Anonymous will not sit idle while BREIN removes parts of our interwebz. Undock your battle ships! Sailing these shallow Dutch seas we will hit this enemy vessel under its waterline. They should have expected us:
xxx wrong TLD xxx
***right TLD***
Stichting BREIN
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Prefer to kill them from within? BREIN is hiring Front End Web Software developer. Also, ICT Consultant:
BREIN itself caught up in a huge copyright scandal in the Netherlands. Y U no PAY artists you represent?
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
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~ Ben Franklin
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~ Mahatma Gandhi
PS. **[READNFO]** #Anonymous #Wrong #DATA
Anonymous !! Dutch ISPs to block The Pirate Bay
Ziggo and Xs4all to block The Pirate Bay. That the court in The Hague decided in main proceedings by Stichting Brein was filed. An earlier interim order on the same matter was still Brein lost.

Within ten days, the two providers access to The Pirate Bay, by the court in the Netherlands has been banned , have blocked. These three IP addresses, domain names and 24, including “, but also ‘’ and ‘ The latter domain was Belgian TPB users registered to a blockade to prevent dns.
Brain addition, the new providers deliver IP addresses and domain names that would lead to The Pirate Bay. Ziggo and Xs4all must then within 24 hours block. Moreover, Stichting Brein be held liable if the incorrect IP addresses and domain names provide.
If the provider does not comply with the verdict, they have a fine of 10,000 euros per day to a maximum of 250,000 euros to pay Stichting Brein. Addition, Ziggo and Xs4all legal expenses Brain has made around 2200 euros compensation.
The court has proven that Ziggo and XS4ALL subscribers use The Pirate Bay, and thereby infringe copyright. The court accepts the evidence of the Brain. Based on samples Stichting Brein has held. The court there can be concluded that 30 percent of Ziggo subscribers and 4.5 percent of the XS4ALL subscribers exchanging illegal material via the Pirate Bay.
Other ways to tackle the Pirate Bay, as the prosecution of the administrators and hosting providers of torrent site, according to the court ineffective. Another alternative, the prosecution of individual downloaders, the court met other than a blockade of the torrent site.
Attorney John Allen Xs4all calls the ruling a reaction against “surprising and disappointing.” Whether the appeal to ISPs is unclear. If they do, they still have to block The Pirate Bay: the verdict is enforceable. Tim Kuik of BREIN Foundation called the ruling “appropriate”. “This verdict need you like foreign sites, despite a ruling by the judge to continue with illegal activities.”
Ziggo and Xs4all have always fought a blockade. This is according to the providers adverse practical consequences, because the infrastructure had not been designed to blockage of IP addresses and domain names to take effect. There are also moral objections to a blockade, performed XS4ALL-lawyer Milica Antic on during the trial, it would run counter to human rights and the right of free access to the Internet. In addition, Ziggo and commercial Xs4all disadvantaged by a blockade, because their services would be worth less compared to competitors who do not handle the blockade.
According to Stichting Brein are Internet service providers, however the appropriate party to take action against copyright infringement. The providers would also have a responsibility as part of their customers would visit the Pirate Bay and thus would infringe copyright.
Brain and Ziggo layers since April 2010 at loggerheads with each other, because Ziggo refused to block The Pirate Bay, even after the site was requisitioned by the Dutch court for his activities cease . Xs4all at Ziggo has joined together and won the providers in mid-2010 an injunction which required the Brain ISPs access The Pirate Bay close. Then began a Brain merits.
Monday is his rulings , the Finnish court in a similar case that operator Elisa domain names and IP addresses to block The Pirate Bay. The European Court ruled that ISPs just the internet traffic of their customers do not need to filter out copyright infringement. The Belgian copyright watchdog SABAM Scarlet demanded that the last customer of the Internet content would inspect copyright infringement, but that was the highest European court go too far.
EU ruling on case Scarlet Extended SA v Société belge des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs SCRL (SABAM).
Verdict LJN: BV0549, District Court The Hague, 374634 / HA ZA 10-3184
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@AnonymousIRC#Anonymous against censorship in netherlands:#OperationPayback continues. join.
After censorship in Belgium and more recently in Finland, Dutch anti-piracy lobby can impose censorship to dutch ISP’s to censor domains and IP’s of The Pirate Bay. BREIN gets to pick even the IP’s it wants to see censored.

BREIN itself caught up in a huge copyright scandal in the Netherlands. Y U no PAY artists you represent?
List with all names and addresses of BREIN board-members [real]
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