Anonymous Press Release – Operation Nigeria II
Greetings world,
Anonymous has heard the cry of the downtrodden and freedom seeking people of Nigeria. The recent cutting of the fuel subsidies by the Goodluck regime is the last straw. The fuel subsidies were the last way in which the people could in anyway share in the staggering wealth generated by the Big Oil companies. Nigeria is one of the largest producers of crude oil, and yet the Nigerian people have neither electricity nor affordable fuel – and live in grinding poverty. And so beginning tomorrow the great and noble people of Nigeria will take their place in the Transnational Global Cyber Insurgency and rise up in what many there are calling “Occupy Nigeria”. Their goal is no different than the rest of the Occupy Movement, to remove the regime of greed and restore economic justice to the people.
Anonymous has joined together with our brothers and sisters in the Peoples Liberation Front and the Naija Cyber Hactivists of Nigeria, and we will defend and support the Occupy Nigeria protests with all of our ample resources. Beginning tomorrow when the protesters hit the streets by the thousands, Anonymous and our allies will attack the interwebz of the Nigerian government. And we will continue a relentless and devastating assault upon the web assets of the Nigerian government until all the demands of the protesters there are met.
The media are encouraged to follow the following Twitter hashtags for updates both from the protests on the ground and from the cyber front: @YourAnonNews @PLF2012 @NaijaCyberHack
Nigerian protesters, and all those who want to help are encouraged to visit the following web sites for information and other resources –
You can also join #OpNigeria to assist in the cyber operation.
We Are Anonymous – We Are Everywhere – We Are Legion – We Never Forget – We Never Forgive
President Goodluck Jonathan……..EXPECT US !
SIGNED — Anonymous

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