January 12, 2012

Credit Agencies hacked WallRoad [#REPOST]

Credit Agencies hacked

CRA Hacked By WallRoad 1 of 2

Who is WallRoad ? :
WallRoad is a splinter cell of #Lulzsec or #antisec. WallRoad agrees to most
Anonymous operations. WallRoad has focused their attention to Credit Rating
Agencies and their financial hyprocrisy that ruins normal people’s lives.
You, the Credit Rating Agencies , have a lot to learn about living without
any repproaches, obviously… We hope others will make good use of your login
accounts everywhere. Oh yeah, you like our defacings BTW ? Pretty cool, hu ?
Rendez vous au white dream, si j’suis pas là c’est qu’jsuis au white bitch !
What happened ? :
1–> Dagong Global ………………………… hacked and downgraded ! (augmented repost)
2–> Fitch Ratings Centroamérica ……………. hacked and downgraded !
3–> Fitch Ratings China …………………… hacked and downgraded ! (augmented repost)
4–> Fitch Ratings Sri Lanka ……………….. hacked and downgraded !
5–> Moodie Report ………………………… hacked and downgraded !
6–> Shanghai Far East …………………….. hacked and downgraded !
7–> Korea Investors Service ……………….. hacked and downgraded !
8–> India Credit Agency …………………… hacked and downgraded !
9–> JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge ……… hacked and downgraded !
10–> Equilibrium Poland ……………………. hacked and downgraded !
11–> Humphreys Chile ………………………. hacked and downgraded !
12–> Ahbor Rating Uzbekistan ……………….. hacked and downgraded !
13–> Agusto & Co ………………………….. hacked and downgraded !
14–> HR Ratings …………………………… hacked and downgraded !
15–> IFPHK Hong Kong ………………………. hacked and downgraded !
16–> Hedgefundnews ………………………… hacked and downgraded !
BONUS 17–> CARE Uruguay ……………………………… downgraded !
BONUS 18–> Capital Intelligence ………………………. downgraded !
BONUS 19–> BRC Investor Services ……………………… downgraded !
BONUS 20–> Fitch ratings downgraded …………………… downgraded !
Reason given :
You suck. Good enough reason . (TODO)
This is #Wallroad. It’ll hurt more than you’ve ever been financially impacted.
Without loos, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. Stay with it. This is
your pain; It’s right here. What you’re feeling is premature enlightment. it’s
only after we’ve lost everything that we are free to do anything.
1–> Dagong Global hacked and downgraded !
“Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., LTD”
Site             Database  Table Host      User  Password
dagongcredit.com mysql     user  %         root  *42983AAFCB28984533B14CC4F5B297A5910F1AED
dagongcredit.com mysql     user  localhost root  *42983AAFCB28984533B14CC4F5B297A5910F1AED
Site             Database  Table id name   psw     Decrypted_psw
dagongcredit.com u54031_db adm   1  dagong z123321 z123321
Site             Database  Table id us    pas   Decrypted_pas
dagongcredit.com u54031_db admin 1  admin admin admin
Site             Database  Table id name psw                              Decrypted_psw
dagongcredit.com u54031_db c_adm 1  chf     21218cca77804d2ba1922c33e0151105 888888
Site             Database  Table  id adm  psw                              Decrypted_psw
dagongcredit.com u54031_db rs_adm 1  adm  21218cca77804d2ba1922c33e0151105 888888
dagongcredit.com u54031_db rs_adm 2  adm2 21218cca77804d2ba1922c33e0151105 888888
dagongcredit.com u54031_db rs_adm 3  adm3 21218cca77804d2ba1922c33e0151105 888888
Site             Database  Table  id number  y    m  pay   bonus tax     deduct  total
dagongcredit.com u54031_db rs_pay 16 R000001 2006 03 10000 0     1680.00 0       8320 <– 10000 USD/Month to screw people ?!
dagongcredit.com u54031_db rs_pay 17 R000002 2006 03 4000  0     360.00  0       3640
dagongcredit.com u54031_db rs_pay 18 R000004 2006 03 2000  0     20.00   0       1980
dagongcredit.com u54031_db rs_pay 19 R000003 2006 03 4000  0     315.00  300     3385
dagongcredit.com u54031_db rs_pay 20 R000005 2006 03 1600  400   20.00   0       1980
Site             Database  Table id name   psw  Decrypted_psw
dagongcredit.com u54031_db user  1  dagong 4321 4321
Site             Database  Table   id name        psw                              Decrypted_psw p
dagongcredit.com u54031_db web_adm 6  shixiangjun 92eb5ffee6ae2fec3ad71c777531578f b             shenhe
dagongcredit.com u54031_db web_adm 20 dingxiang   cb292964893d529756c2a8e3bd4392b9 kill00        shenhe
dagongcredit.com u54031_db web_adm 21 ¾           c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b 1             user
dagongcredit.com u54031_db web_adm 22 tangshuji   c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b 1             shenhe
dagongcredit.com u54031_db web_adm 23 jingjing    c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b 1             shenhe
dagongcredit.com u54031_db web_adm 26 liuyang     6b649039a388694c7306cb4d14041a14 liuyang       shenhe
dagongcredit.com u54031_db web_adm 27 duqiuling   2f7bf7603bcd5dc7fdc1f7b64f397815 [Not Found]   shenhe
Site             Database  Table           login        password  alias
dagongcredit.com u54031_db web_phpmv_users anonymous    Anonymous user
Site             Database  Table     uid username       password                         Decrypted_password email/msn/icq/yahoo
dagongcredit.com u54031_db A_members 1   dagong         37849288fad67bc3c7037ef6b4fe4228 dg123              shixj@dagongcredit.com
dagongcredit.com u54031_db A_members 2   armi514        37849288fad67bc3c7037ef6b4fe4228 dg123              armi514@163.com http://www.YingShe.cn
dagongcredit.com u54031_db A_members 3   ?              a1b14666fecf74587754cdfbe8c209a7 8227608            lemoncenter8@sohu.com
dagongcredit.com u54031_db A_members 4   xutaoss        005932e85261ef888fb7e5477a525701 537674             xutaoss@sohu.com
dagongcredit.com u54031_db A_members 5   L              d3be31e28d2d2a98837746f7eabbfef4 10051974           liujinfeng@21cn.com

rest see: http://pastebin.com/tr9rQfF3


CRA Hacked By WallRoad 2 of 2

This is part 2 of 2 (look for “CRA Hacked By WallRoad 1 of 2?)
Ctrl+A & Ctrl+V in Text Editor

13–> Agusto & Co. hacked and downgraded !
“Agusto & Co. Research, Credit Ratings, Credit Risk Management”
Site       Database       Table id  fname       lname          email                                  pass
agusto.com agustoc_agusto users 1   ads            d              dwdokin@yahoo.com                      unitysch
agusto.com agustoc_agusto users 2   Olatunji    Suleiman-Oba   suleimanoba@yahoo.com                  jetsfly

rest see: http://pastebin.com/XctyzPJJ

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