January 12, 2012


Anonymous – #OpRobinHood

Hello, we are p0isAnon.
Anonymous and TeaMp0isoN have joined forces to fight censorship in the name of OpCensorThis. There is a new operation that has been taking place over the actions of Banks in response to the Occupy Movement. We have watched our brothers and sisters being refused their hard earned money by the banks on top of being beaten and brutalized by officers during peaceful demonstrations. Congratulations banks, you have gotten our attention.
You ignore your customers and use authorities to censor their voices. Operation Censor This will not stand for such acts and is spawning another operation under Operation Cash Back which already removed well over 500,000 accounts from banks and put them into credit unions. This is the next step. Banks have stolen millions from its customers as well as lacked the security to protect them. We give you Operation Robin Hood.
In regards to the recent demonstrations and protests across the globe, we are going to turn the tables on the banks. Operation Robin Hood is going to return the money to those who have been cheated by our system and most importantly to those hurt by our banks. Operation Robin Hood will take credit cards and donate to the 99% as well as various charities around the globe. The banks will be forced to reimburse the people there money back.
We are going to take what belongs to us. The Banks have thrown people out on the streets with corrupted actions. When the poor steals, it’s considered violence, but when the banks steal from us, it’s called business.
We have already taken Chase, Bank of America, and CitiBank credit cards with big breaches across the map. We have returned it to the poor (the TRUE 99%) who deserve it.
We have donated thousands to many protests around the world. We have donated thousands to the homeless and other charities. Our government has fallen short in many ways. It’s time for the people to step up. We are finished depending on our government to do right by us. How safe can the banks be keeping you when we are easily able to steal thousands already. You have the benefit of us being the good guys.
We are not afraid of the Police, Secret Service, or the FBI. We are going to show you banks are not safe and take our money back. We are going to hit the true evil while not harming theirs customers and helping others. We are not only starving the banks but are ready to start the attack. We have come to take the 99% ‘s money back. We are not asking permission.
Let’s see how Banks like paying out money like they made us do. Is it called stealing when one takes what was theirs in the first place? Is it called stealing elections when banks are funneling our millions into paying off congressmen and lobbyists. It’s time for the banks to pay for their crimes and corruption. We are not waiting for our government to step up and take action. It’s time for the banks to pay for not protecting you and only causing harm. But why feel sorry for them while they make us pay every day? Make us over pay for their services? Make us pay all their little charges? Operation Robin Hood urges YOU, to now move your accounts into secure credit unions, before it’s too late while we hit them from the inside.
We are going to make the banks deliver your money back to you with a smile on their faces and hate in their heart. The only fraud happening has been the actions of the banks frauding the people. It’s time for the banks to do business with Anonymous and TeaMp0isoN. And one of us is not as harsh as all of us. We are looking forward to start doing business with you pigs.
How loud will you squeal when the same is being done to you? We will avenge every person banks turned down and stolen from. Join us in Operation Robin Hood. Take from the banks and give to the poor. Our actions will be swift. It’s time for the people to rise up and the banks to remember who they work for. It’s time we fight back. It’s time YOU take back your freedom. We are done asking politely.
Banks, you have got the attention of the Hydra of the internet that has grown fangs of poison.
The only question now, is do they expect us?
We are p0isAnon
We are Robin Hood
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us.
Operation Robin Hood… fully initiated.
Music: Greendjohn – Brave Story
Follow on Twitter: @OpCensorThis_ @_f0rsaken @_TeaMp0isoN
Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TeaMp0isoN
Join Our Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/144528735651296/
see also.

ANONTELPRO #7 – Cell Networks and Comms

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ANONTELPRO #7 – Cell Networks and Comms

Good morning, AnonInts. Today we talk about developing and reliable methods of communicating with your very own intelligence gathering cell network. While dataveillance should be the bricks of any modern counter-intelligence op (and can be done from anywhere in the world, whether really, or by using 7 proxies), HUMINT is still the mortar that must hold it all together. ‘Knowing’ things from your adversaries’ electronic transmissions does you no good if some of your intel cannot be vetted in the ‘real world.’ At least, what you intend to use as minor leverage. That said, here is how to create and link some cells.Cell Structure: Begin your op with uncrackable confidants. If your cover is blown, CGCI will do everything they can to ‘poop in your roost,’ so to speak.. Loyalty is a must. Once your core cell grows to about four or five, split it, and allow your new ‘cell leaders’ to form their own cells of four or five. This turns your network into a ‘circle’ of ‘cells.’ Various circles can be assigned different matters to gather intelligence on. This increases the focus and effectiveness of results produced. On down the line.. When the network grows large enough, circle leaders will have to be assigned, generally drawing from core cell members and key sympathetic moles in your adversary’s ops. Cell Communications: Despite the section title, you never want to communicate with another operator in plain language over a telephone. It’s not just risky, it’s operational suicide. Become a master a elliptical conversation, that is to say ‘The Art of Story Telling,’ or saying something that really means something completely different than the words you use. It is good to have code words agreed upon. Also, if you know your fellow operators well enough (which you should) you can allude to past events which may conjure up a hidden meaning. Ciphers, such as the OTP method taught earlier, are critical. Unfortunately this means keys must be passed, which means a risk of breaking OpSec. Fortunately, the last thing your local piggies will be suspecting is a redux of professional tactics. This shit is waaay over their heads, and will not even be anticipated.
The Brush Pass: This is at once the easiest, most certain, and most dangerous way to pass critical intel, such as keys, ciphers, photographs, or maps. It is easy and certain because you can physically ensure the correct party receives the intel. It is the most dangerous, because if you get caught, the gig is up, and whatever you are carrying has now been intercepted, along with your person.
It’s Simple: You and another operator arrange a time and place for a meet by various means, usually involving code words and elliptical conversation. Operator 1 shows up a few minutes early to verify that the meeting place is secure, They busy themselves with something innocuous, passively scoping, in case of the random pig or nosy onlooker, and waits. Operator 2 shows up on a route that intersects with Operator 1, and at the point of contact documents are seamlessly exchanged, and both parties exit the AO (Area of Operations) as soon as possible. NEVER TALK AND EXCHANGE AT THE SAME MEETING. The idea is ‘two strangers pass in silence.’
The Dead Drop: This is one of the more secure methods to pass HUMINT in the real world. It’s relatively safe for each individual operator, as they will not be required to break OpSec to utilize it. Its only risk is that unless the drop is picked up in a timely manner, it is vulnerable to interception if your drop site has been discovered. There is a long standing variant that accounts for and mitigates this, which will be explained as well.
It’s Simple: Drop sites, and marking sites must be prearranged using codewords or elliptical conversation at the beginning of the Op, when you are most secure. If you feel a site has been compromised, change it. Ideally, your drop site, and your marking site should have some geographical space between them. How much is up to you, but your aim is not to have your comms intercepted. Remember that always. Operator 1 lays/makes their marker at a marking spot to signal to Operator 2 that the DD is going to be filled. Operator 1 proceeds to DD with materials, fills, leaves the AO. Operator 2 observes the mark, removes it, and proceeds to the DD to retrieve the materials. Operator 1 can observe that the mark has been removed, and thus assume the DD has been retrieved.
REDUX: For extra sensitive comms (or if one believes a DD might be compromised, but has not been able to set a new one,) it may be necessary for Operator 1 to loop back, and remove the DD after a small amount of time has passed. Ideally you should allow enough time for Operator 2 to remove the prearranged comm, and exit. If they fail to do this for whatever reason, letting the comms remain is unacceptable, so take them back, and await a better moment. A good operator has excellent timing abilities.
It’s a good idea to make comms so that they cannot feasibly be traced to you directly if intercepted. Leave no fingerprints, leave no DNA, writing samples etc. Wear gloves when handling. Use a laser printer. Prudence is an operator’s best friend.
Cigarette packs, due to the propensity and general overlookedness of litter in our modern society make excellent DDs. They are even moderately waterproof.
Cased Dog Whistles, when the piston on the whistle is fully screwed down, a compartment is available for the placing of small comms. Dog whistles are uniform, and while they are somewhat eccentric, are overlooked by many. Aside from use as signalling devices (which is not hampered by their use as envelopes), they can be swapped at a DD location or in person with noone the wiser, as long as the exchange is not witnessed. They can even be kept in plain view on your person. They are cheap and entirely waterproof, which is a plus. I invented and used this technique for months, and CGCI is shitting their pants as they read this line, since they remember seeing the whistle and thinking it was a simple joke or affectation. O Hai, Gentlemen. ;D
Tree Hollows, an oldie but goodie. Pretty self explanatory. See also, underneath park 55 gal drum trash cans. You’ll see these beasties chained to the ground, nobody’s touching them but you and yours.
In general, use your imagination, and stick to your OpSec. @LLCStr1ng3r
Posted by LLCStr1ng3r at 11:55 AM 0 comments

United Nations Hacked by TriCk – TeaMp0isoN

8888888888                   888b     d888           .d8888b.  d8b                   888b    888
888                       8888b   d8888          d88P  Y88b Y8P                   8888b   888
888                       88888b.d88888          888    888                       88888b  888
888      .d88b.   8888b.  888Y88888P888 88888b.  888    888 888 .d8888b   .d88b.  888Y88b 888
888     d8P  Y8b     "88b 888 Y888P 888 888 "88b 888    888 888 88K      d88""88b 888 Y88b888
888     88888888 .d888888 888  Y8P  888 888  888 888    888 888 "Y8888b. 888  888 888  Y88888
888     Y8b.     888  888 888   "   888 888 d88P Y88b  d88P 888      X88 Y88..88P 888   Y8888
888      "Y8888  "Y888888 888       888 88888P"   "Y8888P"  888  88888P'  "Y88P"  888    Y888
888 [ Knowledge is power . . . . . . . ]
888 [ 1000+ UN Emails, Usernames & Passwords leaked ]

A Senate for Global Corruption, the United Nations sits to facilitate the introduction of a New
World Order and a One World Government as outlined by Brock Chisolm the former Director of UNWHO
when he said:
‘To achieve a One World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their
individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification’
The overseer of many atrocities from Rwanda to Darfour to the inaction in Yugoslavia to the creation
of the State of Israel and the disposition of the Palestinian people, the UN has become a beast that
must be stopped or tamed!
How far you have come from the first address by Thomas Jefferson where ‘peace, commerce and honest
friendship’ were the Modis Operandi to one today where talk of ‘eliminating 350,000 people a day’
as outlined by Jacques Cousteau is a academic consideration.
The UN is a fraud! The bureaucratic head of NATO used to legitimise the Barbarism of Capitalist elite!
Conor Cruise said ‘you can safely appeal to the UN in the comfortable certainty that it will let
you down’ – never has a truer sentence been spoken……
United Nations, why didnt you expect us?
**Note: Paswords with “000″ are accounts with no passwords. . . . . . .
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// Email Address -: hdro@undp.org
// Password      -: pablis98
// Username      -: admin
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// Email Address -: claudia.gimenez@undp.org
// Password      -: 28071965
// Username      -:  cgimenez
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// Email Address -: pece@cantv.net
// Password      -:  13614735
// Username      -:  Guiseppe
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// Email Address -: fls@socsci.soton.ac.uk
// Password      -: felix2
// Username      -:  Felix
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// Email Address -: welsch@cantv.net
// Password      -: makako
// Username      -:  Federico
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// Email Address -: jomaroche@cantv.net
// Password      -: 12068702
// Username      -:  jomaroche
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// Email Address -: carlen@cantv.net
// Password      -: c3397623
// Username      -:  coco
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// Email Address -: frederic.teboul@undp.org
// Password      -: simona
// Username      -:  frederic
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// Email Address -: ckatz@camnet.com.kh
// Password      -: gitan
// Username      -:  Cambodia
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// Email Address -: carolina.trigueros@undp.org
// Password      -: diegot
// Username      -:  Carolina
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// Email Address -: rosanita.serrano@undp.org
// Password      -: arvin4ever
// Username      -:  Annie
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// Email Address -: jaka@nso.gov.pg
// Password      -: rava
// Username      -:  Joe
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// Email Address -: loh333@aemail4u.com
// Password      -: loh333
// Username      -:  loh333
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// Email Address -: layhuoy@yahoo.com
// Password      -: chreav75
// Username      -:  PMATU
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// Email Address -: ryratana.suwanraks@undp.org
// Password      -: halekua&
// Username      -:  ryrat
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// Email Address -: c.inayatullah@undp.org
// Password      -: inayat
// Username      -:  Inayat
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// Email Address -: eugene.owusu@undp.org
// Password      -: kofi
// Username      -:  Koowusu
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// Email Address -: suraj.kumar@undp.org
// Password      -: dada
// Username      -:  Suraj
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// Email Address -: jamil.sofi@undp.org.sa
// Password      -: sarah2000
// Username      -:  Yahya
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// Email Address -: narmina.guliyeva@undp.org
// Password      -: tima1998
// Username      -:  Narmina 8
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// Email Address -: hamed.mobarek@undp.org
// Password      -: hm
// Username      -:  Hamed 9
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// Email Address -: narine@undp.am
// Password      -: t28
// Username      -:  nara
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// Email Address -: asachdeva@yojana.nic.in
// Password      -: manu2610
// Username      -:  Arvinder
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// Email Address -: sarantuya.mend@undp.org
// Password      -: banus
// Username      -:  Saraa
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// Email Address -: irene.stavenski@undp.org
// Password      -: deniska
// Username      -:  Irene
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// Email Address -: markus.jantti@iki.fi
// Password      -: matilda
// Username      -:  mjantti
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// Email Address -: carlos.romero@tourspain.es
// Password      -: dexeus
// Username      -:  CARLOS
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// Email Address -: seyhan.aydinligil@undp.org
// Password      -: seyhan
// Username      -:  seyhan
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// Email Address -: maryanne.kelly@ons.gov.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Maryanne Kelly
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// Email Address -: jurlina-alibegovic@eizg.hr
// Password      -: dubravka
// Username      -:  Duda
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// Email Address -: mark.pearson@oecd.org
// Password      -: nicole
// Username      -:  MarkP
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// Email Address -: kamil.kamaluddeen@undp.org
// Password      -: kkskk
// Username      -:  KK
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// Email Address -: sebastian.levine@undp.org
// Password      -: 0606
// Username      -:  Seb
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// Email Address -: karounga.keita@undp.org
// Password      -: modeste
// Username      -:  keke
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// Email Address -: ari@cbs.gov.il
// Password      -: scripta
// Username      -:  Ari
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// Email Address -: inass.sarraj@undp.org
// Password      -: zikrchild
// Username      -:  NA
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// Email Address -: salah_hizam@yahoo.com
// Password      -: samara
// Username      -:  abdulhassan
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// Email Address -: plan@cbs.nl
// Password      -: Palermo16
// Username      -:  PaulvdL
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// Email Address -: kay.unescap@un.org
// Password      -: panijpan
// Username      -:  thermal
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// Email Address -: libanova@adm.gov.ua; libanova@ukr.net
// Password      -: maxim
// Username      -:  Libanova
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// Email Address -: valentina.stalyho@undp.org
// Password      -: ABC
// Username      -:  ValentinaStalyho
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// Email Address -: marielza@undp.org.br
// Password      -: samurai
// Username      -:  Marielza
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// Email Address -: toritsyn@yahoo.com
// Password      -: 12345
// Username      -:  Arkadi
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// Email Address -: cathrus@cantv.net
// Password      -: toti35
// Username      -:  Cecilia
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// Email Address -: giovr@yahoo.com
// Password      -: giovanni
// Username      -:  GiovR
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// Email Address -: mphelan@cantv.net
// Password      -: mau2256
// Username      -:  Mauricio
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// Email Address -: bethany.donithorn@undp.org
// Password      -: tournsol
// Username      -:  Bethany
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// Email Address -: kns.nair@undp.org
// Password      -: molukkutty
// Username      -:  KNS
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// Email Address -: jairoa@statssa.gov.za
// Password      -: elsoljcm
// Username      -:  anajairo
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// Email Address -: benigno.rodriguez@undp.org
// Password      -: 6076222
// Username      -:  ben
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// Email Address -: francisco@undp.org.br
// Password      -: londoner
// Username      -:  Gaetani
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// Email Address -: igonzalez@sectur.gob.mx
// Password      -: pentium4
// Username      -:  ggalba
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// Email Address -: philippe.rouzier@undp.org
// Password      -: haiti
// Username      -:  phil
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// Email Address -: carlos.carrera@undp.org
// Password      -: anamaria
// Username      -:  carloscarrera
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// Email Address -: emmanuel.boudard@undp.org
// Password      -: welcome
// Username      -:  Emmanuel
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// Email Address -: rodrigo.marquez@undp.org
// Password      -: rama6265
// Username      -:  rmarquez
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// Email Address -: chris.kuonqui@undp.org
// Password      -: welcome
// Username      -:  chkuonqui
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// Email Address -: draslamk@yahoo.com
// Password      -: allah
// Username      -:  draslamk
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// Email Address -: acamar@reacciun.ve
// Password      -: acamar
// Username      -:  acamar
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// Email Address -: dina.elnaggar@undp.org
// Password      -: de
// Username      -:  dnaggar
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// Email Address -: Anemem@statssa.gov.za
// Password      -: SAHD
// Username      -:  anemem
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// Email Address -: tongta.temboonkiat@undp.org
// Password      -: *vanlop*
// Username      -:  tongta
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// Email Address -: seraphin.njagi@undp.org
// Password      -: sn
// Username      -:  Seraphin
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// Email Address -: palamanga.ouali@undp.org
// Password      -: ajd28
// Username      -:  pouali
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// Email Address -: gurchand.singh@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Gurchand Singh
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// Email Address -: anne-catherine.guio@cec.eu.int
// Password      -: guio
// Username      -:  guio
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// Email Address -: skurukulasuriya@unicef.org
// Password      -: pablis98
// Username      -:  sharmila
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// Email Address -: maria.rosa.moreno@undp.org
// Password      -: elbaro
// Username      -:  mrm
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// Email Address -: brilleau@dial.prd.fr
// Password      -: ab2206
// Username      -:  Brilleau
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// Email Address -: sjshillingford@hotmail.com
// Password      -: victorywon
// Username      -:  Dominique
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// Email Address -: hoffmann@ilo.org
// Password      -: rosefugl
// Username      -:  EivindHoffmann
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// Email Address -: pamela.escobar@undp.org
// Password      -: pescobar
// Username      -:  pescobarf
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// Email Address -: norimasa.shimomura@undp.org
// Password      -: albana
// Username      -:  nori
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// Email Address -: timothy.ward@undp.org
// Password      -: timo
// Username      -:  TimothyWard
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// Email Address -: tunonc@vtn.wpro.who.int
// Password      -: elviejo
// Username      -:  tunon
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// Email Address -: banepali@aol.com
// Password      -: horenso
// Username      -:  banepali
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// Email Address -: myacoub@unicef.org
// Password      -: aussie10
// Username      -:  MirnaYacoub
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// Email Address -: yoko.doi@undp.org
// Password      -: 19700619
// Username      -:  YDOI
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// Email Address -: JoelJere2@hotmail.com
// Password      -: wezijere
// Username      -:  joeljere
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// Email Address -: gomez@undp.org.vn
// Password      -: hispal
// Username      -:  JuanLuisGomez
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// Email Address -: mh_bakir@yahoo.com
// Password      -: 124124
// Username      -:  Bakir
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// Email Address -: ag_guerreroserdan@yahoo.com
// Password      -: ag050702
// Username      -:  gaby
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// Email Address -: saraswathi.menon@undp.org
// Password      -: diana
// Username      -:  Saraswathi
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// Email Address -: nargis.azizova@undp.org
// Password      -: aziz
// Username      -:  nargis
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// Email Address -: appolenia.mbowe@undp.org
// Password      -: appollo
// Username      -:  appolenia
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// Email Address -: ulrik.westman@unhabitat.org
// Password      -: 11531Strind
// Username      -:  westmanu
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// Email Address -: martin.raithelhuber@unhabitat.org
// Password      -: Butwal
// Username      -:  mraithel
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// Email Address -: broberts@hsrc.ac.za
// Password      -: pranitha
// Username      -:  broberts
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// Email Address -: shahin.panahov@un.azeri.com
// Password      -: undp
// Username      -:  shahin
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// Email Address -: nandana.goonewardena@undp.org
// Password      -: nngnng
// Username      -:  nng84
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// Email Address -: khatuna.chanukvadze@undp.org
// Password      -: marine
// Username      -:  hatucha
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// Email Address -: ruam@nso.go.th
// Password      -: ruamporn
// Username      -:  ruam
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// Email Address -: emiliana.zhivkova@undp.org
// Password      -: duranduran
// Username      -:  emiliana
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// Email Address -: amadou.mamadou@undp.org
// Password      -: liptako
// Username      -:  CMR01AMD
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// Email Address -: thomas.eriksson@undp.org
// Password      -: teriksson098
// Username      -:  Thomas
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// Email Address -: christian.akplogan@undp.org
// Password      -: donaakp
// Username      -:  shivji
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// Email Address -: samir.wanmali@wfp.org
// Password      -: paulbowles
// Username      -:  Mottoui
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// Email Address -: cuali@attglobal.net
// Password      -: lra5576a
// Username      -:  lacosta
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// Email Address -: else.leona.mcclimans@undp.org
// Password      -: trulte
// Username      -:  else
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// Email Address -: astghik@undp.am
// Password      -: statastr
// Username      -:  astghik
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// Email Address -: phong@undp.org.vn
// Password      -: aaaaaaaa
// Username      -:  phong
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// Email Address -: Melinda.Maasdorp@undp.org
// Password      -: mel2108
// Username      -:  melinda
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// Email Address -: paul.hulshoff@undp.org
// Password      -: mtasha
// Username      -:  paulhulshoff
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// Email Address -: dirk.debruyne@unvolunteers.org
// Password      -: BERLIN
// Username      -:  ddebruyne
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// Email Address -: dandjinou.pierre@undp.org
// Password      -: Pierre
// Username      -:  Dandjinou
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// Email Address -: guoyi.han@sei.se
// Password      -: seiman
// Username      -:  hanguoyi
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// Email Address -: saydinligil@superonline.com
// Password      -: ceyco
// Username      -:  saydinligil
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// Email Address -: src@kheta.ge
// Password      -: kukuri
// Username      -:  giajorjoliani
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// Email Address -: yasemin.aysan@undp.org
// Password      -: 1985
// Username      -:  yasemin
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// Email Address -: herve.kouraogo@undp.org
// Password      -: hmk
// Username      -:  Franck
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// Email Address -: daniela.zampini@undp.org
// Password      -: zampini
// Username      -:  danielazampini
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// Email Address -: maxime.mbringa-takama@undp.org
// Password      -: mmt
// Username      -:  mbringa
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// Email Address -: jean.lausberg@undp.org
// Password      -: JEANLA
// Username      -:  JEAN
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// Email Address -: asarmiento@dnp.gov.co
// Password      -: alfredopndh
// Username      -:  asarmiento
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// Email Address -: roberto.galvez@undp.org
// Password      -: astrid
// Username      -:  rgalvez
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// Email Address -: aster.zaoude@undp.org
// Password      -: yeraswork
// Username      -:  azaoude
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// Email Address -: pedro.guell@undp.org
// Password      -: caburga1
// Username      -:  pedroguell
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// Email Address -: enrique.ganuza@undp.org
// Password      -: natta
// Username      -:  enriqueganuza
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// Email Address -: martin.fuentes@undp.org.pa
// Password      -: lolo99
// Username      -:  MartinFuentes
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// Email Address -: david.clapp@undp.org
// Password      -: givehope
// Username      -:  davidmclapp
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// Email Address -: asirco@undp.ba
// Password      -: svenci
// Username      -:  asirco
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// Email Address -: raquel.herrera@undp.org
// Password      -: re150799
// Username      -:  raquel
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// Email Address -: tim.scott@undp.org
// Password      -: e2a2v3n16c22a4j30
// Username      -:  Tim
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// Email Address -: jean-charles.rouge@undp.org
// Password      -: yu11ia
// Username      -:  jeancharlesrouge
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// Email Address -: ramesh.gampat@undp.org
// Password      -: badri54
// Username      -:  RameshBadri
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// Email Address -: sarah.renner@undp.org
// Password      -: buzzer74
// Username      -:  Buzzer74
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// Email Address -: martin.guevara@undp.org.mx
// Password      -: mit2003
// Username      -:  guevaram10
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// Email Address -: jafar.javan@undp.org
// Password      -: javan
// Username      -:  jafar
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// Email Address -: anish.pradhan@undp.org
// Password      -: himal
// Username      -:  apradhan
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// Email Address -: aissatou.bah@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Aissatou
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// Email Address -: anna.stjarnerklint@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  AStjarnerklint
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// Email Address -: martin.backlund@undp.org
// Password      -: jag2000
// Username      -:  MartinBacklund
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// Email Address -: adesherbinin@ciesin.columbia.edu
// Password      -: amdamd123
// Username      -:  adesherbinin
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// Email Address -: zazie.schafer@undp.org
// Password      -: zazie
// Username      -:  zazie
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// Email Address -: metsi.makhetha@undp.org
// Password      -: metsi01
// Username      -:  mmakhetha
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// Email Address -: paulina.franceschi@undp.org.pa
// Password      -: beatriz
// Username      -:  pan01pf
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// Email Address -: marissa.ayento@undp.org
// Password      -: frankie
// Username      -:  mayento
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// Email Address -: al-hussaini@un.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  BAlHussaini
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// Email Address -: marcela.masnatta@undp.org
// Password      -: mmrc1706
// Username      -:  marcela
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// Email Address -: guido.schmidt-traub@undp.org
// Password      -: montdor
// Username      -:  stguido
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// Email Address -: katsiaouni@un.org
// Password      -: eliana
// Username      -:  olympios
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// Email Address -: jose.chavero@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  JChavero
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// Email Address -: josefina.de.roque@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  JdeRoque
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// Email Address -: satish.vangal@undp.org
// Password      -: ganesha
// Username      -:  svangal
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// Email Address -: p.hazlewood@worldnet.att.net
// Password      -: peter
// Username      -:  PHazlewood
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// Email Address -: vinetta.robinson@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  vrobinson
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// Email Address -: ceraneo@zg.tel.hr
// Password      -: EMc999
// Username      -:  ceraneo
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// Email Address -: patrick.breard@undp.org
// Password      -: pat!bre
// Username      -:  Breard
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: pradeep.kurukulasuriya@undp.org
// Password      -: sharmila
// Username      -:  pradeep
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// Email Address -: osanja@latino.net.co
// Password      -: 1304
// Username      -:  osanja
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// Email Address -: mayssam.tamim@undp.org
// Password      -: souma
// Username      -:  mayssam
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// Email Address -: vladimir.scherbov@undp.org
// Password      -: djkjlz
// Username      -:  vladimir
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// Email Address -: ogiboy@beotel.yu
// Password      -: tudida
// Username      -:  ogiboy
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// Email Address -: abla.amawi@undp.org
// Password      -: ablama
// Username      -:  ablaamawi
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// Email Address -: gkossaifi@escwa.org.lb
// Password      -: gfk
// Username      -:  GKossaifi
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// Email Address -: michele.ribotta@undp.org
// Password      -: mr
// Username      -:  micheleribotta
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// Email Address -: sudarshan@undpgov.org
// Password      -: kolarkgf
// Username      -:  sudarshan
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// Email Address -: haddad@uiuc.edu
// Password      -: 1450mo
// Username      -:  monicahaddad
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// Email Address -: bosu@sarenet.es
// Password      -: usob
// Username      -:  bosu
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// Email Address -: modibo.toure@undp.org
// Password      -: djedy
// Username      -:  modibo
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// Email Address -: yasmine.thiam@undp.org
// Password      -: jazz
// Username      -:  yasminethiam
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: monjurul.kabir@undp.org
// Password      -: Amina
// Username      -:  mkabir
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// Email Address -: naoko.anzai@undp.org
// Password      -: nta
// Username      -:  naoko
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// Email Address -: ershad.ahmadi@undp.org
// Password      -: ershad
// Username      -:  ershad
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sandeep_dikshit@hotmail.com
// Password      -: laillaha
// Username      -:  Sandeep
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nazliehdr@yahoo.com
// Password      -: ehdr
// Username      -:  nazli
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// Email Address -: afonso@cepe.ecn.br
// Password      -: marcia
// Username      -:  afonso
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// Email Address -: shamim.hamid@undp.org
// Password      -: bunty
// Username      -:  shamim
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// Email Address -: edo.stork@undp.org
// Password      -: dutch
// Username      -:  Edo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: heather.bryant@undp.org
// Password      -: Mlang3
// Username      -:  Heather
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: hesselman@undp.org.vn
// Password      -: gena56
// Username      -:  hesselman
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: pirita.vuorinen@undp.org
// Password      -: dolly
// Username      -:  Pirita
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: zjezerska@hotmail.com
// Password      -: rastislav
// Username      -:  zjezerska
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// Email Address -: victoria.diarra@undp.org
// Password      -: blessed
// Username      -:  mambotorr
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// Email Address -: Elene.CH@global-erty.net
// Password      -: 123
// Username      -:  EleneCH
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: zena.ali-ahmad@undp.org.lb
// Password      -: zeina
// Username      -:  Zena
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Barry.Halliday@undp.org
// Password      -: economic
// Username      -:  Hallidayjb
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: john.ohiorhenuan@undp.org
// Password      -: zara111
// Username      -:  johiorhenuan
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// Email Address -: asoka.kasturiarachchi@undp.org
// Password      -: akakak
// Username      -:  asokak
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// Email Address -: wbadiane
// Password      -: oumar
// Username      -:  wally
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// Email Address -: vesna.bisheva@undp.org
// Password      -: 270394
// Username      -:  vesna
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// Email Address -: jennifer.shapiro@undp.org
// Password      -: jennifer
// Username      -:  jennifershapiro
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// Email Address -: william.andrianasolo@undp.org
// Password      -: 12345
// Username      -:  wandrianasolo
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// Email Address -: zephyredit@yahoo.com.au
// Password      -: naqumu
// Username      -:  mchung
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// Email Address -: valeria.ambrosio@undp.org
// Password      -: vale
// Username      -:  valeria
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// Email Address -: edson.selaolo
// Password      -: drt
// Username      -:  bot01ets
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jennifer.navarro@undp.org
// Password      -: hanibani
// Username      -:  jennifernavarro
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// Email Address -: eds-ddss@aviso.ci
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  eds-ddss
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// Email Address -: claes.johansson@undp.org
// Password      -: s666mba
// Username      -:  clsjon 00
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// Email Address -: mohammad.pournik@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  MPournik
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// Email Address -: santiago.daroca@undp.org
// Password      -: tarija
// Username      -:  sdaroca
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alvaro.rodriguez@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  ARodriguez
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// Email Address -: ines.havet@undp.org
// Password      -: 123
// Username      -:  ines01havet
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// Email Address -: skansouh@hotmail.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  SKansouh
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// Email Address -: joan.archer@undp.org
// Password      -: success
// Username      -:  joanarcher
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// Email Address -: cgonzález@dnp.gov.co
// Password      -: cirenaica
// Username      -:  cgonzalez
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// Email Address -: pablo.vinocur@undp.org
// Password      -: pablo
// Username      -:  pablov
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// Email Address -: wiwatroj@yahoo.com
// Password      -: wiwat
// Username      -:  wiwatr
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// Email Address -: batkhuyag.baldangombo@undp.org
// Password      -: bb
// Username      -:  batkhuyag
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// Email Address -: abdo.seif@undp.org
// Password      -: seif
// Username      -:  AS
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: dmihailov@mbox.cit.bg
// Password      -: goshkodm
// Username      -:  Dotcho
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// Email Address -: mounir.tabet@undp.org
// Password      -: mounir.tabet
// Username      -:  Mtabet
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// Email Address -: isang.pilane@undp.org
// Password      -: paps
// Username      -:  Papi
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// Email Address -: michel.botomazava@undp.org
// Password      -: toto
// Username      -:  Botom
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// Email Address -: kzahr@planning.gov.sa
// Password      -: adnankhalil
// Username      -:  khalilzahr
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// Email Address -: righi@istat.it
// Password      -: ale
// Username      -:  righi
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// Email Address -: Demkiv@un.kiev.ua
// Password      -: volosko
// Username      -:  Demkiv
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: d.howlett@bradford.ac.uk
// Password      -: undpurt
// Username      -:  dhowlett
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// Email Address -: milenab@szs.sv.gov.yu
// Password      -: MILENABURZANOVIC
// Username      -:  MART
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: milenaburzanovic@hotmail.com
// Password      -: milena
// Username      -:  MILENABURZANOVIC
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// Email Address -: psd@dst.dk
// Password      -: keops
// Username      -:  psd
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// Email Address -: Zhannav@ring.by
// Password      -: Inna
// Username      -:  Vasilevskaya
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lila.gil@undp.org
// Password      -: 1234
// Username      -:  lgil
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// Email Address -: ponniah@unfpa.org
// Password      -: 1946
// Username      -:  ponniah
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// Email Address -: fpanduru@insse.ro
// Password      -: stat
// Username      -:  pandufil
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// Email Address -: Gdberthin13@aol.com
// Password      -: david13
// Username      -:  gberthin
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: easter.galuvao@undp.org
// Password      -: cathy
// Username      -:  Eseta
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ahussein@escwa.org.lb
// Password      -: wissam
// Username      -:  ahussein
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// Email Address -: paola.pagliani@undp.org
// Password      -: yugoslavia
// Username      -:  paolapagliani
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// Email Address -: lcheung-kai-suet@mail.gov.mu
// Password      -: 2111371
// Username      -:  lifa
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// Email Address -: karsten.skovgaard@undp.org
// Password      -: karsten
// Username      -:  Thode
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sarah.burd-sharps@undp.org
// Password      -: dalia
// Username      -:  sarahburdsharps
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// Email Address -: omar.noman@undp.org
// Password      -: 7777
// Username      -:  omarnoman
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// Email Address -: haishan.fu@gmail.com
// Password      -: xiaoying
// Username      -:  haishanfu
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: luis.lopez@undp.org.mx;lflopezc@mail.udlap.mx
// Password      -: locl6709
// Username      -:  lflopez
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// Email Address -: stramas2000@yahoo.co.uk
// Password      -: kitchico
// Username      -:  salum
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// Email Address -: alexander.aboagye@undp.org
// Password      -: babyamma
// Username      -:  alexaboagye
// Email Address -: stanleyh@statssa.gov.za
// Password      -: sophia
// Username      -:  STANLEY
// Email Address -: aichetou.wague@undp.org
// Password      -: cheikhna
// Username      -:  aichetou
// Email Address -: theodore.mpatswenumugabo@undp.org
// Password      -: theo
// Username      -:  theodore
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// Email Address -: dstewart@unicef.org
// Password      -: David
// Username      -:  David
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: selim.jahan@undp.org
// Password      -: benoo
// Username      -:  sjahan
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// Email Address -: nadia.rasheed@undp.org
// Password      -: 5771
// Username      -:  nadiarasheed
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: radhika.behuria@undp.org
// Password      -: chookipie
// Username      -:  radhika
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// Email Address -: mizmoon@kwdi.re.kr
// Password      -: moon327
// Username      -:  mizmoon
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alain.jacquemin@undp.org
// Password      -: poepie
// Username      -:  alainjacquemin
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: azusa.kubota@undp.org
// Password      -: kodanuki
// Username      -:  akubota
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: vie95043@undp.org.vn
// Password      -: nguyenphonggso
// Username      -:  ngphong
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: cidrake2@yahoo.com.ar
// Password      -: mkfkyiiv
// Username      -:  cidrake
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: vccies@telcel.net.ve
// Password      -: 2989803
// Username      -:  vanessa
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// Email Address -: maryna.bryl@undp.org
// Password      -: m4rinae
// Username      -:  mbryl
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// Email Address -: iyad.abumoghli@undp.org
// Password      -: bdz1411
// Username      -:  IyadAbumoghli
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// Email Address -: doultonf@un.org
// Password      -: 0615
// Username      -:  freddoulton
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tarik.islam@undp.org
// Password      -: tazwar
// Username      -:  ador
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: dimitar@ukim.edu.mk
// Password      -: Karmen
// Username      -:  dimitar
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mhereward@unicef.org
// Password      -: chiang1
// Username      -:  markhereward
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: elena.laur@statistica.md
// Password      -: level
// Username      -:  Laur
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: shahrbanou.tadjbakhsh@sciences-po.org
// Password      -: bukhara
// Username      -:  shahrbanou
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// Email Address -: ok-soon.lee@undp.org
// Password      -: leeos
// Username      -:  oslee
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// Email Address -: sonam.yangchen.rana@undp.org
// Password      -: dai
// Username      -:  sonam
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// Email Address -: deirdre.keogh@undp.org
// Password      -: tpmaheso
// Username      -:  deirdre
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jo.scheuer@undp.org
// Password      -: lloyd
// Username      -:  Jo
// Email Address -: mchaaya@aub.edu.lb
// Password      -: dorita77
// Username      -:  mchaaya
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: james.currie@undp.org
// Password      -: robb
// Username      -:  lian
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: p.ulrich@verizon.net
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Paul Ulrich
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: hande.keklik@undp.org
// Password      -: bellos
// Username      -:  hande
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: roland.alcindor@undp.org
// Password      -: zorro22
// Username      -:  rolandalcindor
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// Email Address -: gita.swamy@undp.org
// Password      -: gita
// Username      -:  gita
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// Email Address -: paul.jatho@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  PJatho
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// Email Address -: mary.ann.mwangi@undp.org
// Password      -: junior
// Username      -:  MARYANN
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: johnstonr@un.org
// Password      -: chance396
// Username      -:  kirie396
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// Email Address -: sshazali@email.com
// Password      -: salaheddin
// Username      -:  sshazali
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: chadli.hamza@undp.org
// Password      -: chtpw5
// Username      -:  chadli
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: steve.glovinsky@undp.org
// Password      -: steve
// Username      -:  sglovinsky
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: zhanara.sagimbaeva@undp.org
// Password      -: anuar
// Username      -:  Zhanar
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gijs.koop@undp.org
// Password      -: bpkbpk
// Username      -:  gijskoop
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: a.nurshaikhova@mail.ru
// Password      -: 5154
// Username      -:  AlmaNurshaikhova
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rteekens@pi.be
// Password      -: stats98
// Username      -:  rteekens
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gabriel.labbate@att.net
// Password      -: cuzquito
// Username      -:  gabriel
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: yupoghosyan@armstat.am
// Password      -: ecology81
// Username      -:  Poghosyan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: yee.woo.guo@undp.org
// Password      -: egu0w00
// Username      -:  yeewoo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fukudaps@newschool.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  sakiko.fukuda-parr
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: virisila.raitamata@undp.org
// Password      -: tanya
// Username      -:  vraitamata
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: visejo@cantv.net
// Password      -: perico
// Username      -:  visejo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: debpriya@bdonline.com
// Password      -: abc123
// Username      -:  debpriya
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gustavo.arriola@undp.org
// Password      -: karajan
// Username      -:  gaquan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Saba.Nordstrom@undp.org
// Password      -: undphdr
// Username      -:  Saba.nordstrom
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: marcia.de.castro@undp.org
// Password      -: 2911
// Username      -:  mdecastro
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: liliana.deriz@fibertel.com.ar
// Password      -: liliana
// Username      -:  liliana.deriz
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: int@sci.or.ir
// Password      -: international
// Username      -:  Ali Zanjani
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alejandro.alvarez@undp.org
// Password      -: alejandro
// Username      -:  alejandro alvarez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: cruggeriladerchi@worldbank.org
// Password      -: qnlbbcal
// Username      -:  Caterina Ruggeriladerchi
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// Email Address -: doug.norris@statcan.ca
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Doug
/[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: epoirot@unicef.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Epoirot
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: meenakshi.kathel@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Meenakshi Kathel
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: roger.maconick@undp.org
// Password      -: walnut
// Username      -:  Roger Maconick
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rosine.s.coulibaly@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Rosine Coulibaly
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sara.nordstroem@undp.org
// Password      -: plastic
// Username      -:  Sara Nordstroem
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: s-hennell@dfid.gov.uk
// Password      -: fa111ism
// Username      -:  S Hennell
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: subra.ponthagunta@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Subra Ponthagunta
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: thomas.winderl@undp.org
// Password      -: alora19731973
// Username      -:  Thomas Winderl
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: vungu@undp.org.vn
// Password      -: nguanh
// Username      -:  Vungu
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: barbara.brouwer@undp.org
// Password      -: happy
// Username      -:  barbara
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: omi@stats.gov.my
// Password      -: elias
// Username      -:  Omi Elias
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: horst.posselt@abs.gov.au
// Password      -: trends
// Username      -:  hposs
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tom.griffin@which.net
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  tom griffin
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jan.vandemoortele@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Vandemoortele
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Nefise.Bazoglu@unhabitat.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Nefise Bazoglu
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: anna.senga@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Anna Senga
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: terry.mckinley@undp.org
// Password      -: 111
// Username      -:  Terry
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gabriele.koehler@unctad.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Gabriele Koehler
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: marta.ruedas@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Marta Ruedas
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lare.sisay@undp.org
// Password      -: ramata
// Username      -:  Lare Sisay
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lattrohessoh@yahoo.fr
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Marie Lattroh
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sainkango@hotmail.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Kango
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nathalie.bouche@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Nathalie Bouche
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: geoff.prewitt@undp.org
// Password      -: csopp1
// Username      -:  Geoff Prewitt
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: aida.robbana@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Aida Robbana
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: asghar.adelzadeh@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Asghar Adelzadeh
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jyotsna.puri@gmail.com
// Password      -: surfhdr
// Username      -:  jyotsnapuri
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: bharati.sadasivam@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Bharati Sadasivam
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tong@dsec.gov.mo
// Password      -: roseng96
// Username      -:  roseng
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: christine.auclair@unhabitat.org
// Password      -: mimi21
// Username      -:  auclairc
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: turhan.saleh@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Turhan Saleh
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: dianaa@iadb.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Diana Alarcon
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: joachim.nahem@undp.org
// Password      -: jokke17
// Username      -:  nahemj
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gaetani@undp.org.br
// Password      -: pucmg
// Username      -:  Chico
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: staffan.landin@undp.org
// Password      -: StaLan96
// Username      -:  staffan.landin
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Luis.Francisco.Thais@undp.org
// Password      -: test
// Username      -:  luis.thais
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: t.africa@unsiap.or.jp
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Tomas Africa
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: eveline.herfkens@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Eveline Herfkens
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kristina.henschen@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Kristina Henschen
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: amelia.mperez@undp.org.pa
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Amelia de Perez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: internat@stat.go.jp
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Masato Aida
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: thomas.theisohn@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Thomas Theisohn
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: dirk.hahn@yahoo.de
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Dirk Hahn
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: marcellin.ndong.ntah@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Marcellin Ndong Ntah
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sally.fegan-wyles@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Sally Fegan-Wyles
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sspillane@acfoa.asn.au
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Shennia Spillane
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kamal.malhotra@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Kamal Malhotra
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mytaher.haskuka@undp.org
// Password      -: kosovamh
// Username      -:  mhaskuka
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nsc_mail@nsc.bishkek.su
// Password      -: 625662
// Username      -:  Natstatcom
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: christine.musisi@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Christine Musisi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: barbara.barungi@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Barbara Barungi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: perucci@un.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Francesca Perucci
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: edem.bakhshish@un.kiev.ua
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Edem Bakhshish
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: david.luke@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  David Luke
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: dallas_welch@stats.govt.nz
// Password      -: dj2623dj
// Username      -:  dallas.welch
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: judith.archibald@stats.govt.nz
// Password      -: j9314824
// Username      -:  judith_a
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Elena.Pelinescu@itcnet.ro
// Password      -: epel
// Username      -:  epel
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jacquiline.pack@undp.org
// Password      -: jpack
// Username      -:  jacquiline.pack
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: patrice.chiwota@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Patrice Chiwota
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jana.ricasio@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jana Ricasio
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: eno.ngjela@undp.org
// Password      -: ngjela
// Username      -:  ngjela
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nader87@hotmail.com
// Password      -: PASSWORD
// Username      -:  NADER87
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: achila.imchen@undp.org
// Password      -: ai
// Username      -:  achila.imchen
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: anuradha.rajivan
// Password      -: ar
// Username      -:  anuradha.rajivan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rebecca.dahele@undp.org
// Password      -: bjorn
// Username      -:  rebecca.dahele
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: cornu@ilo.org
// Password      -: petpet
// Username      -:  PRC
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: franciscogaetani@yahoo.com.br
// Password      -: policy
// Username      -:  Chicogaetani
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: afdet_accro@yahoo.fr
// Password      -: accrobaba
// Username      -:  faccrombessy
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: shaguni.shakya@undp.org
// Password      -: singh
// Username      -:  shaguni.singh
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tanni.mukhopadhyay@undp.org
// Password      -: utsav27
// Username      -:  tm10004
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rena.okino@undp.org
// Password      -: Shimoigusa19
// Username      -:  rena.okino
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fcampagnoli@netaid.org
// Password      -: ginissima
// Username      -:  fcampagnoli
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: laccilien@aaionline.org
// Password      -: leomond
// Username      -:  paccilien
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kari.coley@undp.org
// Password      -: kpc5vab
// Username      -:  kari
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nanette.svenson@undp.org
// Password      -: surf
// Username      -:  nanette.svenson
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gbarney@threshold21.com
// Password      -: de80tb
// Username      -:  gbarney
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kalpana.choudhary@undp.org
// Password      -: kc
// Username      -:  kalpana.choudhary
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: marc.levy@ciesin.columbia.edu
// Password      -: mar1lev2
// Username      -:  marclevy
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: elham.seyedsayamdost@undp.org
// Password      -: nhdr
// Username      -:  Elham Seyedsayamdost
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sennye.obuseng@undp.org
// Password      -: bameo
// Username      -:  sennye.obuseng
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alvarez-riverob@un.org
// Password      -: hannes
// Username      -:  Alvarez-Rivero
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: dmaharaj@surf.undp.org.tt
// Password      -: home
// Username      -:  dmaharaj
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: edson.mpyisi@undp.org
// Password      -: kigali
// Username      -:  edson
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: guest5.hdro@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Tugba Gokalp
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: anna.gyurjyan@undp.org
// Password      -: davojan
// Username      -:  annag
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ngila.mwase@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ngila Mwase
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: suwareh.Darbo@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Suwareh Darbo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Eswanson@worldbank.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Eric V. Swanson
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nicolas.ponty@undp.org
// Password      -: bonjour
// Username      -:  Nicolas PONTY
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: cfeijo@terra.com.br
// Password      -: marcelo
// Username      -:  cfeijo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: seeta.prabhu@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Seeta Prabhu
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ritu.mathur@undp.org
// Password      -: 114
// Username      -:  rpm
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: s.ellis@unesco.org
// Password      -: emilie
// Username      -:  sellis
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fuentesknight@yahoo.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  juan alberto fuentes
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: pember@ilo.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Bob Pember
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: young@ilo.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Sylvester Young
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: econdos.imacredie@sympatico.ca
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ian Macredie
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: renata.dessallien@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Renata Dessallien
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: vivian.francisco
// Password      -: spirit
// Username      -:  vsf
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: b.terryn@uis.unesco.org
// Password      -: monteperdido*
// Username      -:  terrynb
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: guerrero@unsiap.or.jp
// Password      -: xander143
// Username      -:  marikitphl
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gabriela.catterberg@undp.org
// Password      -: catterberg
// Username      -:  gabriela
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fpozzi@ciesin.columbia.edu
// Password      -: Stromboli
// Username      -:  fpozzi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: macleod.nyirongo@undp.org
// Password      -: chitimbi
// Username      -:  mn
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: m_seeraj@yahoo.com
// Password      -: doggy
// Username      -:  m_seeraj
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nairijr@undp.am
// Password      -: arpi
// Username      -:  nairijr
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: eca01tda@sheffield.ac.uk
// Password      -: green1
// Username      -:  Vader
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: johnlee_422@hotmail.com
// Password      -: huskies
// Username      -:  johnlee
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jps8in@yahoo.co.in
// Password      -: 22148
// Username      -:  Jagadeesh
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alejandro.grinspun@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Alejandro Grinspun
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: diego.recalde@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Diego Recalde
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: amin.elsharkawi@undp.org
// Password      -: aes
// Username      -:  amin.elsharkawi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: john.a.wayem@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  John Wayem
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: janavs@umich.edu
// Password      -: cat
// Username      -:  jvonstein
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nhdr2004al@albnet.net
// Password      -: davidi
// Username      -:  nhdr2004al
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: harouna.ouedraogo@undp.org
// Password      -: oharouna
// Username      -:  harouna.ouedraogo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lorraine@helkorn.com
// Password      -: pukul9
// Username      -:  lorraine
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: wayne.williams@sciatl.com
// Password      -: snickers
// Username      -:  waynew
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: selma.nagbou@undp.org
// Password      -: sn
// Username      -:  selma.nagbou
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: feyzabhatti@hotmail.com
// Password      -: tanira
// Username      -:  feyzabhatti
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: luis.lopez@undp.org.mx
// Password      -: llopez
// Username      -:  luis.lopez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fikret.akcura@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Fikret Akcura
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Margaret.Walter@utas.edu.au
// Password      -: Skiffle
// Username      -:  mmwalter
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: togzhan.assan@undp.org
// Password      -: vanish
// Username      -:  Togzhan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: refatmamdouh@hotmail.com
// Password      -: samir1
// Username      -:  Mamdouh Refat
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: karin.slowing@undp.org
// Password      -: kslowing
// Username      -:  kslowing
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: xiaomei_ma2000@yahoo.co.uk
// Password      -: 37011229
// Username      -:  pixiem
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: astrid.honeyman@akf.org.uk
// Password      -: elizabeth
// Username      -:  astridhoneyman
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kondrachuk@hotmail.com
// Password      -: ukraine25
// Username      -:  kondrachuk
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Eugenio.Ortega@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  EugenioOrtego
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ricardo.fuentes@undp.org
// Password      -: nortec
// Username      -:  ricardo.fuentes
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Abdramane.traore@undp.org
// Password      -: zathdr
// Username      -:  zatman
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sbkuru@yahoo.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  sk
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Ulugbek.Olimov@cer.uz
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ulugbek Olimov
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: burkhanov@dssp.uzsci.net
// Password      -: zafar
// Username      -:  burkhanov
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: samik_141@yahoo.co.uk
// Password      -: protiva
// Username      -:  samik_24
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: meriazadi@gmail.com
// Password      -: niyemyiw
// Username      -:  azadi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: richard.leete@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Richard Leete
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: povertymonitoring@earthlink.net
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Sanjay Reddy
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fantom.family@verizon.net
// Password      -: Ma1aw1ns0
// Username      -:  nfantom
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rkinnear@mac.com
// Password      -: 18481956
// Username      -:  rkinnear
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: laurel.gascho@undp.org
// Password      -: morin76
// Username      -:  laurel.gascho
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: suppiramaniam.nanthikesan@undp.org
// Password      -: nawal95
// Username      -:  nanthi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mirani55@yahoo.com
// Password      -: sindh123
// Username      -:  Mirani
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: isatou.nasir.cham@undp.org
// Password      -: jorjoh
// Username      -:  isatou.nasir.cham
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: majwad@worldbank.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ihsan Ajwad
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: philip.browne@undp.org
// Password      -: chelsea
// Username      -:  philip098
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: armstat@sci.am
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Anahit Safyan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: philip.middleton@akf.org.uk
// Password      -: tottenham
// Username      -:  philmiddleton
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: paula.mohamed@undp.org
// Password      -: joeannes
// Username      -:  pauann
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: victor.paereli@undp.org
// Password      -: katja153
// Username      -:  victor.paereli
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: peteygil@gmail.com
// Password      -: elmo
// Username      -:  Peter Gil-Montllor
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kengelhardt@unicef.org
// Password      -: p1zz1cat0
// Username      -:  kengelhardt
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: saurabh.sinha@undp.org
// Password      -: asr2944
// Username      -:  saurabh.sinha
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Joe.hooper@undp.org
// Password      -: Netjunky
// Username      -:  joe.hooper
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: andreas.sieren@undp.org
// Password      -: bitburger
// Username      -:  andreas.sieren
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: hanin.ghaddar@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Hanin Ghaddar
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: felorm2001@yahoo.com
// Password      -: salehman
// Username      -:  felor motevalli
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: chung.tsung-ping@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Chung Tsung Ping
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: karla.correa@undp.org.br
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Karla Correa
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: e_ksa5@saudiimage.org
// Password      -: 1234567
// Username      -:  saudiimage
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: noha.aboueldahab@undp.org
// Password      -: 665522
// Username      -:  noha
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kevin.watkins@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  kevin.watkins
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tongta.khiewpaisal@undp.org
// Password      -: *vanlop*
// Username      -:  tongta.khiewpaisal
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: irada.ahmedova@undp.org
// Password      -: ascent!
// Username      -:  irada.ahmedova
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: povertycentre@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Poverty Centre
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: thuy.bui@undp.org
// Password      -: laospdr
// Username      -:  Thuy Ha Bui
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sivakumarmarimuthu@yahoo.co.in
// Password      -: sivahi
// Username      -:  sivakumarmarimuthu
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: bavaiah@yahoo.com
// Password      -: 0855446011
// Username      -:  Bavaiah
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: zgen88@163.com
// Password      -: 007001
// Username      -:  zgen88
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: leon.pietsch@abs.gov.au
// Password      -: pietschabs
// Username      -:  Pietsch
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: iyisun@yahoo.com
// Password      -: overturn
// Username      -:  turningpoint
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: uyanga.gankhuyag@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Uyanga Gankhuyag
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: yesim.oruc@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Yesim Oruc
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: paul.cheung@un.org
// Password      -: po0701lo
// Username      -:  paulcheung
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tania.martinez@undp.org
// Password      -: fletch
// Username      -:  tania.martinez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: olney.daly@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Olney Daly
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Jeremias.Blaser@unvolunteers.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jeremias Blaser
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: abdul.hannan@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  A. Hannan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: yookyung.kwon@undp.org
// Password      -: ykwon700
// Username      -:  ykwon
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jon.hall@abs.gov.au
// Password      -: ganjuz
// Username      -:  jonhall
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: maria.orfanidou@undp.org
// Password      -: tunis
// Username      -:  maria.orfanidou
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: C.Ericta@census.gov.ph
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Carmelita Ericta
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: j.court@odi.org.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Julius Court
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rfi@umich.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ronald Inglehart
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jlambsd@uni-passau.de
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Johann Graf Lambsdorff
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nfergany@idsc.net.eg
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Nader Fergany
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: shipra.narang@unhabitat.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Shipra Narang
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jeremy.pope@tiri.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jeremy Pope
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Mario-Rui.Queiro@cec.eu.int
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Mario Queiro
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: frecanatini@worldbank.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Francesca Recanatini
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: JWILKENF@gvpt.umd.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jonathan Wilkenfeld
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Thomas.Wollnik@inwent.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Thomas Wollnik
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: BurallS@parliament.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Simon Burall
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ruken.tekes@un.org.ua
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ruken Tekes
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jean.philippe.mukuaki@undp.org
// Password      -: jean
// Username      -:  jean.philippe.mukuaki
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mzeqo@km.gov.al
// Password      -: drini
// Username      -:  mig70
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alfredo.jefferson@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Alfredo Jefferson
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mostafavi@un.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Mehrnaz Mostafavi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: blagescum@parliament.uk
// Password      -: szeredam
// Username      -:  monica blagescu
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fredrik.eriksson@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Fredrik Eriksson
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: hassall_g@usp.ac.fj
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Graham Hassall
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: bkiregyera@yahoo.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ben Kiregyera
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kim.henderson@undp.org
// Password      -: forest
// Username      -:  kimhendo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: monica.gaba@undp.org
// Password      -: nisha123
// Username      -:  gabamo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: aafje.grasveld@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Aafje Grasveld
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: M-Sudders@dfid.gov.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Matthew Sudders
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: stefan.rummel-shapiro@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Stefan Rummel-Shapiro
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mwangi_jane@yahoo.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jane Mwangi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: astoreyg@ciesin.columbia.edu
// Password      -: surfherder
// Username      -:  astoreyg
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: arjundhakal@yahoo.com
// Password      -: pokhara
// Username      -:  arjun
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: cecileann.shrestha@sciences-po.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Cecileann Shrestha
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: melanie.fassbender@sciences-po.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Melanie Fassbender
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: erwan.katter@sciences-po.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Erwan Katter
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: julia.ellinger@bonn-portal.de
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  julia.ellinger
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: chris.demerse@gmail.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Chris Demerse
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: souhilamanelle.aitsahlia@sciences-po.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Souhilamanelle Aitsahlia
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: cecilia.ugaz@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Cecilia Ugaz
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: guest2.hdro@undp.org
// Password      -: brassens
// Username      -:  ramzi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: eonoda@unicef.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Eriko Onoda
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: paola.palacios@undp.org
// Password      -: Gordos28
// Username      -:  Paola Palacios
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: pooja.pokhrel@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Pooja Pokhrel
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: hanna.schmitt@undp.org
// Password      -: hanna
// Username      -:  hanna.schmitt
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: macfarlane@globalhealth.ucsf.edu
// Password      -: Macfarlane
// Username      -:  Macfarlane
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ptrujillo222@hotmail.com
// Password      -: chile2004
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gkararach@yahoo.com
// Password      -: chantelle
// Username      -:  George Kararach
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alwin.nijholt@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Alwin Nijholt
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: icd@stat.kg
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Omurbek Ibraev
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ahlawat_san@yahoo.com
// Password      -: cardboard007
// Username      -:  ahlawat_san
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lnbalaji@unicef.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Lakshmi Balaji
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mihail.peleah@undp.org
// Password      -: 123456
// Username      -:  mihailpeleah
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lundberg@newdirections.com.pk
// Password      -: fouzia
// Username      -:  lundberg
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: michel.ahohounkpanzon@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Michel Ahohounkpanzon
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: shynar.imangaliyeva@undp.org
// Password      -: simani
// Username      -:  shynar imangaliyeva
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: craig.fagan@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Craig Fagan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: aitor.arjol@undp.org
// Password      -: ijta59
// Username      -:  aitor.arjol
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: christian.hazoume@undp.org
// Password      -: lyziane
// Username      -:  Hazoume
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: cerveraferri@yahoo.com
// Password      -: jlcftg
// Username      -:  cerveraferri
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: dnlars02@smumn.edu
// Password      -: libero1
// Username      -:  dnlars02
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: chinganda@un.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Enock Chinganda
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mona.hider@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Mona Hider
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: suryaipc@yahoo.co.uk
// Password      -: nisarga1368
// Username      -:  suryaipc
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: hkdash_nrcwa@yahoo.com
// Password      -: auroshikha
// Username      -:  hemanta
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alia.al-dalli@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Alia Al-Dalli
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lawrence@ilo.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Sophia Lawrence
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ejohansson@unicef.org
// Password      -: eggy53
// Username      -:  emilywhite
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lorikeleher@aol.com
// Password      -: philosophy
// Username      -:  L.Keleher
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: umidakhon.narimanova@undp.org
// Password      -: leadership
// Username      -:  umidakhon
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: susana.franco@undp.org
// Password      -: cruces05
// Username      -:  Susana Franco
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: maneka.weddikkara@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Maneka Weddikkara
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: AhmedGhazaly@aol.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ahmed Ghazaly
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: adib.nehmeh@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Adib Nehmeh
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rabbiosi@unfpa.org
// Password      -: unfpa
// Username      -:  liara
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: peek@ilo.org
// Password      -: 280778
// Username      -:  peek
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tina@gadc-al.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Eglantina Gjermeni
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fernando.calderon@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Fernando Calderon Gutierrez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: viviane.ralimanga@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Viviane Ralimanga
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: agumende@maputo.sardc.net
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  António Gumende
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: roma.bhattacharjea@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Roma Bhattacharjea
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: natasha.loayza@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Natasha Loayza
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Jacques.Charmes@bondy.ird.fr
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jacques Charmes
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: s.wieringa@uva.nl
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Saskia Wieringa
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: beat.rohr@undp.org
// Password      -: Carmenmaria
// Username      -:  Beatrohr
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tpersaud@surf.undp.org.tt
// Password      -: persaud
// Username      -:  Tara Lisa Persaud
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Lucia.Kiwala@unhabitat.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Lucia Kiwala
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ganapati@fiu.edu
// Password      -: Gamels
// Username      -:  gsukumar
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: drelson@essex.ac.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Diane Elson
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sklasen@uni-goettingen.de
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Stephan Klasen
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: bruno.moro@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Bruno Moro
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: miho@nwec.jp
// Password      -: hdrnwec
// Username      -:  mihonwec
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jskim@kwdi.re.kr
// Password      -: js9600
// Username      -:  lupinsoog
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: shanglyan@gmail.com
// Password      -: tsaisung
// Username      -:  shanglyan@gmail.com
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: stefano.pettinato@undp.org
// Password      -: spectoru
// Username      -:  stefano.pettinato
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: matthew.bell@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Matthew Bell
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: oscar.bernal@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Oscar Bernal
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ana.maria.carvajal@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ana Maria Carvajal
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mamaye.gebretsadik@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Mamaye Gebretsadik
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: arunabha.ghosh@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Arunabha Ghosh
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: chiara.giamberardini@gmail.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Chiara Giamberardini
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: melissa.hernandez@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Melissa Hernandez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: marta.jaksona@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Marta Jaksona
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: andres.montes@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Andres Montes
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: agueda.perez@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Agueda Perez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: marisol.sanjines@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Marisol Sanjines
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: yves.sassenrath@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Yves Sassenrath
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nena.terrell@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Nena Terrell
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: shyaqub@unicef.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Shahin Yaqub
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: i.robeyns@fm.ru.nl
// Password      -: zfwvblhn
// Username      -:  irobeyns
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nduvvury@icrw.org
// Password      -: sadonara
// Username      -:  nduvvury
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: stephanie.seguino@uvm.edu
// Password      -: 993399
// Username      -:  sseguino
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: vera.soares@undp.org.br
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Vera Soares
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: JWarner@dordt.edu
// Password      -: fangcat
// Username      -:  jonathanwarner
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alexandra.wilde@undp.org
// Password      -: crimson
// Username      -:  alexwilde
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jim_delaney@fastmail.fm
// Password      -: czqiuxoj
// Username      -:  jdelaney
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: clifdc@uiuc.edu
// Password      -: 807Sell80
// Username      -:  clifdc
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: asun.st.claire@sos.uib.no
// Password      -: 9126asun
// Username      -:  alera
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tero.karkkainen@hut.fi
// Password      -: 0yksi
// Username      -:  tdk
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: andrea@iecon.ccee.edu.uy
// Password      -: plakas04
// Username      -:  andrea
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Roudi@prb.org
// Password      -: Farzaneh
// Username      -:  Roudi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alfredo.gonzalez@undp.org.mx
// Password      -: 12345
// Username      -:  alfredo.gonzalez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: vero@iecon.ccee.edu.uy
// Password      -: 05vero06
// Username      -:  vero
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: betania_allen@yahoo.com
// Password      -: cisp
// Username      -:  Betania
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: caetano@cedeplar.ufmg.br
// Password      -: ermv79
// Username      -:  caetano
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: soumya@brookmoor.com
// Password      -: ia4undp
// Username      -:  soumya
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: leahfreij@yahoo.com
// Password      -: sawalha
// Username      -:  leah
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: anne-marie.goetz@undp.org
// Password      -: pierpont
// Username      -:  goetz
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: UKQD@post.harvard.edu
// Password      -: quan4ger
// Username      -:  ukqd
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sylvia.etsuko-okazaki@undp.org
// Password      -: etsu0831
// Username      -:  Sylvia
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: felipe.alpizar@undp.org
// Password      -: af1902
// Username      -:  felipe.alpizar
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: venkatesan@cds.ac.in
// Password      -: seeralan
// Username      -:  svenkat
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jeanne@theIRC.org
// Password      -: girlygirl
// Username      -:  jeanne
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: s.haider@lse.ac.uk
// Password      -: msry5sh1
// Username      -:  haiders
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: meyerj.HUM@mail.uovs.ac.za
// Password      -: chsrd
// Username      -:  kobus meyer
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: emilia.martinez.easp@juntadeandalucia.es
// Password      -: maipu
// Username      -:  emartinezm
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: naliniburn@btinternet.com
// Password      -: pomponette
// Username      -:  naliniburn
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: atanu.garai@oneworld.net
// Password      -: samsonite34
// Username      -:  atanugarai
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: apeltz@scuspalestine.org
// Password      -: password
// Username      -:  Amelia
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: n.r.m.pouw@uva.nl
// Password      -: haarlem01
// Username      -:  npouw
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kpanah1@yahoo.com
// Password      -: octave
// Username      -:  kpanah1
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jolmsted@drew.edu
// Password      -: cookie**
// Username      -:  jolmsted
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: karinab@item.org.uy
// Password      -: karinab
// Username      -:  karinab
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: vernonloke@wustl.edu
// Password      -: BPBPBPBP
// Username      -:  vernonloke
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alia.elyassir@undp.org
// Password      -: sabaya
// Username      -:  Alia
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: emmanuel_asomba@fastmail.us
// Password      -: odumegwu
// Username      -:  EmmaAsomba
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: khan@uwp.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Farida
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: huangfy@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
// Password      -: huangfy
// Username      -:  huangfy
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alicia@servidor.unam.mx
// Password      -: girong0651
// Username      -:  alicia@servidor.unam.mx
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: slstreet@ca.inter.net
// Password      -: phdot06
// Username      -:  ergo68
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kochaks@yahoo.com
// Password      -: kochak
// Username      -:  anjani
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kristen.timothy@undp.org
// Password      -: cinders
// Username      -:  kristen.timothy
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: dhillon@uiuc.edu
// Password      -: thikse
// Username      -:  dhillon
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: marthallanos@hotmail.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Martha Llanos
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: xilup@yahoo.com.mx
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ximena Abarca Duràn
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: vmara@ciesin.columbia.edu
// Password      -: ngcmlfy
// Username      -:  valentinamara
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: valdebec@chi.ops-oms.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Carolina Valdebenito
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lolasf@chi.ops-oms.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Fernando Lolas
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: claudio@hcmc.netnam.vn
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Claudio Schuftan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: aye.lwin@undp.org
// Password      -: khant9zw
// Username      -:  aye.lwin
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: bratislava.unifem@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  UNIFEM CEE Regional Office Bratislava
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jeannaharding@yahoo.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jeanne Harding
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: knightmasibo@yahoo.com
// Password      -: knight71
// Username      -:  Nafula
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sahdcg@sudanmail.net
// Password      -: susan000
// Username      -:  sahdcg
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: hstephanya@yahoo.com
// Password      -: poulin
// Username      -:  stephania
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lj_richards@yahoo.com
// Password      -: ginger
// Username      -:  julletta
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: erikapearl@interchurch.org
// Password      -: togolady
// Username      -:  ErikaPearl
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: de_utch@yahoo.com
// Password      -: onyebuchi
// Username      -:  Utchay
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: maryannt@icaso.org
// Password      -: password
// Username      -:  martorre13
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lcjain@vsnl.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Devaki Jain
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tlarajunco@yahoo.com.mx
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Teresa Lara Junco
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: khulanz@yahoo.com
// Password      -: oredre
// Username      -:  khulan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jsiapno@unimelb.edu.au
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jacqueline Siapno
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: doris@wedo.org
// Password      -: bouessos94
// Username      -:  doris@wedo.org
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: shipra.bose@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Shipra Bose
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jui@wlink.com.np
// Password      -: manandhar
// Username      -:  jamalshrestha
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: s.ellis@uis.unesco.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Simon Ellis
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: aespino@chaque.net
// Password      -: indices
// Username      -:  alma
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: angela.me@unece.org
// Password      -: silviamagrin
// Username      -:  Angela Me
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Rene.saa@ine.cl
// Password      -: Diego
// Username      -:  Roxana
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: waterschoot@un.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Isabelle
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: dono.abdurazakova@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Dono Abdurazakova
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: miymiynwa@yahoo.co.uk
// Password      -: miymiy
// Username      -:  miy100
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nadja.dolata@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Nadja Dolata
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: itza.castaneda@undp.org.mx
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Itzá Castañeda
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: makena.gomez@inegi.gob.mx
// Password      -: enero03
// Username      -:  inegi-asesor
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: liva.biseniece@undp.org
// Password      -: lb2003undp
// Username      -:  liva.biseniece
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tim.holt2@virgin.net
// Password      -: thundp
// Username      -:  timholt
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: phiritembo@hotmail.com
// Password      -: housetable589
// Username      -:  Phiritembo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kms@wiw.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Kalyani Menon-Sen
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lilianab@iadb.org
// Password      -: morin
// Username      -:  Liliana
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lara.blanco@undp.org
// Password      -: lb1022
// Username      -:  lara.blanco
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rosina.wiltshire@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Rosina Wiltshire
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lina.hamadeh-banerjee@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Lina Hamadeh Banerjee
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: n_bohidar@yahoo.com
// Password      -: ganesh12
// Username      -:  n_bohidar
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: roohi.metcalfe@undp.org
// Password      -: metcalfe
// Username      -:  roohi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jjo@etf.eu.int
// Password      -: etfjjo
// Username      -:  johansen
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nomcebo.manzini@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Nomcebo Manzini
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: bharati.silawal@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Bharati Silawal
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nanak.kakwani@undp-povertycentre.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Nanak Kakwani
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: schoge@yahoo.com
// Password      -: kechu
// Username      -:  schoge
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: anna.tengqvist@kvinnoforum.se
// Password      -: empowerment
// Username      -:  annte
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alonso.villalobos@undp.org
// Password      -: av1022
// Username      -:  alonso.villalobos
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gerald.mora@undp.org
// Password      -: gmm1603
// Username      -:  gerald.mora
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ranjan_manav@rediffmail.com
// Password      -: iloveu
// Username      -:  ranjan_manav
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: bilkis.vissandjee@umontreal.ca
// Password      -: 6rosnee6
// Username      -:  vissandb
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: faisalresearch@yahoo.com
// Password      -: goodboy
// Username      -:  faisalresearch
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ssfb@giasbg01.vsnl.net.in
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  V.S. Badari
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: akeisha.falby@gmail.com
// Password      -: acf4681
// Username      -:  Akeisha
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ato@voladv.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Ibiduni ( Duni) Jones
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: janet.raynor@gmail.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Janet Raynor
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fabian.scholtes@uni-tuebingen.de
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Fabian Scholtes
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mds789@earthlink.net
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Martin Schoenhals
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nemesn@ludens.elte.hu
// Password      -: 480622
// Username      -:  nemesn
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lana.ofak@undp.org
// Password      -: test
// Username      -:  lana.ofak
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sophie.schmitt@uni-konstanz.de
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Sophie Schmitt
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: P.Shaffer@utoronto.ca
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Paul Shaffer
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ruglucia@paho.org
// Password      -: eustacio
// Username      -:  ruglucia
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: diascordero@yahoo.com.br
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Vivianne Ventura Dias
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Rhumphries@hsrc.ac.za
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Richard Humphries
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ebnance@mit.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Earthea B. Nance
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: frances.stewart@qeh.ox.ac.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Frances Stewart
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: CLuttrell@odi.org.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Cecilia Luttrell
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mfeijoo2003@yahoo.com.ar
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Maria Feijoo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: aileen.allen@unifem.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Aileen Allen
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mracelis@mindgate.net
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Mary Racelis
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: aaguirre@ateneo.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Angela Aguirre
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gbautista@ateneo.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Germelino Bautista
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ldelacruz@ateneo.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Leland de la Cruz,
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mguevara@ateneo.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Marita Concepcion Castro Guevara
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: akaraos@ateneo.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Anna Marie Karaos
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: eporio@ateneo.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Emma Porio
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: David@iied.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  David Satterthwaite
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: cgoytia@utdt.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Cynthia Goytia
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: claudio@claudiosan.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Claudio Santibanez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: pablo.martinez@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Pablo Martinez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: marcos.lorenzelli@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Marcos Lorenzelli
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: juan.calvo@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Juan José Calvo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: fferreira@worldbank.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Francisco Ferreira
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: simon@iets.inf.br
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Simon Schwartzman
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jaroslaw.gorniak@uj.edu.pl
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jaroslaw Gorniak
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: B.Baulch@ids.ac.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Bob Baulch
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: csojo@flacso.or.cr
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Carlos Sojo
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: clanata@iin.sld.pe
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Claudio Lanata
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Dave.Gordon@bristol.ac.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  David Gordon
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: edelamonica@unicef.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Enrique Delamonica
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: natalia.faraoni@unifi.it
// Password      -: ciaociao
// Username      -:  natalia
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lmenchini@unicef.org
// Password      -: leonardo
// Username      -:  menchini
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: hannan@un.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Carolyn Hannan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: k.sharp@ids.ac.uk
// Password      -: newlife
// Username      -:  idpy1
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: csun1@worldbank.org
// Password      -: MC2760
// Username      -:  csun
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: xavier.mancero@cepal.org
// Password      -: xavaman
// Username      -:  xmancero
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jim.chalmers@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Jim Chalmers
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rie.debabrata@undp.org
// Password      -: onuj6426
// Username      -:  rie.debabrata
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: benjamin.knoedler@gmx.de
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Benjamin Knödler
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kamanou@un.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Gisele Kamanou
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sujatha@cepa.lk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Sujatha Sumathipala
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: holger.osterrieder@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Holger Osterrieder
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: tenzin.thinley@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Tenzin Thinley
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: laura.gomez@undp.org
// Password      -: garbanzo
// Username      -:  Laura Gomez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: liliana.carvajal@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Liliana Carvajal
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mailradhakrishan@gmail.com
// Password      -: 1krishnan
// Username      -:  radhakrishnan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gora.mboup@unhabitat.org
// Password      -: fati1935
// Username      -:  goramboup
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: daniel.coppard@undp.org
// Password      -: hotblacks
// Username      -:  Daniel Coppard
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: patricia.alexander@undp.org
// Password      -: mmilin
// Username      -:  palexecon
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Sean.Khan@unep.org
// Password      -: shosho
// Username      -:  Sean
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sebastian.silva.leander@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Sebastian Silva Leander
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nahla.zeitoun
// Password      -: hassan
// Username      -:  nahlazeitoun
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jolantakhan@hotmail.com
// Password      -: bunny8
// Username      -:  jolantakhan@hotmail.com
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: AnnikaP@statssa.gov.za
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Annika Puide
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lorena_barberia@alumni.ksg.harvard.edu
// Password      -: gilmar
// Username      -:  lorenabarberia
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: adilirfan22@yahoo.co.in
// Password      -: nadia1977
// Username      -:  adilirfan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: adama-dian.barry@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Adama-Dian Barry
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: vmanole@gmail.com
// Password      -: cacofonix1
// Username      -:  vmanole
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gopi.pradhan@undp.org
// Password      -: gmct7132
// Username      -:  gopi.pradhan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kari.coley@un.org.pa
// Password      -: kpc5vab
// Username      -:  kari.coley
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: alnawwab@gmail.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Nabil Alnawwab
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: heikeline@gmail.com
// Password      -: n0205180
// Username      -:  popdcf
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: evelyn.perez@pnud.org.pe
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Evelyn Pérez Zevallos
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: amalia.paredes@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Amalia Paredes
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: shaila.khan@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Shaila Khan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: neus.bernabeu@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Neus Bernabeu
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: d.fuentes-solano@abs.gov.au
// Password      -: 3334
// Username      -:  fuenda
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: leisa.perch@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Leisa Perch
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: bntan80@yahoo.com
// Password      -: t12345
// Username      -:  tan_ngoc
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: djodhan@surf.undp.org.tt
// Password      -: danielajodhan
// Username      -:  Daniela Jodhan
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: stefania.perrini@undp.org
// Password      -: pstefania
// Username      -:  stefania.perrini
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: b-terryn@dfid.gov.uk
// Password      -: mountain1
// Username      -:  b-terryn
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: rol.reiland@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Rol Reiland
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: peter.zetterstrom@undp.org
// Password      -: losen888
// Username      -:  peter.zetterstrom
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: pilar.cuesta@undp.org
// Password      -: lucho3lima8
// Username      -:  pilarcuesta
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Tanja.Srebotnjak@yale.edu
// Password      -: kiwivogel
// Username      -:  srebotnjak
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: ikram.afzali@undp.org
// Password      -: manjoor
// Username      -:  ikram
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// Email Address -: sara.ahoui@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Sarah Ahoui
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// Email Address -: efraim.mihaeli@undp.org
// Password      -: 5151
// Username      -:  efimihaeli
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// Email Address -: usamayounis@yahoo.com
// Password      -: somonemo
// Username      -:  usamayounis
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// Email Address -: rania.tarazi@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Rania Tarazi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: papa.seck@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Papa Seck
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mhayashi@mfnetwork.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Masami Hayashi
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: urkhan.alakbarov@tkaz.net
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Urkhan Alakbarov
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: karim_harji@acdi-cida.gc.ca
// Password      -: undp
// Username      -:  karimharji
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// Email Address -: barbara.piazza@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Barbara Piazza-Georgi
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// Email Address -: amie.gaye@undp.org
// Password      -: 1956
// Username      -:  A.Gaye
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: mmuniz@ciesin.columbia.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Maria Muniz
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// Email Address -: sonya.knox@undp.org
// Password      -: ju61577
// Username      -:  Sonya Knox
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// Email Address -: min.zhang@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Min Zhang
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// Email Address -: eva.quintana@undp.org
// Password      -: quintana
// Username      -:  eva.quintana
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// Email Address -: jimmy.vasquez@undp.org
// Password      -: mgqjjk
// Username      -:  JVasquez
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// Email Address -: mjaiteh@ciesin.columbia.edu
// Password      -: mj1996
// Username      -:  msjaiteh
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// Email Address -: eduardo@esmconsult.com.br
// Password      -: klondike
// Username      -:  eduardo.martins
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// Email Address -: Aira.Htenas@fao.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Aira Htenas
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Mirella.Salvatore@fao.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Mirella Salvatore
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: sgibbons@oxfam.org.uk
// Password      -: francis
// Username      -:  Sgibbons
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: jose.libanio@undp.org.br
// Password      -: almeida
// Username      -:  Jose Libanio
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// Email Address -: kojo.acquaisie@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Kojo Acquaisie
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: lidija.japec@undp.org
// Password      -: kuc11kuc
// Username      -:  lidija.japec
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// Email Address -: jeske.vanseters@undp.org
// Password      -: Terneuzen
// Username      -:  jeske.vanseters
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// Email Address -: nina.thelen@undp.org
// Password      -: lisboa
// Username      -:  Nina
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// Email Address -: alkire@fas.harvard.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  sabina alkire
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// Email Address -: diana.salas@nyu.edu
// Password      -: wocpnds
// Username      -:  dys205
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// Email Address -: jonathan.morse@undp.org
// Password      -: 0202
// Username      -:  mojo
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// Email Address -: noah_schiff@acdi-cida.gc.ca
// Password      -: travel
// Username      -:  noah_schiff
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// Email Address -: astra_nandina@yahoo.com
// Password      -: frodo1
// Username      -:  abonini1
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// Email Address -: charles.makunja@undp.org
// Password      -: charliemaks
// Username      -:  charles.makunja
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// Email Address -: tallak@aversolve.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Talla Kebe
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// Email Address -: raul.zambrano@undp.org
// Password      -: raul1
// Username      -:  raulz
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// Email Address -: majda@zavodzpr-sa.ba
// Password      -: mrkiprca
// Username      -:  majdafetahagic
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// Email Address -: eduardoandradeiturribarria@gmail.com
// Password      -: 51542838
// Username      -:  eduardoandradeiturribarria
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// Email Address -: enrica.chiappero@unipv.it
// Password      -: enrica
// Username      -:  chiappero-martinetti
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// Email Address -: marielza.oliveira@undp.org
// Password      -: samurai
// Username      -:  Mel
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: karla.correa@undp-povertycentre.org
// Password      -: joliek
// Username      -:  Karla
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nats_india@hotmail.com
// Password      -: ariyuran
// Username      -:  N Natarajan
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// Email Address -: claire.medina@undp.be
// Password      -: bangalore
// Username      -:  claireM
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// Email Address -: dima.kharbotli@undp.org.lb
// Password      -: daks04
// Username      -:  damdoum
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// Email Address -: enayet.rasul@undp.org
// Password      -: butchmun1
// Username      -:  erasul
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// Email Address -: uwe.singer@inwent.org
// Password      -: Die.Uhr*
// Username      -:  singer
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// Email Address -: sylvie.babadjide@undp.org
// Password      -: helene
// Username      -:  sylvie.babadjide
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// Email Address -: enayet@gmail.com
// Password      -: butchmun1
// Username      -:  rasulem
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// Email Address -: Ydikhanov@worldbank.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Yuri.Dikhanov
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// Email Address -: eq2106@columbia.edu
// Password      -: ming2873
// Username      -:  eq2106
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// Email Address -: stoevska@ilo.org
// Password      -: borjan1
// Username      -:  stoevska
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// Email Address -: DSanga@uneca.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Dimitri.Sanga
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// Email Address -: stevengoha@veryspeedy.net
// Password      -: 44997744
// Username      -:  Stayfan
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// Email Address -: amil.husain@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  amil.husain
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// Email Address -: andrea.cuzyova@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  andrea.cuzyova
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// Email Address -: alison.kennedy@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  alison.kennedy
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// Email Address -: jean-yves.hamel@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  jean-yves.hamel
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// Email Address -: pedromanuel.moreno@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  pedromanuel.moreno
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// Email Address -: carlotta.aiello@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  carlotta.aiello
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// Email Address -: maritza.ascencios@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  maritza.ascencios
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// Email Address -: gustav.ranis@yale.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Gustav.Ranis
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// Email Address -: box.naime@gmail.com
// Password      -: mo1925mo
// Username      -:  mnaime
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// Email Address -: test@test.com
// Password      -: butchmun1
// Username      -:  test
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// Email Address -: multiple.contributors@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  multiple.contributors
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// Email Address -: jennifer_sly@yahoo.com
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  jennifer.sly
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nina.kantcheva@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Nina.Kantcheva
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: renata.rubian@undp.org
// Password      -: dragonlum
// Username      -:  rubian
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// Email Address -: isabelle.khayat@undp.org
// Password      -: quechua
// Username      -:  isabellekhayat
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// Email Address -: akchowdhury@rbi.org.in
// Password      -: arnab2008
// Username      -:  hiarnab
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// Password      -: ANDREW
// Username      -:  MAKHLAGHI
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: maryam.niamir-fuller@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Maryam Niamir-fuller
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: gareth@adeni.ca
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Gareth Jones
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: Jochen.Jesinghaus@jrc.it
// Password      -: wafaetjj
// Username      -:  jj2007
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// Email Address -: doljinsuren.jambal@undp.org
// Password      -: doljko6873
// Username      -:  doljko
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// Email Address -: e_bimrew@yahoo.com
// Password      -: bamfb
// Username      -:  bibi
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// Email Address -: ramu.bishwakarma@gmail.com
// Password      -: 1Tikamaya2
// Username      -:  Ramu
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: hla.phyu.chit@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  hla.phyu.chit
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: cr6@columbia.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Carl Riskin
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: micha.vanlin@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  micha.vanlin
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: nergui.dorj@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  nergui.dorj
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// Email Address -: sabine.bongi@wfp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  sabine.bongi
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// Email Address -: david.abbott@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  david.abbott
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: stefan.dercon@economics.ox.ac.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Stefan.Dercon
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// Email Address -: divineson4u@yahoo.com
// Password      -: kayode
// Username      -:  Nell
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// Email Address -: hakan.bjorkman@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  hakan.bjorkman
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// Email Address -: wei.ha@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  wei.ha
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// Email Address -: isabel.pereira@undp.org
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  isabel.pereira
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// Email Address -: jvenketraman@yahoo.com
// Password      -: development
// Username      -:  jyoti
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// Email Address -: menginee@uvic.ca
// Password      -: merwan
// Username      -:  menginee@uvic.ca
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// Email Address -: owais.parray@undp.org
// Password      -: 78611
// Username      -:  owais
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// Email Address -: tp6@columbia.edu
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Thomas Pogge
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// Email Address -: DRRAMPOLE@GMAIL.COM
// Password      -: renuka
// Username      -:  rvpole@gmail.com
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// Email Address -: ntaju2000@yahoo.com
// Password      -: remitng
// Username      -:  matter
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// Email Address -: martin.breitenbach@up.ac.za
// Password      -: economics14
// Username      -:  martiens
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// Email Address -: jv612@nyu.edu
// Password      -: raja-1612
// Username      -:  jv612
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// Email Address -: ikaul@attglobal.net
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Inge Kaul
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// Email Address -: scoppenhall@hotmail.com
// Password      -: sexyme
// Username      -:  scoppenhall
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// Email Address -: inaki.permanyer@uab.es
// Password      -: ipe2123
// Username      -:  inaki.permanyer
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// Email Address -: sd251@bath.ac.uk
// Password      -: 000
// Username      -:  Severine.Deneulin
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// Email Address -: jose.velez@undp.org
// Password      -: vejo
// Username      -:  jose.velez
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: imtiaz84@gmail.com
// Password      -: 654321
// Username      -:  imtiaz07
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// Email Address -: Grace.Igweta@wfp.org
// Password      -: 111111
// Username      -:  Grace Igweta
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: humanindia@hotmail.com
// Password      -: human07
// Username      -:  HNI2007
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: devika.iyer@undp.org
// Password      -: cherokee24
// Username      -:  devika.iyer
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: eteeple@gmu.edu
// Password      -: scorpio
// Username      -:  Elissa Teeple
[[ ################################################ ]]
// Email Address -: kimsworldtech@indiatimes.com
// Password      -: sunday
// Username      -:  kims03
[[ ################################################ ]]
// The question now is… how?… We will let the so called
“secutiy experts” over at the UN figure that out. . . .
—— Have a Nice Day….-
Twitter : @_TeaMp0isoN
Facebook: facebook.com/TeaMp0isoN
Hex00010 – f0rsaken – Phantom~ – MLT – Luit – C0rps3 – iN^SaNE
aXioM – ap0calypse – #OpCensorThis – #OpRobinHood
- BlackTriangle – Anonymous & everyone else….
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kndZEgp-O8c – #OpCensorThis
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix5ZitgE464 – #OpRobinHood
Knowledge IS power. . . . . .
>> TriCk
>> TeaMp0isoN

A Letter from Anonymous [9th of December 2010]

Lulz Sec  -  Yesterday
A Letter From Anonymous

A Letter from Anonymous, 9th of December 2010
youtube.com http://anonnews.org/ +++ anon blog: http://anonops.blogspot.com/ +++ Facebook: http://on.fb.me/letterfromanon +++ Twitter: http://twitter.com/AnonOps

#opblackout [Repost]

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. [Great men are almost always bad men]“
- Lord Acton
    [circa late 18th - early 19th century]
“Absolute power corrupts absolutely”
- ███████████████
This is the Public operation pad: All informational links and news can be found at bottom
Organization and or excecution will be planned or posted here please use the same nick that you use in irc.
Objective:  Inform masses about the probable outcome of the legislation regarding: 
H.R.3261/If passed Take action  – Stop Online Piracy Act and S.978 Protect IP Act [IP as in  Intellectual Property, seems it was intentionally named to represent   something else]
 Main info link, also contains multiple links: http://pastebin.com/JTh0ja9N
These 2 acts will cause the internet to be censored taking away your right to privacy and your right to free speech. See short video explanation here–> http://anonops.blogspot.com/2011/11/protect-ip-act-breaks-internet.html
                 ~@*What to do while we await a decision from congress@~
                                               Operation Blackout
                                                TOP PRIORITY:
Any information on senators, background, deals with companies, shady lawyers.
-> sites:
.org, fundrace.huffingtonpost.com, fec.gov
also figure out how to organize this info once we obtain it
Doxing as in finding evidence of it’s finances shady lawyers or executives that have a history of doing illegal or bad things
Digg up the corporat/lobbyist money trail to these senators and congress reps 64 of them
Twitter Op-Side operation/media/support
2. 30th ,Call to arms for people to create as many twitter accounts as possible and to tweet a pre-determined message as many times as possible on a certain date.Nov 30th action. {Creating many optional} | Saw comment, liked: OCCUPY FACEBOOK, ALL FACEBOOKERS,, Nov 30th SPREAD THIS VIDEO ON YOUR WALL(The first video), NEWS FEED 10 TIMES. SPREAD THE VVORD,: not apart of twitter side op, but support the idea
Items of Action.
Maybe try to get in touch with opers of already well establishes anon related twitter accounts and ask if they would not mind joining us? ex anonymiss twitter, the occupy movements, us day of rage etc.
Tweetdeck allows you to log into multiple  twitter accounts at the same time. This makes it much easier to tweet  from multiple accounts since you don’t have to constantly log in/out of  different accounts. We should all use tweet deck for any accounts we are  using. We should inform followers/supporters to also use tweetdeck.
Why the twitter side op^ started, this is an example of  future censorship without reason.
Greetings citizens, We are Anonymous,
It seems we are experiencing yet another form of censorship.
Recently, one of our social methods of communication, twitter, was suspended. When queried, they failed to respond, therefore, we were forced to create another one to continue operations. The next day yet again our account was suspended without any warning or notice as to what rule we had violated.
When you are notified your account has been suspended you are also told you will receive an email describing your violation, we did not; when you file an appeal it clearly states they will normally respond right away, they did not and have not. Because of this we can only assume it is another attempt at censorship due to our current operation, Operation Blackout.
Next, once the media is notified and people have noticed what’s been going on behind their backs, organize occupies or protest offline and maybe online(online protest under speculation)
Protest, Occupies
We need dates times locations etc.. also planned far enough ahead of time  that many people can join, maybe a offline protest to protest the bill  and gain press before the voting.
News coverage/sources
H.R.3261     – Stop Online Piracy Act and S.978 Protect IP Act [IP as in     Intellectual Property, seems it was intentionally named to represent     something else]
Status of the bill
DETAILED Information also a real description of the words and point of the op.
History of when this happend before below:
Who supports this and who is responsible? Well lets see…
Dox list:
List of websites of supporters of the bill
See Also/info:

FIOCCHI OWNED by Anonymous Italy (EN)

## ## ####### ######## #### ######## ### ## ## ## irc.cryto.net
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## irc.anonops.li
######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### port:+6667/+6697
## ## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## #lulz ##
######### ## ## ## ## ## ######### ## ## Channels:
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #italy & #opitaly
## ## ####### ## #### ## ## ## ######## ##

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. #Anonymous
|) | |) | ~|~ /= () /? ~|~ |-| [- |_ |_| |_ ~/_ ‘|\| /= /? [- [- |) () |\/|
Citizens of the world,
to make us feel we are back to defend what we consider the rights of man.
In Egypt every day people struggle to survive and to defend the freedom that was denied. The whole world sees this and does not lift a finger.
Anonymous has discovered that the Italian company Flakes (http://fiocchigfl.it/) produces ammunition that kills many people every day in Egypt. Anonymous will not tolerate this injustice and we Italians have decided that now is the time to do something.
Egypt is suffering acts and Anonymous!
We defend human rights, defend freedom, we are against injustice, so now we turn directly to you entrepreneurs flakes, which for 130 years produce ammunition that is used every day to kill. In your site write anything but this is not true? Ruin your image. But we know, Anonymous knows.
The invitation is to stop immediatamentre the production of ammunition for military weapons. Anonymous sees you and you are holding under attack. We know all about you. We do not cost anything to publish anything on your behalf. We can make your private life> public and do it if necessary.
- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - -
Name Surname Access Data Registration Data
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Adelio Frigerio 16/06/2011 – 14:19 09/03/2011 – 10:27
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Alessandra Selva 28/11/2011 – 17:07 09/02/2011 – 14:23
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Enrico Gianola 30/08/2011 – 11:36 04/04/2011 – 15:43
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Florence Chognard 24/06/2011 – 9:09 22/06/2011 – 14:42
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Jessica Busatto 25/10/2011 – 11:40 10/08/2011 – 14:11
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Katia Brancato 13/09/2011 – 10:43 20/04/2011 – 13:56
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Lorena Davanzo 19/04/2011 – 11:07 19/04/2011 – 11:07
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Roberto Zanchetta 29/11/2011 – 11:30 25/08/2010 – 11:04
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Simona Lissoni 21/10/2011 – 14:53 21/10/2011 – 14:52
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Taddeo Bertoldini 22/07/2011 – 8:44 02/02/2011 – 12:12
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Viviana Valenti 13/10/2011 – 11:46 28/09/2011 – 16:03
– - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
Tahrir Square – Egypt, Anonymous is watching you. REMEMBER!
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive injustice
We do not forget freedom
United as one, divided by zero.

Deepak Chopra : Occupy Together is Unstoppable. We Are the 100%

Facebook Law Enforcement Subpoena/Data Request Guidelines

Facebook Law Enforcement Subpoena/Data Request Guidelines

California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Use of Force Workbook.

California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Use of Force Workbook.

Sirhan Sirhan Hypno-Programmed Assassin Innocence Plea Documents.

Sirhan Sirhan Hypno-Programmed Assassin Innocence Plea Documents.

(U//FOUO) Director of National Intelligence Classification Markings Register Version 1.2

(U//FOUO) Director of National Intelligence Classification Markings Register Version 1.2

Redacted Version

Unredacted Version


Anonymous, The World,
This is a communication from Anonymous St. Louis…
For the past two months, I,as well as many other Anonymous members, have focused our attention to the United States and the current happenings within Her own boarders.
Now, Anonymous, we need to shift a little focus over to our bothers in human-kind in Iran. As we speak, US/NATO led strike forces are laying down bombs in country. All releases of the attacks have been erased from the eyes of the Iranian people.. There is a site responsible for that.
Inject with integer [‘}
IIS 7/ASP.NET server
We need to dump all information from these databases and make it available to the Iranian people, as well as the people of the world. The Iranian govt. is in-cahoots with the crooked-thieves of the United States….
We need this database.. We can unveil potential corruption between Iran and USA…


Citizens of the United States, We are Anonymous

Citizens of the United States, We are Anonymous.
This is an urgent emergency alert to all people of the United States. The day we’ve all been waiting for has unfortunately arrived. The United States is censoring the internet. Our blatant response is that we will not sit while our rights are taken away by the government we trusted them to preserve. This is not a call to arms, but a call to recognition and action!
The United States government has mastered this corrupt way of giving us a false sense of freedom. We think we are free and can do what we want, but in reality we are very limited and restricted as to what we can do, how we can think, and even how our education is obtained. We have been so distracted by this mirage of freedom, that we have just become what we were trying to escape from.
For too long, we have been idle as our brothers and sisters were arrested. During this time, the government has been scheming, plotting ways to increase censorship through means of I S P block aides, D N S blockings, search engine censorship, website censorship, and a variety of other methods that directly oppose the values and ideas of both Anonymous as well as the founding fathers of this country, who believed in free speech and press!
The United States has often been used as an example of the ideal free country. When the one nation that is known for its freedom and rights start to abuse its own people, this is when you must fight back, because others are soon to follow. Do not think that just because you are not a United States citizen, that this does not apply to you. You cannot wait for your country to decide to do the same. You must stop it before it grows, before it becomes acceptable. You must destroy its foundation before it becomes too powerful.
Has the U.S. government not learned from the past? Has it not seen the 2011 revolutions? Has it not seen that we oppose this wherever we find it and that we will continue to oppose it? Obviously the United States Government thinks they are exempt. This is not only an Anonymous collective call to action. What will a Distributed Denial of Service attack do? What’s a website de face ment against the corrupted powers of the government? No. This is a call for a worldwide internet and physical protest against the powers that be. Spread this message everywhere. We will not stand for this! Tell your parents, your neighbors, your fellow workers, your school teachers, and anyone else you come in contact with. This affects anyone that desires the freedom to browse anonymously, speak freely without fear of retribution, or protest without fear of arrest.
Go to every I R C network, every social network, every online community, and tell them of the atrocity that is about to be committed. If protest is not enough, the United States government shall see that we are truly legion and we shall come together as one force opposing this attempt to censor the internet once again, and in the process discourage any other government from continuing or trying.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive censorship.
We do not forget the denial of our free rights as human beings.
To the United States government, you should’ve expected us.


Mayor Bloomberg's Campaign of Terror & Distraction

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mayor Bloomberg’s Campaign of Terror & Distraction

You may remember that last week, New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg made the sudden announcement of an emergency press conference on the subject of “terror”.  What you may not know is that to people who work inside the news media and in television broadcasting, the rare event of a sudden Sunday evening press conference with top officials is either an actual emergency, or the mark of someone desperately trying to get ahead of the ‘weekly news cycle’ – perhaps in order to bury one story with an even more sensational one.
Leading up to last weekend, both Mayor Bloomberg and the NYPD had earned plenty of negative attention that they were desperate to divert the public away from. Between the regular reports of NYPD brutality being inflicted on the peaceful protesters in lower Manhattan and the middle of the night NYPD assault on the Occupy encampment in Liberty (Zuccotti) Park just earlier in the week – which involved the NYPD securing the ground and airspace from all news media in apparent efforts to disallow any evidence of their assault on the protesters and the illegal destruction of their property – as well as their blatant contempt for Judge Lucy Billings’ temporary restraining order against the City and the NYPD the next morning – it was going to take a serious hijacking of the media’s attention in order to redirect the public’s focus.
Mayor Bloomberg watches intensely as Police Commissioner Ray Kelly helps to sell their “terror suspect” story to the public
While holding a very rare and in this case, quite unnecessary Sunday evening press conference on the subject of a supposed “terror” suspect who was both already in custody and considered by the FBI to be no legitimate threat, the Mayor and Police Commissioner – who recently found themselves in hot water over a slew of  civil rights violations against both protesters and journalists attempting to report on the city’s aggressive suppression of the Occupy protests – desperately pushed all of their chips into the center of the table and apparently hoped to bluff the public into fear-based loyalty, while at the same time distracting us from their recent crimes against democracy.
Within 90 seconds of the start of the press conference, a video was shown of a car blowing up. That video was created by the NYPD. So was the bomb used in the video. Why is the NYPD assembling bombs and video taping them blowing up cars? Why was there a theatrical “model” bomb at the press conference? If they arrested the suspect just after he was “drilling holes” in preparation for a bomb, as they said, then he had no completed bomb at the time of his arrest. This begs the repeat of the question:
Why is the NYPD producing shock and awe propaganda videos of cars blowing up, when their suspect did not even have a completed test bomb?! 
NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly uses theatrical bomb prop to help sell “terror plot” to the public
If this were a legitimate legal case, wouldn’t it be inappropriate for these officials to produce propaganda like this against their suspect and show it to the news media and general public before that suspect even has a day in court to be officially charged? Wouldn’t it be inappropriate for city officials to poison the potential jury pool by making and publicizing this such propaganda? Wouldn’t this kind of conduct hurt the prosecutors case against the suspect, if in fact it were a legitimate case? If they are willing to threaten the stability of this such case once it is actually tried in a court of law, with these theatrical props and unnecessary, but visually frightening video presentations – what might be the real motive behind these presentations to the public? Does the suggestion of a terrorist, combined with the video of an explosion, frighten you?

Why would city officials show us their own video of an exploding car that is in no way directly connected to their suspect?
Bloomberg stated during the press conference that the suspect, “was not part of a larger conspiracy.” He also referred to the suspect several times as a “lone wolf” as he pleaded his case about this supposed solo-terror-threat. The police commissioner repeated this term more than once as well. So, why the concerted branding of, and emphasis on a “lone wolf” aspect of this supposed suspect? One reason might be that the City and the NYPD want to give the clear impression that there is no need for any outside entities – FBI or otherwise – to further investigate their “terror threat” allegations.
In any event, within 48 hours of the press conference, some interesting points came to light.
Not only did the FBI not consider the suspect to be a credible threat, but they apparently also considered the NYPD’s tactics in dealing with him, to be dangerously close to entrapment.
More than 50% of the general public who have commented on the Billionaire Mayor, Mike Bloomberg’s facebook post announcing this arrest, have showed up to display their lack of faith in the honesty of Bloomberg’s terroristic press conference. This figure holds strong even though it appears that many of the posts have somehow been censored/removed. This is reassuring that the fear-mongering tactics of the Bush era are still no longer welcome among the majority – or at least the majority of those who feel obliged to speak their minds on such matters.
Even the mainstream media questioned the timing of this sudden and rare Sunday evening announcement.
However Bloomberg aims to distract the public, or to scare us back into submission and blind obedience – the awakening of the world around him cannot be stopped. His pathetic attempt at playing the terror-card is as transparent now as it was initially (see our coverage PRE & POST press conference). His crimes against The People of New York City, the Occupy Movement, and democracy itself, are on record. He cannot wash away what he has done – and we will not forget.
Having ignored The People of New York City twice voting to keep their mayoral term limits in place and skirting their wishes by throwing his monied-weight around to stay in power, we already knew that Billionaire Mayor Mike Bloomberg is a tyrant. Now we know that he is a terrorist too.
Mayor Bloomberg, this is your legacy.
Your fortune may have been just enough to keep you in power after you had worn out your welcome in New York City, but every single penny of your enormous empire cannot save you from your place in history.
Our legacy will be to create a better world; one without the likes of you.


the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce,especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting agovernment.

OccupyLA Statements

27 November 2011
OccupyLA Statements

A sends:
Today Sunday, November 27, 2011 come to “A Day in Solidarity Park”
OccupyPressConference — L.A. Mayor and Police Chief mic-checked re: OccupyLA eviction (11/25/11)
inside the building @ OccupyLA (aka Los Angeles City Hall) November 25, 2011
The statements quoted during the mic-checks were contributed to and unanimously consented to by over a hundred members of the General Assembly of OccupyLA over the course of a few days this last week.  They are pasted in below or can be found here:
From the OccupyLA General Assembly/Unanimously consented to on 11/22/11
1) Our means of communication is inclusive.
Anyone seeking to learn about these decisions is invited to attend the open General Assembly process of We the People.  All individuals or groups involved in OccupyLA are free within their inherent rights to speak and act as they so choose.  We honor diversity of thought and autonomous action as a point of great strength.
Our Occupation and the General Assembly, with its deliberative and participatory principles, is a legitimate and constitutionally recognized proceeding.  Those seeking to inform, influence or negotiate with the OccupyLA movement must understand that the dignified way to do so is the open General Assembly process.  
The global Occupy movement continues to be spoken to in the language of violence.  We assert that no one has the right, especially a public servant, to imply, initiate or participate in a use of violence or unlawful force in response to an assembly of peaceful people.
For our public servants who desire a way out of the high corruption that we have allowed our governments to become. This includes public servants acting in good faith under difficult pressures, as well as those deeply disloyal to the spirit of their oaths and to the lives, liberties and general welfare.
Though some of our words may sound confrontational, we are humbled by the words of Martin Luther King Junior, “Non-violent resistance does not seek to humiliate or defeat the opponent but to win his friendship and understanding.”
Together we can cooperate to peacefully arrest the ongoing corruption and criminality, and give ourselves a possibility to re-imagine and rebuild our homes, communities, nations and world.
As a collective, Occupy Los Angeles would like to express their rejection of the City of Los Angeles’ alleged proposal that we leave City Hall by November 28, 2011, in exchange for an apparently now rescinded offer of a 10,000 square foot building, farmland and 100 SRO beds for the homeless.
Occupy Los Angeles believes that as part of a global movement advocating direct, participatory democracy, and challenging economic and social injustices, our position is such that we cannot, in all good faith, accept further material benefit from City Hall at the taxpayer’s expense without seriously compromising our beliefs, our desire for global change, and our commitment to our inherent human rights to free speech and assembly protected in this country by First Amendment Rights. The 1 percent should be paying for any services used by the Occupy Movement, not taxpayers.In the spirit of inclusivity and transparency which is so dear to our movement, Occupy Los Angeles extends an invitation to Mayor Villaraigosa and the City Council to attend our General Assemblies at the City Hall Occupation if he wishes to discuss these and other matters in a direct, democratic and horizontal way. Mayor Villaraigosa must speak out against the violent actions towards our brothers and sisters, declare the actions of other cities to be unjust, and stand before us equally at a General Assembly. Occupy Los Angeles believes that until this happens, we should have no more closed-door discussions regarding our continuing occupation of City Hall.st

see bs reason he gives, just a puppet re-saying what them above in power told to say

The First National Bank of Long Island -TeaMp0isoN and Anonymous.

TeaMp0isoN and Anonymous.
Research By Phantom~ of TeaMp0isoN
I see on the news,that they dont think we can pull this off.
Softpedia News quote :

In the past period, Anonymous and their supporting groups have been more about words than about deeds. I wonder if this is a result of the fact that organizations that consider themselves targets do a better job in securing their assets.
A good example is the operation that targeted Fox News. When the big day came, Anonymous didn’t manage to breach their systems, finding that all the ports and all the means of attack were closed and secured. “
I wanna say,that,we TeaMp0isoN pulled off any project we started,sooner or later ofcourse.
As i am not defacer or fame hunting kid/skid,ill just prove that banks are secure and can(WILL) be hacked.
Target: The First National Bank of Long Island
Vulnerability: SQLi
Link: http://www.fnbli.com/s_results.cfm with “/” injected iz zip code.
Response from the site:
Error Executing Database Query.
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ”\”” at line 1
Remember : I havent touched their database. Why? Because innocent people could get money lost if i did,so this is just warning for you to withdraw your money from banks.

Anonymous – #OpMayhem – Phase 1: Protect The IP

Anonymous Operation Mayhem: Phase 1: We Protect The Ip
Dear Senators,
We are Anonymous. It has come to our attention that twenty four Senators deemed it necessary to sponsor H.R.3261 — Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).
If this Act were to pass it would result in the inability to share information freely on the web without legal consequences.
This is direct censorship of our freedom of expression and must not be tolerated.
We have provided a basic dox of the 24 Senators who have sponsored this Act. This Operation will involve flooding these Senators emails, faxlines and telephone lines asking why they chose to sponsor such a tyrannical Act and suggesting they should reconsider their support of this Act or face the full fury of Anonymous.
Anonymous said – “We think it is time to end this once and for all, by providing a clear image of the world we live in.
Without truth history will certainly repeat, the same wars , in this time of universal deceit telling the truth has become a revolutionary act.
Let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts, and, for those who don’t.. Expect Us!”
#Operation Payback Is a Bitch
We Are Anonymous
We Are Legion
We Do Not Forgive Censorship Of Information
We Do Not Forget Those Abusing Their Power
We Respond In Kind With Anonymous Operation Mayhem: Protect The IP
Freedom Of Information Traitors Expect Us!

Full list here – http://tinyurl.com/d3ye8re
List of companies supporting: H.R.3261 — Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Information is free.

Dear Michael: Shut Down The Protests Now (An Email From Goldman Sachs’ CEO to Bloomberg)

Dear Michael: Shut Down The Protests Now (An Email From Goldman Sachs’ CEO to Bloomberg)
Posted on November 26, 2011

Dear Michael Bloomberg:
You must shut down these protests, they are creating a negative psychology. We need the people to remain submissive to the financial doctrine and I am sure you understand this. Our business has been suffering from the political pressures abroad and now political pressures at home are making the future seem very bleak.
Goldman Sachs needs political stability and we count on you to bring back this stability to the city of New York. I am sure you understand the consequences of a prolonged people’s movement: less shopping, less consumption, less submission, less control. You and I know that protests kill the consumerist drive because they give the common people a new outlet for their emotions, shut this new outlet before it’s too late.
You need to squash these protestors, you need to wipe them out by any means necessary. Change the laws if you must, change the rules, change the platform. The longer the protestors stay in the streets, the bigger the dent will be in the common people’s consumption habits.
I have full confidence in you Michael as a prominent businessman, I am sure you know what will happen if consumption goes down, we will lose massive amounts of capital.
We know you understand this and we put our trust and confidence in you you. Let’s get rid of these street urchins, let’s bring back business as usual. Let’s create harmony and passive peace so that our businesses can grow, yours and ours.

Lloyd Blankfein
Goldman Sachs’ CEO
November 12th, 2011

Here are the e-mail addresses of the sender and recipient:
lloyd.blankfein @ gs.com
Mbloomberg @ bloomberg.net

Occupy Update News Listing

Jeff Sharlet: Inside Occupy Wall Street

2011 November 27
Posted by Steve Beckow
Very long.

But if you want to learn how Occupy Wall Street began and how it evolved, then this is the place to start.

Inside Occupy Wall Street:
How a bunch of anarchists and radicals with nothing but sleeping bags launched a nationwide movement

By Jeff Sharlet, Rolling Stone, November 10, 2011
It started with a Tweet – “Dear Americans, this July 4th, dream of insurrection against corporate rule” – and a hashtag: #occupywallstreet. It showed up again as a headline posted online on July 13th by Adbusters, a sleek, satirical Canadian magazine known for its mockery of consumer culture. Beneath it was a date, September 17th, along with a hard-to-say slogan that never took off, “Democracy, not corporatocracy,” and some advice that did: “Bring tent.”
On August 2nd, the New York City General Assembly convened for the first time in Lower Manhattan, right by the market’s bronze icon, “Charging Bull,” snorting in perpetuity. It wasn’t the usual protest crowd. “The traditional left – the unions, the progressive academics, the community organizations – wanted nothing to do with this in the beginning,” says Marisa Holmes, a 25-year-old filmmaker from Columbus, Ohio, who was working on a BBC documentary called Creating Freedom, about why people rebel. “I think it’s telling that, of the early participants, so many were artists and media makers.”
Even the instigators and architects present at the creation marvel at how things just happened. “It was a magic moment,” says Kalle Lasn, Adbusters’ 69-year-old co-founder. “After that, things took on a life of their own, and then it was out of our hands.” read more…

Chris Hedges: What’s Next for the Occupy Movement?

2011 November 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

Chris Hedges: What’s Next for the Occupy Movement?

Uprising Radio. org, 23 Nov 2011,
Listen to this segment | the entire program
Read Chris Hedges’ latest article here: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/this_is_what_revolution_looks_like_20111115/
It has been over two months since Adbusters, a Canadian magazine, sent out a call to protest the inequality of our financial system by physically occupying Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan.
With a rallying cry of “We are the 99 Percent,” protestors set up camp on September 17th to articulate the deep frustration felt by those who have been affected by an economic crisis manufactured by financial institutions.
The protest has since expanded from that single gathering in New York’s financial district to a global movement which has seen over 1000 encampments. Claiming that the camps have created unsafe conditions, mayors across the country have scrambled to dismantle the tent cities, coordinating with local police forces, the FBI, and Homeland Security to plan raids. In the wake of a conference call between 18 city mayors, police have ramped up their efforts and disbanded over a dozen tent cities in the past two weeks, including the birthplace of the Occupy movement in Zuccotti Park.
The police action on November 15th took place at 1am in order to avoid media coverage. Activists are still not allowed to set up camp in the park overnight. Meanwhile the LA Times is reporting that some members of Occupy Los Angeles have been informed that city officials want the encampment in front of City Hall dismantled by Monday November 28th. However, LAPD officials and city officials speaking to the Times were not able to confirm it. read more…

Scott Neuman: As Occupy Camps Close, What’s Next For Movement?

2011 November 27
Posted by Steve Beckow
 Occupy Wall Street protesters regroup in Foley Square after New York City police in riot gear removed the protesters from Zuccotti Park early Tuesday. The evacuation followed similar moves in Oakland, Calif., and Portland, Ore.

As Occupy Camps Close, What’s Next For Movement?

by Scott Neuman, NPR, Nov. 15, 2011
Occupy Wall Street protesters regroup in Foley Square after New York City police in riot gear removed the protesters from Zuccotti Park early Tuesday. The evacuation followed similar moves in Oakland, Calif., and Portland, Ore.
As pressure mounts in cities across the country to evict Occupy protesters from parks and squares, the movement’s supporters face a decision about what to do next.
After months-long sit-ins that have brought international attention to the movement’s demand for greater economic equality, as well as occasional clashes between demonstrators and police, cities in recent days have moved in force to end the protests.
In New York, squad cars and police in riot gear descended on Zuccotti Park overnight, forcibly removing Occupy supporters who had been there since September. A day earlier, authorities in Oakland, Calif., and Portland, Ore., cleared encampments in those cities. The situation is tense in at least a dozen other U.S. cities.
In some cases, the courts may come to the movement’s rescue. But the writing may already be on the wall. read more…
Posted by Steve Beckow

Occupy movement at a crossroads as evictions spread

Occupy Wall Street protesters were still in Zuccotti Park Wednesday morning, but without their tents after Police removed them during a raid on Tuesday.
In several ways, the Occupy Wall Street movement has gained more momentum and publicity than many had dreamed possible.
Occupy protests have cropped up nationwide, credit unions recently saw a boom in business, and inequality and mounting student debt have made their way into the national conversation.
Now, with local municipal governments’ patience wearing thin, that momentum seems to be slowing. City governments, faced with growing tent cities and reports of health and safety violations, made major moves this week to evict protesters after weeks of tenuously assessing the trajectory of the movement.
Police in Portland, Oregon, made mass arrests in the Occupy Portland camp on Sunday. In Oakland, after last month’s violent raid on Occupy Oakland protesters, police finally cleared the Frank Ogawa plaza early Monday morning. Shortly after, on Tuesday morning, the New York Police Department cleared protesters from the Occupy movement’s origin, Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park.
Is this the beginning of the end for the Occupy movement? Several observers asked this question as the crackdowns began to spread this week. In New York, protesters were allowed back into Zuccotti Park Tuesday evening, but a state Supreme Court ruling upheld the city’s ban on overnight camping. Oakland protesters have largely moved to support the burgeoning movement at UC Berkeley, which faced its own crackdown by university police last week. read more…

Barry Rosen: What’s Next: Occupy Consciousness

2011 November 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

What’s Next: Occupy Consciousness

Barry Rosen, Occupy Oakland.org, November 18, 2011 in Open Mic
Now we, and millions of other Americans, wonder aloud and to our selves — what’s next for the Occupy Movement.  The occupation of public spaces as a tactic for gaining sympathetic attention has, it seems, run its course.  Public opinion is often moved by media outlets fronting for corporate public relations teams, grand-standing political demagogues, and the herd of paid prime-time television operatives.
Risks to popular support (over 50% of Americans now support the “it’s not fair” message of Occupy, twice the number who support the Tea Party), including self-inflicted ones, have been widely discussed and debated — e.g., diversity of tactics vs. non-violence principles is the louder voice in Occupy General Assemblies, mounting public costs for police, fire and sanitation, adverse affects on local business, and public health concerns.
The news updates about Occupy in the popular press over the last few days haven’t been flattering. The negative slant influences café and lunchroom conversations: “why do they have to be so violent?” even though 99% of our Occupiers are not.  By way of contrast, thousands of Americans are cast into the emotional violence of homelessness and despair each week.  Tenting out somewhere is a practical consideration for many of them.  (Why not in the plaza of an international investment bank, or the lawns and courtyards of public institutions that provide passive or active support to the policies that immiserate the many?)
I have confidence that the Occupy communities will transform, from earth-grounded caterpillars to colorful butterflies.  Many, many people are going through some form of transformational process now.  Whether it’s the elders who are either remembering their 60s fire or wondering about Medicare, the family bread-winners who feel the intense pressure of maintaining a safe and secure household, or young people concerned about their futures — we are all questioning the “status quo,” “the way things work around here,”  “who stole my cheese.”
We are engaged in a collective conversation, call it the “Occupy Consciousness” conversation, that asks us to consider what it means to be a responsible American, an awakened human being, and to consider Rabbi Hillel’s words:  “If I am not for myself, then who am I for?  If I am not for others, then who am I?  If not now, when?”
An Occupy Consciousness conversation starts with a fact and a question, no one best question, but a question worthy of our capable minds and courageous hearts.  Here’s an example:
Fact:  Almost 20% of working age, and working-able people (people who want to work) in our country are either unemployed or under-employed.  What responsibility do we want our elected representatives to take (at each level) in helping solve this problem?  What responsibility are we each willing to take?
Fact: CEOs of the largest companies received, on average, $11.4 million in total compensation last year. Overall, CEOs of the 299 companies in the AFL-CIO Executive PayWatch database received a combined total of $3.4 billion in pay in 2010, enough to support 102,325 jobs paying the median wages for all workers.    Average CEO compensation is 343 times worker’s median pay, the widest gap in the world.  Why has that happened?  What should/can be done about it?  What can I/we do to turn the tide of greed?
Asking these questions (and so many others that address the disparities of wealth and opportunity in our society, and the rigged construction of the economic system) at family dinner tables, campus dining rooms, retirement community social halls, church gatherings, in protest gatherings — is a conversation that will fuel the transformation of Occupy into many educational, mobilizing, and action groups – and gird the will of core activists to continue their efforts through the winter chill into an American Spring.
Barry Rosen, Berkeley, CA

Matt Taibbi: My Advice to OWS Protesters

2011 November 27
Posted by Steve Beckow
occupy wall street new york protest matt taibi

My Advice to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters:

Hit bankers where it hurts

By Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, October 12, 2011
Protesters with the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement demonstrate in New York.
I’ve been down to “Occupy Wall Street” twice now, and I love it. The protests building at Liberty Square and spreading over Lower Manhattan are a great thing, the logical answer to the Tea Party and a long-overdue middle finger to the financial elite. The protesters picked the right target and, through their refusal to disband after just one day, the right tactic, showing the public at large that the movement against Wall Street has stamina, resolve and growing popular appeal.
But… there’s a but. And for me this is a deeply personal thing, because this issue of how to combat Wall Street corruption has consumed my life for years now, and it’s hard for me not to see where Occupy Wall Street could be better and more dangerous. I’m guessing, for instance, that the banks were secretly thrilled in the early going of the protests, sure they’d won round one of the messaging war.
Why? Because after a decade of unparalleled thievery and corruption, with tens of millions entering the ranks of the hungry thanks to artificially inflated commodity prices, and millions more displaced from their homes by corruption in the mortgage markets, the headline from the first week of protests against the financial-services sector was an old cop macing a quartet of college girls. read more…

Prometheus Brown: Despite Flaws, OWS Deserves our Participation

2011 November 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

Filipino writer makes the point that the use of the word “occupy” shows the movement has a blindness for the sentiments of people of color, many of whose countries have been occupied by white races. Time for a change of theme?

Despite flaws, OWS deserves our participation

‘Occupy’ protests across the country are promising, though often deaf to the issues facing people of colour.
Prometheus Brown, Al Jazeera, 26 Nov 2011
Oakland ‘Occupy’ protesters launched a general strike in the city on October 25
“Rebellion is a stage in the development of revolution, but it is not revolution. It is an important stage because it represents the ‘standing up’, the assertion of their humanity on the part of the oppressed. Rebellions inform both the oppressed and everybody else that a situation has become intolerable.”
- James & Grace Lee Boggs, Revolution and Evolution in the 20th Century
New York, NY – It’s November 16 at 4.30 AM and I’m sitting at JFK airport waiting to board a flight while the New York Police Department is evicting the Occupy Wall Street encampment at Zuccotti Park. I’ve just completed a 33-city tour with the Blue Scholars, which embarked from Seattle on September 17, and ended here in the nerve centre of capitalism.
It’s a surreal coincidence of timing that the epicentre of this nationwide movement, which was born on the same day our tour started and which we had just visited 24 hours after our last tour date, is now a trash heap of books and tents. As I watch a live video stream of the eviction happening just a train ride away, I’m reflecting on everything I’ve seen and experienced having visited Occupy encampments and mobilisations across the country for the past eight weeks.
When it started, I was captivated by the bold “We are the 99 per cent” slogan and the identification of Wall Street – the literal and symbolic headquarters of the wealthy few – as the centre of this global financial crisis. Have we finally reached a breaking point? Only those completely out of touch with reality would disagree that economic inequality and corporate greed is a problem. Supposedly, I’m one of the more “successful” independent musicians in Seattle and I’m currently fighting a home foreclosure, don’t have my own healthcare plan, and am still paying back loans on a college education I’ve never completed. Whatever my struggles and privileges: I, too, am the 99 per cent.
In-depth coverage of the global movement
On the other hand, I’ve been organising for more than a third of my life now, and have come to embrace the protracted work of building up and educating your community rather than participating in short-lived postmodern rebellions and emotion-fuelled internet rah rah - which Occupy Wall Street, a proudly “leaderless” movement, initially appeared to me to be. I’ve seen too many “celebrities” opportunistically latch themselves onto causes like a new fashion trend, which is better than nothing, I guess. But I’ve witnessed so much sloganeering without substance that I initially restrained myself from speaking on the movement as people began asking what I thought of it.
Furthermore, it was clear to me that the people who started the ‘Occupy’ protests probably didn’t look like me and probably didn’t consider my or my community’s issues. Otherwise they wouldn’t have named this movement with a word we historically (and presently) colonised people aren’t too fond of. The absence of colour and abundance of pale bare feet at Occupy Seattle and Occupy Portland confirmed this for me, and I left the Northwest on tour feeling conflicted about this whole OWS thing. But as Mao said, “No investigation, no right to speak”, and I couldn’t bring myself to either throw my support blindly or become overly critical without taking the opportunity to see this movement unfold as we travelled from city to city.
That uneasy feeling began to change after our stop in the San Francisco Bay Area. On October 11, I participated in direct action led by a coalition of people of colour-led organisations, with women at the forefront. It was good to see my folks from Bayan-USA in full force among the crowd at 8 AM, linking our struggle for democracy in the Philippines with this one. Writer and activist Naomi Klein came and spoke in support, declaring that “this is just the beginning”, as a human chain successfully shut down Wells Fargo for the day.
Across the Bay, we stopped through Occupy Oakland, where the encampment at Oscar Grant Plaza was crackin’. Folks were barbecuing and the conversations were animated. This 99 per cent was better represented demographically and was far more organised than other sites, likely owing to the East Bay’s longstanding militant past (Black Panthers, University of California student strikes) and recent history (Oscar Grant). I wasn’t surprised to hear that the removal of the camp a week after we had visited led to a confrontation with police and a re-occupation of the park, which catalysed into a general strike on October 25.
So, along with my Los Angeles-based tourmate Bambu (who made this video in the back of our tour van), we left the West Coast with renewed vigour. ‘Occupy’ encampments in Albuquerque, Denver, and Boulder were all comprised mostly of students. Throughout the western interior of the US, we ran into throngs of middle-class white people at each site who were all inspired by the previous week’s events in Oakland. They were well-meaning and friendly, but as the tour continued, I couldn’t help but feel underwhelmed, especially after seeing what it looked like in California.
Occupy Portland [Geo Quibuyen/Al Jazeera]
We attended Occupy Boise’s general assembly on October 26, and heard that a one-tent encampment had been shut down when the lone protester was arrested. At Occupy Salt Lake City’s encampment of 80 tents, we saw drama unfold among campers over dogs sullying other people’s tents. Occupy Minneapolis was a ghost town – a stack of signs and unhitched tents with zero people. Nobody nearby could explain to us what had happened, though a helicopter ominously flew directly overhead.
Understandably, many of these cities had only been organising ‘Occupy’ sites and mobilisations for no more than one to three weeks. Whatever it is we were witnessing was clearly still in its infancy. Many conversations revolving around the movement’s goals and next strategic steps often led nowhere, centring mostly around holding down and expanding the encampments in the face of threats from city officials and local police. But the mere fact that this thing was happening was an accomplishment in itself. I was asked by a sceptic who attended one of our shows, “What is ‘Occupy’ accomplishing?” to which I responded, it at least ensured that the conversation is about our economic future rather than some video we saw on World Star Hip Hop.
I was surprised to find that Chicago, the third largest city in the US, had no permanent encampment, but instead had daily rallies in the financial district. We were greeted on November 5 by a boisterous crowd of a few hundred, many of whom were sporting those ubiquitous Guy Fawkes masks. Brett, a friend of mine who moved to Chicago from Seattle, hipped me to offshoots of the Occupy movement – folks who identify with the “99 per cent” but critical of the movement’s overbearing whiteness, who were pushing a “Decolonise” line in support of indigenous and peoples of colour’s issues.
Even where ‘Occupy’ had a sizeable presence, it wasn’t all good all the time. In nearly all the bigger cities, I had conversations with protesters of colour who all shared experiences of racism within the OWS movement. To combat marginalisation, people of colour working groups had been formed within general assemblies in Seattle, Oakland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York had met with resistance from white protesters who couldn’t come to terms with the creation of this space and accused them of being “divisive”. In some cases, people of colour were beefing with each other. In New York, I heard stories of old Jewish protesters butting heads with young pro-Palestinian protesters. Some people talked of focusing OWS’ energy on more participation in electoral politics, others for a straight-up revolution.

It would be easy to dismiss these incidents as a potentially crippling disunity. On the contrary, I see it as a movement’s growing pains, as people who previously had little meaningful interactions with one another are forced to hash out their differences en route to realising their similarities. This can only happen if we’re actually talking with each other. Every city also had its share of typical passive-aggressive armchair activists or old-guard leftists, who dismissed the movement as a passing fad. Many of them had valid criticisms of OWS but had not spent one minute actually interacting with any protesters, nor had any interest in participating to change these conditions.
The thing is, when a sleeping giant awakes, it’s going to mumble inarticulately. It’ll still be letting go of the dreams it had while it was asleep. It’ll probably need a good shower. The “99 per cent” might not yet resemble the actual 99 per cent, but I’ve come to realise that such a transformation doesn’t happen without participation. Lastly, this whole Occupy thing isn’t a new phenomenon. It might have taken a new form, but let’s not forget that as long as classes have existed, there have been those who have dedicated their lives to organising around economic justice even before the news cameras started being pointed in their direction. In the words of a black protester at OWS, “We’ve already been occupying this s***”.
By the time we reached New York for our final show of the tour on November 11, we had visited Occupy sites in 16 cities, each one completely different from another. Zuccotti Park seemed like a mashup of all these cities all at once, encompassing all the dopeness and the wackness of all the sites previously visited. There was a long line of folks waiting to get grub at the People’s Kitchen, some of them arguing, while others reminded them to keep the peace. White anarchists walked around with laptops streaming live videos and yelling obscenities at the cops who patrolled silently. There were people gathered around a tree, meditating. Someone was passing out informational flyers while peddling their mixtape. Whatever snark I carried with me in the middle of this long tour suddenly dissipated.
Naomi Klein speaks at Occupy San Francisco [Geo Quibuyen/Al Jazeera]
A day after that visit, it was all gone. Our tour had ended, and so had the first occupation.
So, the same question I carried on this eight-week tour remains: What is to be done? Dorli Rainey, the 84-year-old woman who was pepper-sprayed at Occupy Seattle by the Seattle Police Department referenced an old feminist slogan in her public statement: “Screw us and we multiply”.
And with the coordinated efforts of city officials to screw the ‘Occupy’ movement, a multiplicity has been born. Zuccotti may have fallen, but before I left New York, I heard of ‘Occupy’ assemblies in Harlem, Queens and Brooklyn. When we started this tour, there was one ‘Occupy’ site. Now, it’s in over a hundred cities and counting, with many college campuses joining. Everywhere, police are using violence to shut down sites under the guise of some law that says camping out overnight in public is against the law. Which is funny, ’cause I’ve never seen any police shut down a line of people camping out to buy the newest pair of Air Jordans.
As winter approaches and sites get shut down, strategies are shifting, too. Occupy The Hood, which supports OWS, centres around working-class communities of colour with different strategies that better fit those community’s conditions. In New York, Oakland and elsewhere, organisers have begun employing the strategy of occupying foreclosed buildings and homes. If that picks up steam, you can guarantee there will not be a police presence big enough to stop it.
Touring the US for the past seven years, even before the emergence of OWS, has served to remind me that this country is economically screwed, and it’s getting worse with each tour. Over the past eight weeks, I’ve become convinced that the ‘Occupy’ movement is the early rebellion stage of something potentially bigger, and, despite its shortcomings, deserves our attention and, even more, our participation. It is a privilege to still be travelling and performing in 2011 at a level that sustains me financially, but I know that this can all go way real fast.
And if it does, I just hope my tent is next to Bambu’s.
Prometheus Brown (Geo Quibuyen) is the emcee half of Seattle-based rap duo Blue Scholars. You can follow Geo’s blog here and follow him on Twitter @prometheusbrown.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial policy.

Douglas Rushkoff: Think Occupy Wall St. is a Phase? You Don’t Get It (Repost)

2011 November 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don’t get it

By Douglas Rushkoff, Special to CNN, October 5, 2011
A protester holds a sign at the Occupy Wall Street protest last weekend
A protester holds a sign at the Occupy Wall Street protest last weekend
  • Douglas Rushkoff says traditional media condescends to Occupy Wall Street movement
  • He says that’s because its 21st-century, net-driven narrative doesn’t fit old media model
  • He says protest not about end-point, it’s about a new discourse on variety of complaints
  • Rushkoff: Protest may be unwieldy, but aims to correct disconnects in U.S.
(CNN) — Like the spokesmen for Arab dictators feigning bewilderment over protesters’ demands, mainstream television news reporters finally training their attention on the growing Occupy Wall Street protest movement seem determined to cast it as the random, silly blather of an ungrateful and lazy generation of weirdos. They couldn’t be more wrong and, as time will tell, may eventually be forced to accept the inevitability of their own obsolescence. read more…

Thom Hartmann and Sarah van Gelder: How Will Occupy Evolve?

2011 November 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

How Will Occupy Evolve?

Yes Magazine, Nov. 22, 2011
What’s next for the Occupy movement?
With winter coming and protesters being evicted from Occupy encampments, many people are asking what will happen next.Thom Hartmann interviews Sarah van Gelder about the new book This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement, the significance of the Occupy movement, how it has changed the conversation, and what it could mean for the future.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise: What’s Next for the Occupy Movement?

2011 November 27
Posted by Steve Beckow

And now for the view from the conservative side of life.

What’s Next for the Occupy Movement?

November 23, 2011
Editorial by the Adirondack Daily Enterprise: Publisher Catherine Moore, Managing Editor Peter Crowley
The Occupy movement has clearly made its point to the world; that much of its mission is accomplished. But the protests seem never-ending, and that indicates the participants don’t know what else to do. And that raises doubts about whether they will change the course of the nation.
The protests have dragged on to the point where they seem more against city governments than against their intended targets: millionaires and the politicians who cater to them. The American public, like the First Amendment, generally supports “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” But squatting in parks and battling police are unnecessary, unsavory and confuse the public about the movement’s aim: Anarchy or democracy? Reform or revolution?
Similar dynamics happened with the anti-globalization protests of the late 1990s – for example, the 1999 “Battle of Seattle” – and the Vietnam War protests of the late ’60s and early ’70s. Activists lost the moral high ground through overindulgence in hippie or punk lifestyles, unlike the disciplined, dignified civil rights protests of the ’50s and ’60s. read more…
Copyright 2011 Steve Beckow

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