 and 15 000. Antonio asks if 10 000 is to give the "FINE" and the remainder to "CARMO" (Secretary's own NAHAS: Maria do Carmo ANTUNES Jannin), to pay some of their accounts.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20070924144917_1_6035661.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20070924144917_1_6035661.wav?
Dialogue between NAJI R. NAHAS and ANTONIO (official NAHAS) occurred on 15/05/08 at 13:10:32:
NAJI: Hello ...
Antonio: Hi Dr. ANTONIO NAJI is ...
NAJI: Hi Antonio, okay?
ANTONIO: All good, MIGUEL're me ... (Inaudible) ... hello
NAJI: Hello ... the U $ 25,000.00 came from the Silly?
ANTONIO: Not yet, he said that two hours between sending okay, now who's sending me 100 000 MIGUEL is ...
NAJI: Ham ..
ANTONIO: He said what he did was not real paper has failed to TED but sending 100 000 ta ...
NAJI: USD $ 100,000.00?
ANTONIO: That ...
NAJI: So you get $ 25,000.00, put in a sealed envelope pro ... I'll talk put in a sealed envelope pro ... I'll talk CARLOS ZE pro to give you, the rest delivered pro FERNANDO, okay?
ANTONIO: That Robert BASTOS I can give the equivalent of that? In dollars? Why not come any more ...
NAJI: Okay ...
ANTONIO: Okay ...
NAJI: But you see (inaudible) for each other real well right?
ANTONIO: Yeah, I do every day to go over to see what he releases ...
NAJI: Okay ...
ANTONIO: Okay bye.
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with Antonio (his staff) and this tells you that the "Nutty" (codename for the money changer LÚCIO FUNARI BOLOGNA) is sending U.S. $ 15,000.00 and that the Jurni Miguel NETO (usually the intermediary of the money changer ERNEST Matalon MARCO) is sending U.S. $ 100,000.00 in cash because it could not even real and TED. NAJI says it is to give the $ 25,000.00 JOSE CARLOS (NAJI driver) in a sealed envelope, and the rest of these values ​​is to deliver to Fernando N. NAHAS (son of R. NAJI NAHAS). Antonio asks if he can give the "equivalant" Roberto Bastos and Naji says yes and asks to send a certain amount to "the other" (Celso Pitta ROBERTO BIRTH) and Antonio says he is asking for more money for payments.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080515163944_1_8232747.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080515163944_1_8232747.wav?
Dialogue between NAJI R. NAHAS and ANTONIO (official NAHAS) occurred on 15/05/08 at 16:39:44:
NAJI: Hello ...
Antonio: Hi, Dr. NAJI ...
NAJI: Hi Antonio ...
ANTONIO: Miguel reached 100 and 25 Silly, but all "bush" ...
NAJI: Ta ce ...
ANTONIO: I got 10 and 25 pro CARLOS I turned pro Zé Carlos and Roberto Bastos 8450 paid the $ 15,000.00 that the approximate ...
NAJI: And the rest?
ANTONIO: I see here in the safe over 81,550 ...
NAJI: I know, CC're not needed ..
ANTONIO: No it is not even ... he's in the office ...
NAJI: Then leave, okay ...
ANTONIO: That's ... OK.
NAJI: Thank you.
ANTONIO: OK, see you tomorrow, bye.
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with Antonio and this tells you that the Jurni Miguel Neto received $ 100,000.00 and "Nutty" (alias LUCIO FUNARI BOLOGNA) received $ 25,000.00, only everything in "bush" (U.S. dollars) and that this amount, $ 10,000.00 sent to CARMINE ENRIQUE (to be delivered to Celso Pitta R. BIRTH), delivered to U.S. $ 25,000.00 JOSE CARLOS (NAHAS driver) and gave $ 8,500.00 to the U.S. ROBERTO SANDE BOILER BASTOS (also NAHAS employee) and the rest, or U.S. $ 81,550.00, are stored in vault (office located on the street Angelina Maffei Vita No. 667 in Sao Paulo / SP), if Fernando N. NAHAS (son of NAHAS) may need.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080521121813_1_8287806.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080521121813_1_8287806.wav?
Dialogue between NAJI R. NAHAS and ANTONIO (official NAHAS) occurred on 21/05/08 at 12:18:13:
NAJI: Hello ...
Antonio: Hi, Dr. Naji, and Antonio.
ANTONIO: I got there at 80 ... Miguel real ...
NAJI: Okay, I'll call you now that I'm on the other line, I'll call you now ...
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with Antonio (his employee) and this information (in the contest with the other links) that achieved with Miguel NETO Jurni the amount of $ 80,000.00 and Nahas says that then connects to guidelines.

? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080521175234_1_8295409.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080521175234_1_8295409.wav?
Dialogue between NAJI R. NAHAS and ANTONIO (official NAHAS) occurred on 21/05/08 at 17:52:34:
NAJI: Hello ...
Antonio: Hi, Dr. NAJI ...
NAJI: Hi ...
ANTONIO: Who's calling me is ... MILTON Deusdado
NAJI: It is I forgot to ... what they came today ... the ordered something CRAZY?
ANTONIO: Appeared over 25 000, plus a TEC ... I want to confirm but did not give me the exact amount yet, there was more there to the bank ...
NAJI: Give MILTON 5000 pro, right?
NAJI: Okay ...
ANTONIO: OK, so ...
NAJI: The rest can go pro FERNANDO, okay ...
NAJI: OK, thank you.
ANTONIO: Thank you, bye.
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with Antonio (his employee) and this now received reports that Lucio FUNARI BOLOGNA (codenamed "crazy") the amount of 25 000 in cash, in kind, and the rest was sent, via TED, straight to the bank. NAHAS says it is to give 5000 to MILTON Deusdado and the rest is to give Fernando N. NAHAS (his son).
? HYPERLINK "áudios/1181219999_20080526161946_1_8328889.wav"? Audio \ 1181219999_20080526161946_1_8328889.wav?
Dialogue between NAJI R. NAHAS and ANTONIO (official NAHAS) occurred on 26/05/08 at 16:19:46:
NAJI: Hello ...
ANTONIO: Hey .. Dr. Naji, with Miguel ... he got 50 ... Silly and assured me because tomorrow was 100,000, he said tomorrow tidy 100 000 ...
NAJI: Urges Miguel to get the rest you're for tomorrow ...
ANTONIO: That's ...
NAJI: (inaudible)
ANTONIO: And this money is ...
NAJI: See if FERNANDO're in need of him the okay ... 50
ANTONIO: OK ... OK, thanks.
NAJI: Okay, bye.
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with Antonio (his employee) and that this informs Miguel NETO Jurni today and ordered 50 000 LUCIO FUNARI BOLOGNA (codenamed "Nutty") 100 000 promised for tomorrow. NAHAS says it is to insist on the Miguel to send 50 more and the rest is to deliver to Fernando N. NAHAS (his son).

Naji Nahas receives cash from two well-known money changers on the market: BOLOGNA LÚCIO FUNARI ERNEST Matalon and MARCO (both will be subject to its own topic), apparently, the values ​​conveyed through Jurni Miguel Neto.

It is for that MIGUEL

The amounts received by Naji Nahas are used to pay for his expenses, and a part of the amount is transferred to Celso Pitta BIRTH ROBERTO (topic object itself).

In addition to pass values ​​for Naji Nahas, Miguel Neto Jurni operator is in the stock market.

We could notice that Naji Nahas is still operating in the stock market, but not in name. Acts through NETO Jurni and MIGUEL makes use of privileged information, as can be seen on the audio transcribed below:


Rel 4.8:

? HYPERLINK "1181219999_20080407125220_1_7821919.wav"? 1181219999_20080407125220_1_7821919.wav?
On 07/04/08 at 12:52:20 pm, NAJI NAHAS conversation with MICHAEL R. and determines that he buys a term of one particular action, doing so not to arouse suspicion, and should be in the name of the FUND AMEXON. (It appeared that NAJI R. NAHAS probably got some kind of inside information, it asks you to operate so as not to arouse suspicion, nor mentioned any name in the dialogue of the actions undertaken. Over time interception NAJI R. NAHAS in dialogue with Miguel, there was never any determination of this genre.)

? HYPERLINK "1181219999_20080408132937_1_7834309.wav"? 1181219999_20080408132937_1_7834309.wav?
On 08/04/08, at 13:29:37 pm, conversation with MICHAEL R. NAJI NAHAS and says it is an ongoing operation orchestrated to sell "that his role" (said he is dropping 3.5%) and some institutions are selling strong. NAJI NAHAS R. says again to Miguel "take" a little more with what Michael asks if it really is to buy, and R. NAJI NAHAS repeats that is to do what he ordered and that did not report anything , just as he did in yesterday's date.

Analysis: Once again we see the use of inside information by NAJI R. NAHAS, since the actions of the company PETROBRAS, were in full decline (-0.142%) on days 07 and 08/04/08, when Miguel wonders if it really is to buy ("take") these actions, since the major investors were selling. NAHAS says it is to buy, using the expression: "Do what I say so." On 14/04/08, as a result of a statement of the Director-General of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), Haroldo Lima, on discovery of a new oil field in the Santos Basin by Petrobras, the company's stock soared, 13.00, the company's preferred shares advanced 6.4% to R $ 83.62, and shares rose 6.5% to R $ 101.27. Instantly, the Bovespa was operating near the stability.

Thus, there are serious indications of the commission of the offense provided for in Article 27-D, of Law 6385/76, by Naji Nahas, aided directly by Miguel Neto Jurni.

According to research conducted at the site of CVM, MIGUEL Jurni NETO is registered in that municipality as an autonomous agent investment, since 04/01/2008, but there is the following observation:

"We are not aware that this Investment Autonomous Agent has a contract with an institution in the system of distribution of securities, and is, therefore, barred from distributing or securities broker, investment fund shares or derivatives."

Thus, probably, MIGUEL be mediating the purchase and sale of securities to NAJI ROBERT NAHAS without permission.

Miguel is a partner of the company BULL Marlet ECONOMIC SERVICES S / C Ltda. (CNPJ No. 05.894.999/0001-83) and apparently this office is that it operates for Naji Nahas.

3.1. The relationship with CARMINE ENRIQUE

Naji Nahas Another employee who works in a different location (Samson Street Alves dos Santos, 76, 11 floor, 111 cj, New Broklin, São Paulo / SP) and Carmine ENRIQUE. Although it uses the phone to talk to your boss (11 5505-5505 - that is intercepted) be registered in the name of the company WANAPAR (above) and the address located at Rua Angelina Maffei Vita, 667, the line is installed in the office of Samson Street Alves dos Santos, who also is listed as the address of three other companies (AUTONOMOUS AGENTS HIGH INVESTMENT LTD., TELLPOLO HOLDINGS LTD. TELLPOLO and LTD.) administered by the son of Carmine, name CARMINE ENRIQUE SON.

CARMINE ENRIQUE conversation with Naji Nahas on matters related to financial markets and usually gets calls asking for money from Celso Pitta and relays the message to your boss.

ANTONIO, official Naji Nahas, is who supplies the money to CARMINE.

In the audio below is clear on the role of CARMINE:


REL 15.8:

? HYPERLINK "1155055505_20080515122849_1_8228990.wav"? 1155055505_20080515122849_1_8228990.wav?
1.2.1 - Dialogue between CARMINE ENRIQUE (agent of NAJI R. NAHAS) and Antonio (R. official NAJI NAHAS) occurred on 15/05/08 at 12:28:49:
Antonio: Hi dear ...
CARMINE: Hi son, yesterday huh ... Rio thought the bag was yesterday? Take the ass these locals also saw ...
ANTONIO: Two crap ...
CARMINE: Two crap ... alright son?
ANTONIO: All I'm trying to talk to him because they're coming a "bush", you know ... and do not know if it will, he ...
CARMINE: I know ...
ANTONIO: So I see with them is to go to something, but is "bush ",... again today ...
CARMINE: "bush" ... "Bushing" again?
ANTONIO: "bush" again ...
CARMINE: Is the guy is ... Caracas "bushing" again ... is between BUSH and BUSH ... son of a bitch I fucked ... I do not know ... and then I'm out ...
ANTONIO: Why do not I have another're hard to get national ...
CARMINE: Oh my fuck ... leads the way after're going to talk there, but do not fill my bag, okay ... he traveled uncle?
ANTONIO: He traveled ...
CARMINE: Son of a bitch, I was there the other day ...
ANTONIO: I was told is that you had given a ...
CARMINE: So he said, going on here, after he had one made up my ass ... I went up and even asked pro ZE CARLOS, ANTONIO cade o? He said: I do not know, would only give you a hug.
ANTONIO: No. .. But it's beauty.
CARMINE: But I'll talk to him then ... I'm not going to see if a ... and with a little talk with him then give you a return ...
ANTONIO: Okay, to see how you do ...
ANTONIO: Thank you.
CARMINE: Imagine ...
End of connection
Analysis: ANTONIO (Nahas-placed) tells CARMINE ENRIQUE (agent of NAHAS) that will only have available "bush," meaning U.S. dollars in cash and in kind, because it "is difficult to get national," meaning to be difficult to get money in-kind and actual market, saying he will talk with "him" (Nahas) to solve the problem.

? HYPERLINK "1155055505_20080515152927_1_8231643.wav"? 1155055505_20080515152927_1_8231643.wav?
1.2.2 - Dialogue between CARMINE ENRIQUE (agent of NAJI R. NAHAS) and Antonio (R. official NAJI NAHAS) occurred on 15/05/08 at 15:29:27:
NIH: Who ...
CARMINE: Hello ...
Antonio: Hi ...
CARMINE: Speak son ...
ANTONIO: 10 is "bush" ... I have ...
CARMINE: Okay ...
CARMINE: To send po ... send forward right?
ANTONIO: I only said it had called me ... pa ... pa ... pa ... he sends spoke 10 "bush" ...
CARMINE: Okay ...
CARMINE: Okay, I'll talk to him son.
ANTONIO: Okay then ...
CARMINE: okay ... thanks ... bye.
End of connection
Analysis: ANTONIO (NAHAS employee) talks with CARMINE ENRIQUE (agent of NAHAS) and says that NAJI R. NAHAS sent to deliver 10 "bush" meaning delivery of $ 10,000.00, ten thousand dollars, and that it is forwarding the money. CARMINE says he will call "po ..." meaning to call Celso Pitta ROBERTO BIRTH to warn you.

In addition, we found that CARMINE, along with his son, CARMINE ENRIQUE SON also have operations dollar cable in the office where they work. In this activity, still rely on the help of "Chico" (unidentified) that also acts as a money changer, and participates in operations-dollar cable.

Here are some audio to illustrate the alleged:


3.2. The relationship with Celso Pitta

The relationship between Celso Pitta and Naji Nahas is old. In a simple search in Google search, I came across several reports dating from the late 90?, In which the Nicene Pitta, former wife of Pitt, mentions the relationship between Pitt and Naji Nahas, reaching to cite FERNANDO NAHAS (son of NAJI) envelopes handed to her ex-husband, and once opened and found papers that revealed the partnership between Pitt and the offshore NAJI YUKON RIVER, based in British Virgin Islands, and, according to a report in the Folha de São Paul would account at MTB Bank.

Although this is a news story, this study is evidence of some kind of partnership between Celso Pitta and Naji Nahas, which would justify the values ​​passed in kind of Naji Nahas to Celso Pitta.

Apparently, Celso Pitta and Naji Nahas holds business together, probably overseas, and when you need money in Brazil, Celso Pitta Naji Nahas calls directly to your employee or CARMINE, offering these values, which are achieved through money changers, there are indications of whether the dollar-out operation. Apparently, Celso Pitta is "washing" money (internal values ​​in the country) with the collaboration of Naji Nahas and his assistants.

Almost daily, Celso Pitta phones CARMINE Naji Nahas or even asking for money, usually speak in codes. He usually receives a weekly values, about forty or fifty thousand, which seeks to personally? CARMINE's office or Naji Nahas or have RENE (unidentified, probably Office boy) look.

When you attend in person, Celso Pitta uses a Santana vehicle, plate xxx, which is registered in the name of EDVALDO BRITO. Coincidentally, at the address where the company is registered KEY CONSULTING, who is a partner Celso Pitta, has settled the law firm of EDVALDO BITO.

When mentioned in conversation, Celso Pitta has received the code name "jabuticaba" and even "nutty" (nickname that was later used to describe LÚCIO FUNARI BOLOGNA).

Finally we add that Celso Pitta and CARMINE ENRIQUE also address issues related to municipal writ, it is not possible at this stage to say whether or not to treat legitimate business, we must remember that Celso Pitta, when he served as mayor of Sao Paulo been involved in a scandal related to the payment of writ.

Here are several dialogues that show the alleged in this topic:

REL 15.8:

? HYPERLINK "1181219999_20080513115744_1_8203950.wav"? 1181219999_20080513115744_1_8203950.wav?
1.3.2 - Dialogue between NAJI R. Celso Pitta and NAHAS ROBERTO BIRTH occurred on 13/05/08 at 11:57:44:
NAJI: No because ...
NAJI: Hello ...
KEVIN: NAJI? Good morning, okay?
NAJI: All ...
KEVIN: You're informed of the difficulty of the staff there ...
NAJI: No. .. no ... it seems that now it's being sent (inaudible), okay?
KEVIN: Okay ...
NAJI: OK? A hug.
End of connection
Analysis: NAJI R. NAHAS conversation with Celso Pitta ROBERTO BIRTH and it asks if he is aware of the difficulties of "operators" (referring to the money changers LÚCIO FUNARI BOLOGNA, MARCO and MICHAEL ERNEST Matalon Jurni NETO) to send the money and Nahas says he is aware but that will send a little money.

The money changers

BOLOGNA LÚCIO FUNARI is excluded partner company Guaranhuns Participações S / C Ltda. and considered by some as the "money changer's monthly allowance," because through his company had received deposits Guaranhus NATIMAR company, passed by Valério resources, made several payments to broker-BONUS BANVAL, involved in the scandal.

RDA-13/6/05 the report sent by the BM & F to CVM on 09 August 2005, comprised the name of Lucius because of repeated operations was identified between the companies, GUARANHUNS ESOC. And intermittent. AND PART. S / C LTDA and RS ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION LTD, as the Final Report of Proceedings of the CPMI "Post," Volume III - pg. 1504.

Interestingly, the company RS AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LTD. has registered as address the aforementioned Rua Angelina Maffei Vita, 667, Sao Paulo / SP, where is located the office of Naji Nahas and several companies related to it.

The research team was able to identify LÚCIO as a supplier of in-kind resources to Naji Nahas from telephone calls via a landline phone registered in the name of A. TELECOM and leased to the address where the group is located Gallway. There was no direct contact between Lucio and Naji Nahas intercepted by the numbers, but several times, the secretary of pike, REGINA call the office and speak with Naji Nahas Maria do Carmo, passing notes, as we see below:


REL 15.8:

? HYPERLINK "1130341462_20080513095105_1_8202254.wav"? 1130341462_20080513095105_1_8202254.wav?
1.1.1 - Dialogue between Maria do Carmo ANTUNES Jannin (R. NAHAS NAJI secretary) and Sergio (official money changer LÚCIO FUNARI BOLOGNA) occurred on 13/05/08 at 09:51:05:
TATIANA: Who is it?
ANITA: Anita is
TATIANA: Please Maria do Carmo ...
ANITA: Who is it?
TATIANA: Is Dr. SERGIO she can talk?
ANITA: who?
TATIANA: Is the company SERGIO Gallway ...
ANITA: GAUIN, please for a minute that she's on another line ...
TATIANA: Okay thank you
ANITA: Hello ...
ANITA: ANITA It can help you in anything ...
TATIANA: Oh no ... it is only with the same SERGIO wanted to talk, talk that is here by the Regina ...
ANITA: REGINA from where?
ANITA: Oh yeah, one minute ...
Maria do Carmo: Hello ...
Maria do Carmo: It's ...
Maria do Carmo: Hi Tatiana, how are you?
TATIANA: I will go pro Serginho're ...
Maria do Carmo: Okay thank you
TATIANA: Hello're just a minute ...
Maria do Carmo: Okay ...
TATIANA: CARMO only took a moment a line already're going to meet ...
SERGIO: I'm sending a "document" Woe to you ...
Maria do Carmo: Okay ...
SERGIO: Okay ...
Maria do Carmo: okay ... OK
SERGIO: Thank you.
Maria do Carmo: Thank you bye.
End Connection
Analysis: Maria do Carmo, Secretary of Naji R. Nahas, Sergio receives connection (official money changer Lucius Bologna Funaro, sometimes called "nutty" by Nahas), stating that you are sending a "document". And "document" is the codename used for money in cash.

Moreover, in several conversations between Naji Nahas and ANTONIO or CARMINE, Lucius is quoted under the name "Nutty", and it is clear who is responsible for providing values ​​for Naji Nahas, which must be the result of operations known as U.S. dollars the cable.

The following audio evidence to the above alleged:

We were told that an agreement has LÚCIO whistleblower awarded the Federal Court, which makes her even more severe recurrence in the activity of money changer.



MARK ERNEST Matalon is known as one of
the country's largest money changers and has been investigated in several surveys of DELEFIN / DRCOR / SR / DPF / SP.

About the end of March this year because of a lawsuit in which the blockade was determined on accounts of Naji Nahas and his two sons, Naji Nahas spent to carry out all their cash payments - which are mentioned in telephone conversations as "envelopes"), including, in a conversation, Maria do Carmo clarifies the creditors of an office that will only pay in money and in some conversations, bind creditors asking her if the envelope has arrived.


Around the same time, Lucius appeared to be a problem of cash and Naji Nahas began receiving money from the "old", the nickname given MARCO ERNEST Matalon.

Initially, contact was made between FERNANDO NAHAS and MURIEL Matalon. The two had already done real estate deals together and she would enter as a partner in a venture, and its share of the money would come from the father of Muriel, MARK ERNEST Matalon. However, Naji Nahas did not want the business and chose to conduct the exchange rate (dialogues follow below). Since then, Matalon also started to supply values ​​for Naji Nahas, and Fernando was responsible for the contacts, since it was responsible for the payment of various accounts of his father and the group.


Media Manipulation


Sovereign fund



Given all the above and outside, they see clearly that the formation of a large gang linked to the activities of Naji Nahas. There is overwhelming evidence of the commission of offenses under Article 288 of the Penal Code, Articles 16 and 22 of Law No. 7.492/86, Article 27-D of the Law 6385/76 and Article 1 of Law 9.613/98.


So far, investigations ran secret. To move further in the calculation, we proceed to the second phase of work. And for much needed collaboration of r. law with the enactment of the following precautionary measures required.


From this second phase of the investigation, it will no longer be confidential and there is the need to obtain further evidence, beyond those already achieved to date to strengthen the whole evidence and instruct the future prosecution.

It is critical that warrants are issued search and seizure evidence to be gathered in homes and businesses of those investigated.

Thus, based on Article 5, XI of the Federal Constitution and Article 240 and following of the Code of Criminal Procedure, represents your Excellency to be authorized to carry out search and seizure, with the shipment of their orders, the following addresses :



PLACE? CNPJ? ADDRESS ??????????????????????????????????
in order to seize any documents or other evidence related to crimes against the furniture market, against the national financial system and "Dry" of money, including accounting records, schedules, orders and documents related to the maintenance of accounts in Brazil and abroad, on behalf of yourself or others, money in domestic or foreign currency, vehicles and documents indicating ownership of assets (proceeds of crime) as well as computers and other types of magnetic media or digital data storage.

We ask also that is issued an authorization to open (break) of any existing safes in homes, if the investigated refuse to open them.

Moreover, in view of the nature of the material to be seized because the search and the necessity of expertise in them for prosecution based on Article 5, Paragraph XII of the Federal Constitution, require that also is ordered to break the confidentiality of the data contained in the materials seized because the search for the attainment of expertise, including authorization for, if necessary, during the diligence, can be accessed any data stored on computers that are found.


As narrated in the body of this text, one of the leaders of the criminal organization, Doron, if acquisition of real estate used as a way to whitewash the capital obtained through the practice of fraud.

Thus, under Article 4 of Law No. 9613/98, Article 91, II, "b" of the Criminal Code and Article 125 the Code of Criminal Procedure, represent the blocking of assets described above.


During the investigation it became clear that there is a strong financial transactions by members of this criminal organization.

Before all the above, as a precautionary measure to preserve values ​​that at the end of the criminal process will be given for destruction to the Union, require, on the basis of Article 4 of Law No. 9613/98 and Article 132 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the issuance of Central Bank office to determine the sequestration of amounts deposited into the bank accounts of the persons listed below or accounts of which included people such as attorneys or representatives:

NAME? CPF / CNPJ ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????
REL 3.8
? HYPERLINK "1155055505_20080408131549_1_7834116.wav"? 1155055505_20080408131549_1_7834116.wav?
On 08/04/08, at 13:15:49 pm, CARMINE conversation with CHICO (dollar cable) and asks where the money orders. Chico asks to send only 10,000 (ten thousand) on account BRADESCO, ag. 612-2, C / C 10612-7, on behalf of LO PANFI ROMÃO Cavanha, CPF 535440051-15 (CHICO comments that had to open this account in the name of "Paraguay").

Account opened by CHICO orange to receive values. CHICO CARMINE does business with. Close-out operations on the dollar.

4.8 REL:
? HYPERLINK "1181212222_20080331094839_1_7746932.wav"? 1181212222_20080331094839_1_7746932.wav?
On 31/03/08 at 09:48:39 pm, calls FERNANDO MARCO N. NAHAS and asks if you need money and says he received guidance NAJI R. NAHAS to give him a certain amount of money and asks if he can deposit in the account of "MURIEL". MARCO speaks to deposit the money in the account of "MURIEL" because they do not want to do business with the exchange NAHAS, and speak in an amount close to R $ 400,000.00. FERNANDO N. NAHAS says it is to pay bills NAHAS. Mark says that "MURIEL" has the cash and will do a TED for the account of Rofer (Nahas Group company) and says that if you want NAJI can return or cash to the venture will jointly. Mark says that the "guy" seems to be in financial trouble because it paid off previous debt and FERNANDO N. NAHAS says he should be trying to work it there (DUBAI).

? HYPERLINK "1181212222_20080403112243_1_7783980.wav"? 1181212222_20080403112243_1_7783980.wav?
On 03/04/08 at 11:22:43 pm, FERNANDO MARCO conversation with N. NAHAS and asks if he wants something (money) because yesterday had a little to R. NAJI NAHAS (R $ 78,000.00) and now it seems he wants something like $ 500,000.00.

Account Rofer. Matalon will deposit money in the account of the company he mentions two audios.

Finally, we ask that the delivery of official letters to the Central Bank and banks Itau and Banif are signatories to these delegates as to preserve the confidentiality of investigations, only the date determined for the fulfillment of the mandates, the locks accounts should be provided.


In order to obtain evidence of illegal use of accounts owned by the investigation listed above, we require, based on Article 1, § 4, V, VIII and IX of Law No. 9613/98, the breach of bank secrecy of all blocked accounts, stating that financial institutions refer to these Police Authorities in electronic form, extracts financial transactions in the period from 01/01/2007 to 14/02/2008.


If there is evidence of the commission of offenses against the financial system and money laundering, so we can better ascertain the facts and bring the acts constituting the elements of materiality criminal offense, it is essential to the enactment of a breach of confidentiality of taxpayer SUPERVISORY below listed, with the issuance of the IRS office to forward copies of income tax returns for the last five years. If they found evidence of irregularities, requires at the outset, the prosecution of administrative and fiscal.

NAME? CPF / CNPJ ????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????

In order to expedite the receipt of information, we require the delivery of the letter to the IRS is delegated to these parties.

Sao Paulo, 2008.

Federal Commissioner of Police
Registration 10155-2 Grade

? One example is intercepted on the link contained in 18.09.07 Analysis Report 03/2007, which is a meeting scheduled at Opportunity.

? In one of the dialogues, the Secretary of Naji Nahas calls the Opportunity looking for Daniel Dantas and Secretary of the guides to use another phone (Analysis Report 04/2007).

? On 24/08/07 at 16:32:58 AM, Naji Nahas conversation with Arthur Joaquim de Carvalho about a business that was dealing with Daniel Dantas (Analysis Report 02/2007).

? On 13/05/2008 at 09:31:25 PM, Daniel Dantas says that Naji Nahas will have someone look it up. On 14/05/2008, at 11:30, ROCHA HUMBERTO JOSE BRAZ left the office Naji Nahas (Rua Angelina Maffei Vita, 667) where he participated in the meeting, as can be seen in the Analytical Report 15/2008 - STG.

? Linking Naji Nahas and Roberto Bastos on 24/09/07 at 14:49:17 pm.
? Linking Naji Nahas and Roberto Bastos on 21/08/07 at 10:58:00 pm.
? SBP 007/89 (information on the website of CVM).
? ? HYPERLINK "http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/fol/pol/ult26052000010.htm"? Http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/fol/pol/ult26052000010.htm?
? HYPERLINK "http://epoca.globo.com/edic/20000313/brasil2.htm"? Http://epoca.globo.com/edic/20000313/brasil2.htm?
? As video sent in the Analytical Report No. 15/2008.





? EMBED PBrush??
Federal Public Service
MJ - Federal Police
Regional Superintendent in Sao Paulo
DRCOR - Police Financial Crimes Enforcement


We are Anonymous
We are a Legion
We have not forgotten
We do not forgive
We wait.

@ AnonymousIRC
@ AnonIRC
@ PlanoAnonBR



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