February 5, 2012

Dial-up Connection for #syria #Anonfamily #legoin

Dial-up Connection for #syria #Anonfamily

onexões Dial-up para Siria  #AnonFamily precisa de ajuda

?? ??? ?????? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????:
In the event of interruption of Internet service in Syria, you can use the following numbers to access the network:
+4618700800            user:flashback     pw: flashback
+3908251872424     any user/password
+3909241962424     any user/password
+16033715050         any user/password
+431962962              user: selfnet password: selfnet
+492317299993         user: telecomix   password: telecomix
+33 1 72 89 01 50. login: toto password: toto by FDN

1 comment:

  1. ressources for people here : http://pear.ly/Nn99
    u can spread from here

